Playtime Once Again Pt 2

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(Pic by VSaneHouseplant on Twitter)

~Normal POV~

Moon whispers something into the boy's ear, giggling after Moon's done talking. "Hey! What'd you tell him?" Moon quickly scoops up the boy pretending to run away quickly. They both have a big smile on their face, the boy giggling more than Moon. "Rude," You mumble to yourself. You watch as Moon sets the boy down by the coloring table with a few of the other kids there. The boy finds a chair but there are no more chairs for Moon. But he doesn't have a problem with that. He sits down next to the boy folding his legs together so he doesn't take up that much room and gets paper for both him and the boy to start coloring.

You get back to work for a couple more minutes before getting interrupted again. Moon and the same boy from earlier run up to you, both of them holding a piece of paper close to their chest, with wide smiles spread across their faces. You finish typing a sentence you were on before looking up from your screen.

They both extend their arms out handing you their drawings. "We made something for you!" The boy shouts in excitement. You grab their drawings looking at them with a smile on your face. "These are beautiful! Thank you both so much!" The boy drew you, Sun, and Moon all together in a grass field with flowers, butterflies, and all sorts of other stuff you would find in a children's drawing. Moon drew just you and him in similar surroundings but at night. Somehow he made it so detailed with just crayons. You grab two tacks off of your desk and head over to the corkboard behind you, hanging both of the drawings up for all to see. 

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