Ch.13 Heaven Or Hell

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Rain hits my face has I softly open my eyes. I feel stuck. I've never felt like this before. As I look around I notice I'm swaddled in a raggedy tan blanket. My brain felt fuzzy, like I've lived this moment before. I tried to make myself form at least one word but nothing came out. My hand was finally set free from the rough material of the blanket and I noticed, I was a baby.

"She's not safe with us." A young women spoke somewhere around me. Her voice is full of panic.

"Lena is our daughter, I won't abandon her." A scratchy voice of a man spoke.

Lena, I've heard that name somewhere before. Is my name actually Lena?

"If they find us we are dead Gabriel, and if the find her they will turn her into a weapon." The women spoke, more harsher than the last time.

My tiny body shivered from the cold of the fat rain drops falling down. Everything was dark and I tried to move around to see where I was or who was talking, I have never felt this helpless and now I understand why babies cry.

"So that's it, we just throw her to the humans and just let her pretend she's normal?" The man said in return, "You know her powers are still there, they won't go away just because she will be with the humans."

Thunder cracked over the steady silence. My mind is running with so many questions. Are they my parents. Am I Lena? Who is after us? Why can't I just say a word to make them look at me!

"We have been running for 9 months, they almost caught us last time, don't you remember?" They women cried out, "Being around humans is the best bet for her, she will hide her powers, and when it's time we will meet again."

A soft hand caressed my face as I was being lifted out of a woven basket.

"I will see you again, my Lena." The man speaks, kissing me on top of the head, finally letting me see his Golden eyes.


The dream I had last night night keeps replaying over and over in my mind. Usually my dreams are about something that hasn't happened to me yet, never about anything I have lived before. At least I thought it was me. I'm just not sure what is going on in my life anymore.

"Amelia, are you okay?" Papa Cam asked me with a concerned look in his eyes.

"You haven't touched your breakfast." Mitchell chimes in.

The past month I haven't felt like myself. Weird things have been happening to me. Like someone pushed my self destruct button and I'm about to explode.

My powers seem to be growing stronger everyday, the Cullens make sure to avoid me like the plague, and Jacob somehow convinced me to be his girlfriend. There has been strange things happening in the area. Jacob has been on watchdog duty and he won't tell me what for. I just wish sometimes that we never moved to Forks.

"I'm fine dads." I say making the most realistic fake smile you have ever seen, "Jacob and I just ate a lot of food last night, still kind of full."

Cam's eyes shine with happinesses. He loves Jacob. I'm pretty sure Cam has a small crush.

"Maybe you should do other things besides hang out with Jacob all the time." Mitchell tells me while sipping his tea.

Mitchell on the other hand would like it very much if Jacob just went away. Far away.

"Whatever happened the Cullens son, what his name again, oh Edward."

My eyes voluntarily roll themselves at Mitchell's comment.

"And that's my cue to leave." I tell them both as I get up to kiss their cheeks. "I'm going to the diner to meet up with Jacob and then we are going to the beach."

Mitchell mimics my eye roll and Cam beamed with happiness, while slightly nudging Papa Mitchell to do the same.

"Tell hunky Jacob we said hi!" Cam shouts out while I quickly grab my keys off the hook and dash for the garage.


The diner was empty as it usually is. A couple old men sit on stools at the counter talking about a fishing trip they have planned later today. The middle aged waitress wipes off a booth, looking worn out and drained. I look back to the corner of the diner and notice a man in a nice suit finishing up his food while looking at a folder full of documents.

I grab a table by a window as I patiently wait for Jacob. I admire the vintage signs and logos on the walls and start to feel home sick of my big city life. My mind starts to wonder from boredom. Everyone's thoughts in the room start rushing through my mind.

The waitress is desperately hoping to save enough money to finally leave this town, the two old man are thinking of lost loves and about how they wish they had more time. Then my whole body froze when the man in the fancy suit's thoughts came rushing through my head.

'I know you can here me, Lena.'

My eyes shot over to the man who was already looking right back at me. I examined his face and he looked so familiar but I couldn't remember on where I saw him before. That's until I looked into his eyes. The same golden eyes I saw in my dream last nights.

"It's you." I mutter out in shock.

A small smile played on his lips. His eyes looked as if they were filling up with tears. He gets up from his chair and starts to walk over to where I am before Jacob made me jump from my seat from fear.

"Amelia! Ready to go hang out with the guys!" Jacob said while picking me up and twirling me around in a big bear hug.

My eyes glance back and notice that the mysterious man is gone. My heart drops while I quickly look around the diner to try to spot him but no such luck.

"Hey, are you okay?" Jacob asked while looking in my eyes with concern.

All i could muster was a small smile and a nod before grabbing his hand and head out the door.

As Jacob and I climb on his bike, I finally notice the man standing at the edge of the building with a cigarette in his hand, his face full of concern.

'I finally found you, my daughter.'


Sorry it's been forever but I thought this would be a filler chapter before I work on the big one this weekend! Thank you all for reading! I can't believe how many people I see that are just still reading this when i started this book a year ago! Thank you everyone!

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