Chapter eight- Red ribbon

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Akira was sitting on his bed as Bee was changing into her school outfit, she came up. "Did you have another strange dream?" Akira asked as he looked at Bee. "Yeah...I don't know what it means..." she brought her finger to her chin as she thought. "Fate...awakening..?" Akira asked. He soon got up from his bed. "More importantly...let's hurry and get to school," Akira spoke.
Akira saw that it was raining and pulled out his umbrella. "Shit..." Bee spoke and Akira tilted his head slightly. "I forgot my umbrella," Bee spoke. "It's okay, we can share," Akira spoke with a cloud of light pink dust on his cheeks, Bee blushed also as she moved closer to him.
Akira and Bee got off one of the subways and were waiting. "Look isn't that her?" A ponytail student asked. "You mean the one with the red ribbon?" A sleepy student spoke. "The one with the red ribbon?" The ponytail student asked. "Uh, I guess so." The sleepy student spoke. "She's so thin...It's not hair, I've got my hair in a ponytail too..." the ponytail student spoke. "Okay, what's that got to do with being thin?" The sleepy student asked. The group soon went into the subway, and the red-haired girl in a ponytail that the students were talking about soon stood up. "Please, take my seat." Her red eyes met eyes with an old woman. "My station's coming up." She spoke to the women. "Are ya sure? Then..." the girl moved over but a boy with black spiky hair took the seat. "Oh wow, what speed!" The girl was shocked. "Um sure, this girl was trying to give this seat to this lady," Bee spoke and looked at the red-haired girl. The boy soon looked up but fell asleep. "Oh..." the student with a ribbon spoke. "Want me to wake him up?" Akira asked as she turned her attention to the red-haired girl. "It's all right, I can understand his position." She spoke with a small smile on her face. "I'm sorry I couldn't be any help." She spoke sadly to the elderly woman. "It's okay dearie, don't worry." The old woman spoke. "Please, allow me to carry your luggage at least." The girl seemed very compassionate. "Would you like some help?" Bee asked her. The girl looked familiar to her but she couldn't place it. "Thank you!" The women handed the luggage to the two teenage girls, the red-haired girl with a red ribbon seemed younger than Akira or Bee. "I'm sorry it's heavy." The woman spoke, and the girl with a ribbon smiled and shook her head. "It's not a problem, I train a lot."
Akira was walking as the girl and Bee came up to him. "Pardon me.." she caught Akira's attention. "Thank you so much for earlier." She spoke as she closed her eyes and smiled. "And thank you too." She turned towards Bee and bowed. "With what?" Akira asked. "For speaking up when I offered my seat at the train." She smiled at Akira. "You're both a second year at Shujin Academy, correct? I am a first-year myself." She spoke. "Thanking you totally slipped my mind back on the train, and I didn't want to be rude to my senpais." She spoke. "It's not a problem. I was happy to help." Bee spoke, and the red-haired girl bowed. "Please, excuse me." She spoke as she walked off.
Akira and Bee were under the umbrella. "Well, she seemed nice," Akira spoke softly as they walked to school. "She seems familiar," Bee spoke softly as she was thinking. "We seemed to make it to school safely. What was that castle though...?" Bee was still wondering about the castle the three of them saw.
Akira was staring out the window as he played with his hair. Bee took some notes but sighed softly as the lecture was boring. "I'm your social studies teacher. Mr. Ushimaru. I'll be teaching you the rules of society this year. look like you've been spoiled growing up. Can't wait to see who disappoints me this year." He spoke. Bee sighed and scoffed at his remark. "A certain dictionary defines a year as "a period of 365 disappointments. The book's title is a cynically satirical as the rest of it." The teacher soon turned towards Akira. "Hey, new kid." Akira soon turned his attention and sat up straight. "Tell me about the devil's dictionary defined as the chief factor in the progress of the human race." "Villains," Akira answered and the teacher looked shocked. "Correct. 'Malefactors' to be specific. You actually knew that, huh?" The teacher asked and Akira looked back at Bee as she gave him thumbs up. "Wow, he got it he really a criminal?" A black-haired student asked. "He seems like a punk, but maybe he's serious about studying." A brown-haired student whispered.
'I feel like I got a little smarter from being awake to answer that question...' Akira spoke to himself, he rubbed his neck and Bee blushed softly.
-After School-
Akira and Bee walked out of their classroom. "Hey there, Takmaki." Komoshida spoke happily with a smile on his face. The familiar blonde-haired girl sits in front of Akira in class. "Things have been pretty dangerous lately with all those accidents," Komoshida said. "Sorry, I have a photo shoot today. It's for a special summer issue. I can't miss it..." she looked down. "Hey now, being a model is fine and dandy, but don't work your pretty little self to the bone." Bee looked disgusted as he said that. "You mentioned you weren't feeling well, right? Something about appendicitis?" He asked. "Yes, I keep planning to go to the hospital, but I've been too busy...sorry to worry you." The blonde-haired girl spoke. "You must be lonely too. I feel bad for keeping  your best friend at practice so often." He spoke. "Oh..and be careful around that transfer student. He's got a criminal record, after all. If something happened to you..." Komoshida spoke.
"Thank you." She spoke, she seemed sad. "Please excuse me." She soon walked off as Komoshida's eyes followed her. "Tch..." he spoke angrily and went up the stairs.
Akira and Bee walked out of the school gates and Ryuji was waiting for them. "Yo." He spoke and moved his back from the wall. "Hey Ryuji," Bee spoke. "What's up?" Akira asked. "I wanna talk to you guys about the castle yesterday." He crosses his arms. "I tried tellin' myself it was just a dream...but I couldn't do it. I can't act as if nothing happened, it's all connected to that bastard Komoshida, after all." The blonde spoke and uncrossed his arms, moving his weight to another foot. "I wanna find out what's up with that palace, no matter what. And you guys are the only people I can rely on for this stuff. So, you guys in?" Ryuji asked. "Sure, what's next?" Akira asked as he moved one hand out of his pocket but put it back. "Nice! Okay, I'm glad we're in this together. I think we should just try to retrace our steps from yesterday." Ryuji spoke. "I'm the meantime, you both walking to the station, right? Let's go." Ryuji spoke 'Ryuji doesn't seem like a bad guy. I should probably just go along with this..' Akira thought to himself. They soon followed the spiky-haired teen.
They soon arrived in a street and Ryuji turned back to look at Akira at Bee. "If it's a huge castle-like that really exists, I'm sure we'll find it in no time...when'd they build something like that?" Ryuji asked. Then he turned towards an alleyway near them. "We walked that way from here, right?" He asked. "Maybe. I'm not quite sure." Bee spoke. "Well, let's go that way and see what happens," Ryuji spoke. They soon walked down the alleyway but they arrived at school. "Huh?" Ryuji was shocked. "Nothing was out of the ordinary.." Akira spoke softly as he placed his hand under his chin. "We must have made a wrong turn somewhere..." Ryuji spoke as he took his head out of his hands. "Let's try again." "Again?" Akira asked. "C'mom man, we gotta stick together," Ryuji spoke.
The teens kept trying to get to the castle but they ended up at school. "For real?" Ryuji asked as he looked defeated. "Is it smaller than we think it is?"
Ryuji asked. "Akira, what do you think," Ryuji asked the messy-haired boy. "Check on your phone." He spoke and it soon clicked for Bee. She remembered what Igor said in the velvet room. "I already did that. I didn't see anything like it around here." Ryuji spoke but he looked shocked. "Huh? Phone..." he asked. "Hey that reminds me- didn't you have a navigation app on?" Ryuji asked Akira. "Navigation app?" Akira asked. "Yeah, there was stuff coming out of your phone Akira," Bee spoke as she looked up at him. "Lemme see your phone for a bit." Akira handed the blonde his phone and saw the black and red app. "What is this eyeball thing?" He asked. "We don't know. I have it too." Bee spoke. "I can't delete just showed up," Akira responded. "Oh wait that's it!" Ryuji spoke. "I knew it! It is a navigation app, it's in your search history." Ryuji showed Akira his phone. "Oh man, I'm such a genius." Bee giggled softly. "Let's try usin' it," Ryuji spoke with a smile on his face as he didn't hear what Bee said. "I don't know how," Akira responded. "Maybe I'd click on the app it will do something," Bee spoke. "Komoshida...Shujin Academy...pervert...castle." The app spoke.
"Beginning navigation."
Alright. This was kind of hard to write. It's not because of the story, my life isn't going the greatest rn. Anyways stay safe and I hoped you enjoyed this chapter.
Stay creative!

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