Ch. 10 Smells like dogs

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"I love you!" a low voice shouted at me as I ran through on the beach.

I seemed to be having fun as I was laughing and looking back waiting for someone to catch me. The sand of the beach squished through the cracks of my toes as I ran down the beach.

"Damn Amelia, are you sure you aren't part dog?" A tan man shouted from the other edge of the beach with a big group of people laughing at the scene before them.

Soon I felt two big arms wrap around my waist. Warm breath was felt on my neck which made the tiny hairs on my neck stand.

"I think your to adorable for being part dog." The low deep voice from earlier whispered in my ear while his big warm arms wrap around my waist.

"I think I'm more of a cat person." I slyly say as I turn face to face with the walking heating pad.

Jacob Black. Jacob Black gave me a loving kiss.

I woke up covered in sweat. My eyes searched my environment, nothing in this room looks familiar at all. The smell of wet dog is stuck in the air. The only light is from a window that's being hit by the rain. I suddenly hear a group of deep voices coming from beyond the door.

My head is still trying to process the strange dream I had of a guy I barley met when he picked Bella up from school. Ever since I moved here my dreams have been coming more frequently and all have been coming true. I'm not sure I could believe kissing Jacob Black though. Mostly because the first and last time I saw him, he couldn't even look at me.

"Vampire girl is awake." I hear a girl scoff outside the door.

Vampire girl? Is the name because I hang out with the Cullens? How do they know they are vampires? I shake the thoughts out of my head is a slowly open the faded wood door. The smell of muffins hit by face and the sound of boys laughter fills my ears.

I steadily walk down the while, on guard for something or someone to jump out at me. As soon as I turned the corner I was face to face with a tanner version of Emmett. He looked at me with confusion but you could tell by the muscles tightening on his face that he was on guard around me.

"Jacob, your damsel in distress is awake!" The man yelled back into the room he came out of.

"Don't be rude Paul, show her around!" A girl shouts back.

Paul grunts but nods his head to follow him as he heads back to the room he came from. Once I finally got further into the room, the smell of muffins grew stronger and I notice a big group of boys and one girl standing by a counter eating the delicious smelling muffins.

"You must be Amelia." A voice said from behind me.

I turned around to notice a beautiful woman with warrior like scares all down her face. I made sure not to stare for long because I didn't want to be rude.

"Yes," I stumble out while twiddling my fingers, "I'm sorry but where am I?"

"Your at my house, Jacob Black brought you here when he found you asleep in the woods, I'm Emily Young, the big guy over there is Sam Uley, my fiancé."

My eyes quickly glance over to the kitchen to see another big man standing by the fridge carefully watching the situation take place. I nod my head has saying hello without trying to speak as my voice would probably come out shaky. I look back to the counter and my eyes lock with Jacob Black. The same weird electronic feeling I have when I'm around Edward went through my body but this one was a lot calmer.

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