Ch. 4 The joys of being the new girl.

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The sound of birds chirping rang in my ears. I wake up in a room I have never been in before. When I look around everything looks so clear and amazing, I looked down to see I am laying in a hospital bed. I could see towels covered in blood, and needles laying on a metal stand. There are people in the next room, I could here them talking about me, I heard someone mutter my name.

When I arise from the table, I was already at the door. I am completely shocked on my abnormally fast speed. My hand moves over to the knob of the door, while debating on whether I should open the door or not. When I heard someone say 'shes up' I thought it be best to open the door. I turned the knob and opened the door, well basically tore door of the hinges. There stand Dr. Cullen, beside him must be his family. They all looked at me smiling, except one. The bronze hair man came over to my side quickly and looked down at me with loving eyes. I had now clue who he was but it felt right when he put his hand around my waist.

"I'm so happy, I don't want to eat you now!" the girl with the pixie cut squealed as she gave me a hug.

I looked up at the guy who was still by my side, he looked down at me laughing. Was that suppose to be funny? I don't understand how that was suppose to be a joke.

"Now Edward, share Amelia shes my lil' sis now, ain't that right sis??" the big beast of a man questions me.

Everyone laughed at the big beast and Edward, I think his name is, tightened his grip on my waist.

Doctor Carlisle finally decides to speak up.

"Welcome to the family Amelia Cullen."


Hold me down by Halsey blasted through out my room. I threw my alarm across the room using just a wave of my hand. I roll out of bed and went to the bathroom to get ready for my first day of Forks High school, aka Hell.I should be nervous and worried about making the right impression but that's not whats focused on my mind at the moment. All I keep thinking about, is that dream I had last night. That bronze hair man has been haunting my dreams for the past three months. All of my dreams seem to make me believe he is the love of my life, all besides one dream I had two weeks ago.

Pushing the mysterious man out of my thoughts I quickly get dressed for school. I fish tail my hair, as I am to lazy to straighten the frizzy mess I call my hair. I slip on a gray tank top and then an Aztec patterned blouse. A black belt, floral skit, and brown healed boots finish off my outfit of choice. I brush on some mascara and dab on some nude lipstick. Before I leave the room, I grab a striped jacket and slip it on.

My fathers have been very nervous about me starting a new high school in the middle of my senior year. Since I didn't make any friends at my old school they think it will be a total loss for hoping I would gain friends in this school. I don't mind not having friends, it means I wouldn't have to worry about keeping my powers a secret. Its hard enough keeping it from Cameron and Mitchell, I don't need anyone else to bump up my stress level.

"Well don't you look lovely." Cameron tells me with a small smile, trying to hide the worry in his eyes.

"Thanks." I mutter while garbing a piece of bacon from Mitchell's plate.

Their thoughts make me feel extremely guilty. Cameron seems to think I will never have a normal life because I will never make friends. While Mitchell seems to think I don't make friends because I am ashamed of having two dads. I could always attempt to make friends for them, but I could be selfish and just continue on with the way my life has been going. Could I really do that? Yes, I think I can.

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