Ch. 19 Paris Fucking France

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The devil must have created the whole wedding situation because I am in absolute hell. Hell was deciding what flowers would be the perfect shade of pink or what kind of table setting would fit well with the chairs. Supposedly hydrangeas or Eucalyptus.

Ever since Cam and Mitchell found out I said yes to Jacob they have been in nonstop wedding planning mode. At this point, I am pretty sure this wedding is more for them than for me. But that is something I think I'm willing to give them because of the impending doom.

Jacob has been over mostly every day since I said yes to his proposal. It's been nice having his company, plus he saves me from having to answer all the questions about the wedding.  He hates this stuff as much as I do but I think he is saving me from having some of my final days deciding what shade of white I want for my table runners.

When I suggested we go to the courthouse and just elope, Papa Cam almost had a heart attack. He said and I quote:

"My only daughter will not have the most special day of her life be in a small town courthouse followed by a lunch at a dinner!"

I found it funny that he was saying this is going to be the most important day of my life when my life is coming to an abrupt end. I guess that doesn't leave much time for more than one special day. Isn't that great?

"Amelia, you have a visitor!" Papa Cam yelled downstairs.

Visitor? The only person that visits anymore is Jacob and he comes straight to my room. The only people that try to visit me are my Biological parents and Cam and Mitch know not to let them in.

I swear if this has something else to do with this wedding I am going to strangle myself with the stupid baby's breath that Papa Cam said would look beautiful in the pictures.

As soon as I started to descend the staircase I heard a laugh that I haven't heard in a while.

"Alice?" I say shocked while the little pixie vampire stood at the bottom of my staircase talking to my dads.

She hasn't changed. But why is that shocking? Vampires are perfect. They don't change unless they want to. But it seems like the only things they like to change are their feelings about people.

"Oh, Amelia!" Alice shouts with glee while running up to hug me.

She caught me off guard that I lost my footing and almost fell but of course, with her vampire reflex I was saved.

Her cold skin was actually nice to feel. It made me think of him and no matter how much I try to hate him for leaving I miss him terribly. I wish these vampires would stop giving me mixed feelings and just stick to their original thoughts.

"What are you doing here?" I ask while she finally lets go of what seems like a forever hug.

"We are going dress shopping!"

My internal groan must have come out externally because Alice gave me her pout face she does when she wants to get her way.

"Please just me do this with you, since you aren't having a registry where I can buy you a gift at least I could buy your dress for your special day."

There it is again. My special day. What day is going to be special is the day this tumor puts me out of my misery.

"Well, I thought that making a registry of plates and household items would be useless seeing as I won't be around to use any of them."

I am pretty sure you could hear crickets chirping at this point. Tough crowd.

"Ah so still don't find my death jokes amusing looks like I only have a couple of weeks to change that," I say with another chuckle which was returned with another round of air-tight silence.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2023 ⏰

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