Ch.15 Family

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Adoption is weird, right? I mean these random people who have no idea, just pick you and say hey come be my kid, and then you all off to the regular world of being a family. It's all fun and games until you get a random visit from your biological parents. Does this process seem healthy to anyone, I mean really?

"Amelia, will you please come out?" Mitchell asks for the millionth time as I am stuck frozen on my bed.

My voice is on retirement because it can't seem to form the words I want to say. I want to scream, yell at this woman who came into my home with my loving dads and tried to insert herself back into my life. I want to tell my dads they have nothing to be worried about because I don't have any feelings for this traitors monster. But here I am, frozen.

"Maybe I can try to talk to her." A women's muffled voice spoke from the other side of the white oak door.

"I think you've said enough." Mitchell's voice spoke up, anger played in his tone.

Quite. That's all I heard. After some scuffle sounds of feet I was finally allowed to be in peace. A thousand thoughts lingered on my mind. First the visions I've never had before, then the man shows up and then this woman has enough courage to show up at my house and talk to me? I don't even understand.

"Are you okay?" A voice broke me out of my thoughts as I jumped off my bed and fell onto my fuzzy rug on the floor.

Edward. Edward was in my room. He stood there by my open window looking at me with sincere eyes.

"Oh great, what's up with people, who left me ,all trying to come back in my lives today?" I question as I stand back up.

My arms folded over my chest as I glare at everything but him. Fear that if I look into his eyes that my heart would explode from the strong connection I have with him.

"I just thought I would check in, your father-" Edward spoke up with worry before I rudely interrupted him.

"That man is not my father." I spit out at him, "Those amazing, loving, caring men downstairs are my fathers."

Edward didn't say anything more. He just sat down at the edge of my bed and just looked at me, as if he was studying everything about me.

"What are you staring at, tinkerbell?" I ask him while throwing one of my throw pillows at him.

"I know I haven't been here, Amelia but-"  Edward started again before I released everything that has been bottled up inside.

"Oh no, oh hell no! Edward you don't get to pretend that you care for me! The only person you care for is Bella! You made it clear that you wanted nothing to do with me, so please clarify this for me, what the hell are you here!" I yell at him in one breath.

My eyes finally drifted up on to his and I finally lost it. Tears fell out of my golden eyes and onto my pale cheeks. How could I hate a person so much and no so little about have such a big affect on me? Edward seems to be like gravity and I'm a parachuter with out a parachute.

"Your father-" Edward started to speak up before I shot him a glare, "I mean Gabriel told us to stay away from you, that if we came near you again he would kills us."

My mouth let out a loud laugh.

"Well I guess you don't have to worry about that then do you," I started in with rage, "You made sure to stay away from me the minute your father disclosed what I am, which I still don't understand what I am!"

Here we go with the silence, the only sounds that are being made are from the rain tapping on the windows. I can slightly hear Mitchell and that woman argue down stairs. Why hasn't she just left.

"I've been here." Edward told me which made my head snap in his direction, "I've been watching you, I've seen you go out with him I've seen you stare at us in school and quickly walk the other way, I've seen the way you glare at Bella. I have been there this whole time."

"Do you know that's like really descriptive of a stalker, right?" I try to make a joke in this awkward situation.

He rolls his eyes as if he as thinking about something before quickly getting off my black cozy comforter and walking over to me.

"Don't you understand, I told you I wanted nothing to do with you but here I am. I think about you everyday, when I'm at school, when I'm reading a book, even with I'm with Bella." Edward told me as he's only an inch away from me. "There is something about you, something that keeps pulling me towards you, like you are the moon and I am the earth. I have done everything to try to get you out of my head but you keep coming back."

My breathing seemed to stop as feel his cold hands touch my tear stained cheek. Everything in the world seems to have just froze like it did before but this time it felt good. Like we were the only to people on this earth. No Bella, no Jacob, no family drama. Just us.

"I feel the same way." I tell him as I look him in his beautiful eyes while my body finally remembered how to breath.

Edward gave me a small smirk as his hand caressed the back of my head and he leaned down to wear his mouth was only a few inches away from mine. Finally after what seemed like a century, Edward Cullen kissed me.

Sparks surged through my body as what felt like electricity. My mind was resistant at first but then I felt my lips moving into sink with his. Everything in my life was forgotten as I was in Edwards embrace. Everything is true because I guess I forgot that I was still holding my breath and my body hits the ground and my world goes black.


The birds chirp outside my window as I slowly wake up. I scan my surroundings and seem to find myself in an unfamiliar room. Everything is in a perfect place. This room looks like it was made for one of those preppy teenage girls in any movie. A dog barks outside the door which made my heart race with fear

Where am I?

The door slowly started to open and I quickly pick up the dusty pink table lamp for protection. Once the door opens all the way my heart sinks.

"You guys?" I say as I stand out of the polka whit and coral patterned bed. "Where am I, and why are you here?"

"This is the only way we figured to get you to talk to us."  The women said while slowly walking over to me.

I put my hands up in defense. There is no way these people are coming near me.

"God damn it, we are your parents, stop acting like this!" The man shouted out in frustration.

"My parents." I stated more than I question, "No, my parents are those lovely two men that she met today, you two just happen to be the people who made me."

The man blew out a noise in frustration while coming back his dark brown hair with his fingers. The women seemed to give up in defeat as she white recliner in the corner of the room. Ha, one point for abandoned daughter, zero for wannabe parents.

"How are you guys doing this anyway?" I say as I mess with an empty picture frame on the white dresser beside me.

"We have powers, haven't you noticed?"  The blonde women uttered in what seemed to be annoyance.

"Oh no trust me, I know all about these special gifts I have, always made me feel like a freak!" I shouted out.

"So the Cullen's haven't told you what you are?" The man questions with shock.

All I could do was shake my head no. I'm so tired of not knowing. I'm so tired of feeling so lost and feeling so much hatred for myself.

"Well my dear, we are fallen Angel, my dear."


Sorry it take me awhile. I couldn't figure out where to go but I think I figured it out!

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