Ch. 16 Never enough

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Do you know the Devil, Luicifer himeself was a fallen angel. At least that's what's written in the Bible. He was expelled from Heaven because he wanted to be above god or something like that. Now I never thought of myself as power hungry so why am I classified as the same thing has the ruler of the underworld.

"Why are you even here?" Mitchels voice spoke from behind the hospital curtain.

You see after I passed out after kissing Edward, I guess Edward must have made a loud noise so that way my dads can see that I was unconscious rather than fessing up he jumped two stories and jumped in my window. I guess my biological parents seemed to have followed us to the hospital because they have been fighting since the minute we arrived.

"If you guys are going to fight can you please just go somewhere else." I speak up, annoyed about the whole situation.

The curtain swings open revealing my dads and my birth parents. They all have concern written all over their face. I remember when all I wanted was parents when I was back at the orphanage, now I would kill to not have any.

"How are you feeling, are you okay?" Papa Cam said while rushing over to my bed side.

"Well I would be if I could get some sleep around here." I tell him while rolling my eyes.

At the amount of eye rolls I have been doing lately I'm pretty my eyes are actually going to be stuck in a permanent eye roll.

"We were all so worried about you, Lena." My mother told me while starting to walk over to me.

"My name is Amelia." I shoot her a glare, basically telling her to back off.

If the situation wasn't awkward enough here comes Dr. Cullen to make matters worse. Three angels, a vampire and two gay men in one room, that would make a million boomers go into a rage and want to talk to a manager.

"Is she okay Dr. Cullen?" Mitchell asked him with fear in his voice. I pass out once and all of a sudden I'm dying.

"Is it okay if I talk about your health in front of everyone in this room, Amelia?" Dr. Cullen questions with sincerity in his eyes.

"Can you just make everyone leave!" I shout out whiteout even thinking about my dads feelings.

Everyone looked at me with concern but bowed their heads while they walked out of the wooden hospital door. I couldn't stand them all looking at me with concern and love. All I wanted when I was a child was to be loved and to have a family but now all I want is to be alone. I can give myself enough love to not need it from someone in return.

"So what's the news doc, am I dying?" I question him jokingly as I reposition myself in the uncomfortable hospital bed.

Dr. Cullen stayed silent as he just observed me with worrisome eyes. I instantly had a feeling of anxiety wash over my body.

"Ms. Duchannes, I got the results from you CT, we noticed a large mass on your brain."

Well, well, well. How the turntables.

"So are you saying I have tumor on my brain?" I ask him in the most monotone voice that even Severus Snape would be proud of.

"We would like to run some more test but I've seen this more than a million times, and it doesn't look promising." Dr. Cullen tells me while sitting down in the chair next to my bed.

I couldn't help but chuckle when he said he has seen this more than a million times because him living for more than 500 years I wouldn't be surprised if he has seen the Black Plague.

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