Ch. 5 Something Different.

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Okay, so this is how it works if you're anything like me. At home you are a total badass, aggressively dancing around with a hairbrush-microphone singing love yourself by Justin Bieber. Now this is where it gets tricky, in public you can't even walk without having the feeling of wanting to crawl in a hole. Here are some thoughts that would probably be going through your mind: 'oh god don't look at me', 'don't speak and they wont know your here', and last but not least 'I want to go home'. This is called being socially awkward and I'm a whole fifty shades of it. So of course what I said to Alice Cullen was no where near being classifieds as normal.

"I- I don't think I want to be friends with someone who wants to eat me."

Edward's and Alice's eyes widened with shock. I'm not surprised, I kink of just accused Alice of wanting to eat me. How weird can one first impression be?

"Oh boy, I didn't mean- I mean I did- Well it's just," I tried to spit out, "I had a dream last night of you saying how happy you were that you didn't want to eat me anymore- I mean not you someone who looks like you I just met you how could I have dreamed of you."

They are still staring at me with wide eyes. Edward's eyes seemed to burn a hole in me. Every time I look at him I feel the connection start to worsen. I was debating on speaking up once again but I decided not to bury my gave any deeper. Someone I could have actully been friends with and I just had to go and ruin it. I think the universe doesn't want me to have friends. I am probably meant to spend my time in the world alone.

"Please open up your books to page 394." The teacher anounced as she sits down at her desk.

As much as I hate school work I was so happy to hear those words.


After the bell rang I speed out of the room, not wanting to face Alice or Edward after my embarrassing incident. My temtation to read their minds was high but I was to scared to hear what the awful things they are thinking.

As I made it to my locker I hear Alice's voice shout my name down the hallway. I looked back to realize she made most of the student body turn to look at me. I could feel my face turn red from embarrassment. My first day of school is not starting off so well as I hoped.

"Amelia, sit with our family at lunch!" Alice demanded instead of doing the polite thing, like actully asking me.

"Um, you still want to be my friend?" I stutterd out.

"Of course!" Alice shouted, "I think its fate that you had a dream of someone that looks alot like me."

"Yeah, she did look a lot like you, like a lot." I say nonchalantly.

The blonde haired boy who was in my dream last night came up behind Alice. His arms snaked around her waist as he kissed her cheek.

"Alice here has dreams like those too." The golden eyed boy told me while giving Alice a sarcastic smile.

"You do?" I question her curiously.

"Um, of course maybe we can talk to each other about them." Alice told me while giving mystery boy a nervous glance.

"Well maybe, I'll-" I tried to tell her before she inturpted me.

"Great, we will see you at lunch then!" Alice squealed before giving me a hug.


As I walked out of Calculus I ran into the one and only Edward Cullen. It seemed as if he was just amazed with me as I with him.

"Alice said you are sitting with us at lunch, I thought you would like to have someone to walk with." Edward tells me.

"Oh, well sure." I tell him. "just let me drop my stuff at my locker."

We akwardly walked to much locker, not a single word was spoken. I felt his eyes travel to me while I tried to remember my combination.

All the boys in the lunch room kept starting at me while I started walking with the Cullens to their table. The girls looked at me in haterd. Gosh, what is wrong with the people in forks.

When we sat down at the table everyone was sitting there staring at me. Way to make things awkward.

"um.... Hi?" I tell them all with a little wave.

All three of the Cullens just continue to stare at me as if they are trying to figure me out. I notice Edward's girlfriend, Bella, is not sitting at the table. I look around to notice her sitting at a table with four other students. She didn't seem to interested in the conversation her friends are having as she is to busy texting on her phone.

"So, I heard you met our father." The blond Cullen finally spoke up.

Before I could respond someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned around and it was a boy who was sitting at the table with Bella. He had dirty blond hair and it looked like if I said the wrong thing he would run off crying to his mommy.

"Hi I'm Mike Newton and me and my friends were wondering if you would like to sit with us." he tells me before whispering in my ear. "The Cullens are not the right people to hang out"

I just started at him in shock. i didn't really know the Cullens but that doesn't give him the right to say anything about them just to get me to sit with him.

"Well thanks for the offer Mr. Newton but I think the Cullens are amazing people to hang out with." I tell him before turning around.

The Cullens were laughing at my outburst and Mike looked scared and ran back to his table.

"Your something else Amelia" The blond cullen told me.

"Yeah I guess I am something different."


Sorry it took so long I just had a baby a month ago and kind of had my hand fool.














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