Chapter seventeen- Expulsion

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"I can't believe Suzui-senpai missed such an important meeting. I wonder what happened." An anxious volleyball player spoke to her friend. Akira and Bee were right behind the two, they got into a good habit of listening to people's conversations for more information.

"Mr. Komoshida asked to see her. I've heard rumors about how the two of them say late together." The other girl spoke.

"I wonder what's going on...You don't think they're...?"

"Nah, It couldn't be...Man, it's been nothing but bad news lately. I'm worried about the future."

"Oh, that reminds me. Apparently, a guest is coming to school today. Some young guy I think.."

"Oh? Tell me more."

Before the anxious volleyball player could respond to her friend they realized they were at the school and parted ways. Akira and Bee walked up to their class to discuss who the guest could be. Eventually class began, and Mr. Ushimaru walked to the front of the classroom.

"So, I assume all of you know about the separation of powers? There are three branches in our government." He began to speak about government, Bee covered her yawn and started to drift off into her own thought.

"Have you made up your mind?" Bee was snapped back into her thoughts as a pair of familiar blue eyes poked his head out. Akira was shocked and looked down at Morgana. "No matter how much thinking you guys do, there's only one option. You'd be better off just listening to me." Morgana spoke quietly.

"Why are you in there?" Akira whispered.

"Hm? Did I just hear a cat just now? Hm...Could that rumored cat be somewhere nearby?" Mr. Ushimaru spoke. Everyone started to look around but didn't find a cat.

Akira and Bee soon got a buzz on their phone from their group.

Ryuji: [It's no use...I can't think of another way..]

Akira: [Concetrate on class]

Ryuji: [I can't deal with this shit right now. I mean, what're gonna do with Komoshida?]

Alondra: [Should we just go along with what Morgana says?]

Ryuji: [Ugh, that damn furball..]

Akira put his phone away and Morgana spoke softly about what Ryuji said about him in the group chat. A student soon stood up and looked out the window calling everyone's attention. Everyone soon followed, and they saw a familiar blacked haired girl standing on the edge of the school rooftop.

"Suzui..?" Mishima stood up quickly and caught Ann's attention as she stood up. Mr. Ushimaru spoke to the students telling them to stay in their seats and calm down. Ann didn't listen as she sprinted out of the classroom to the window.

"We should follow her," Bee spoke while getting up. Akira nodded and ran after Ann. Ann saw as her best friend fell down and landed in the courtyard. Ann gasped and backed away from the window. Everyone around them where screaming and scared for Shiho. "No...why...? Shiho...." Ann's voice began to crack as she sprinted to her friend's body. Bee and Akira soon met up with Ryuji and Alondra.

"Hey! What's going on?! We should head to the courtyard too." Ryuji spoke. Alondra was looking for exits so they could help Shiho. "No use, they're all covered," Alondra spoke as she ran back to the group. The group started to think until Bee got an idea. "What about the practice building?" They all nodded and made their way to the practice rebuilding exit they saw Shiho on a stretcher and Ann was next to her, tears flowing down her face.

"Class is still in session!" A Panicked teacher spoke. Students were surrounded by Ann and Shiho and many were recording.

"What the hell is wrong with these people?!" Alondra spoke.

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