Ch. 9 My interview with my vampire

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Vampires. Pale creatures who live in coffins, sleep all day, and drink blood. Those are the things I picture when I think of the word Vampire, not this beautiful doctor who is stitching up my bloody finger. All these thoughts are running through my mind as I focus on anything other than the intense gaze of Edward's golden eyes. How do they not burn to ask in the sun? Why is Carlisle not draining my blood instead of fixing me up? And why the hell would someone go back to high school if you live forever?!

"All fixed up." Carlisle states while cleaning up the bloody mess.

My eyes stay frozen on him, confusion feels my mind on how calm and collective he is.

"Now I'm pretty sure you have some questions about everything that just happened-" Carlisle started in before I cut him off.

"You guys are vampires." I say making Edward tense up and Carlisle slightly nod his head, proving my statement was indeed true.

The room filled with awkward silence and everyone seemed to not know what to say next. Gosh for them being vampires you'd figure they'd be a little bit more comfortable in this situation than I.

"So why am I not being served as a meal right now?" I ask which causes everyone to slightly loosen up. A loud chuckle can be heard behind the door which I could only assume is Emmett.

"How about Edward explains everything to you." Carlisle tells me with a slight smile on his face as he slips through the door.

Edward's golden eyes widened with shock as we are left in the room together. His eyes screamed that he was nervous but his body kept perfect composure. Geeze, loosen up Eddie boy.

"Have you ever read Interview with a vampire by Anne Rice?" I ask which causes Edward's eyebrows to scrunch up in confusion but he nods his head yes.

"Well that's one of my favorite books, I was wondering, If I could have an interview with my vampire?"

He chuckled and just simply nodded his head yes again.

"Okay Mr. Cullen, what do you drink?"

"Blood, but not from humans, we are all, I guess you could say, vegetarians. We drink the blood from animals."

I couldn't help but chuckle when he said vegetarians. Making me remember the time when Alice shouted they were vegetarians and now everything about the situation made sense.

"How old are you?"

"107 years young"

Wow, I have a crush on an old man.. I want to look that good when I get that old.

"Has your name always been Edward Cullen?"

"No, My full name is Edward Anthony Masen Jr. Cullen."

He stares at me with amusement playing in his eyes. I rub my chin like I have a beard, trying to think of more questions to ask him. Then one obvious one popped in my head.

"How are you allowed to come out during the day, aren't you guys suppose to explode or burn to ashes?" I question him.

A deep chuckle came from the door making me jump. Everyone else must be listing in on our conversation. Edward rolled his eyes at this and quickly made his way to the window. He looks back at me as saying he wants me to follow him. He cant be serious, was he trying to say we should jump out of the window for privacy?! He shook his head playfully at my shocked face and came to pick me up in fireman's hold. 

"Oh no, come one Eddy, lets not jump out the window, We will die!" I yell while hitting his back. "I literally just survived being attacked from a vampire, I don't want to die from jumping out a window!"

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