Day 15

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Spending time in nature should be a must for everyone. Nature is our mother. Firuza and I, we love taking long nature walks, usually it's about 1–2 hours daily, sometimes even more.

We are lucky enough to live literally 8 minute walk away from the ocean, so we love taking long beach walks, watching the waves, the beautiful scenery of the Algarve, the birds chirping.

There are numerous benefits of being surrounded by nature like better mood, less stress, improved sleep etc.

Even if you don't live close to nature, try to take daily walks at least and be in the present moment (not on your phone), just savouring the moment. Savour every moment is one of the principles I try to live by and I go deeper into this in my .

Be in the present moment, enjoy it and feel gratitude for this beautiful world you live in.

How often do you take nature walks?

How often do you take nature walks?

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