Chapter one- Akira Kurusu

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The messy-haired boy with black hair and glasses soon woke up. The light shined on his pale face as he noticed he was on a train. Many people were sitting down or standing. "We will be arriving at Shibya softly." A voice rang out as Akira looked up. He soon started to think as he looked away and the memory of how he got here ran through his mind.
A man held onto the woman as she was trying to get away but she couldn't. "Please help!" She called out. Akira soon came up and placed his hand on the man who was holding the woman and he pulled away, falling and hitting his head as he was drunk. Akira and the women looked shocked as the man held his head, bleeding. "Damn brat...I'll sue." He said angrily. The police soon came and took the teen away, the women looked down in shame but stayed quiet.
"What? Are you for real? A mental shutdown." A girl's voice spoke as Akira snapped out of his thoughts. "It's the truth." Another girl spoke. "To a person though? This has to be a joke. You really love all the occult stuff, don't you?" The first girl spoke. The train soon stopped and Akira was walking around the city, trying to find Sakura. He was looking down at his silver phone before looking up to see the city, full of people. A strange noise came from his phone and looked down to see a strange app. The dark-haired boy soon clicked on it and the people around him soon the people froze. He looked around confused. He looked around and his grey eyes widened and she saw a blue flame, soon forming a figure. Then a face was shown and Akira soon saw his face but with yellow eyes and a devilish smirk. He was shocked as everything went back to normal. The teen soon delete the app and walked on. He soon arrived at another train and he was in an underground subway, with many stores around. He looked around and went up an escalator, hearing some people talk about the mental shutdowns. He soon was in a small alleyway and a woman with short blue hair and a lab coat was beside him. 'Starting today, Sojiro Sakura will be taking care of me. His house should be in the back streets of this residential area.'  Akira thought as he sighed and put his hands in his pockets. Akira asked around and he soon found Sojiro Sakura's house. 'The nameplate says Sakura. It looks like this might be Sojiro Sakura's house.' Akira thought. He soon rang the doorbell but no answer. 'Maybe he's gone out?' Akira thought. "Looks like no one home.." a man spoke and Akira looked over to the voice to see a delivery man. "Oh yeah, Sakura-San is usually at his cafe at this time.." the man spoke as he held a box. "Well Leblanc's at the back alley, so I should make more deliveries first..." The man spoke. Akira nodded and thanked the man as he searched for Leblanc, when he found it he entered the small cafe. An elderly couple and an older man with dark hair and a dark beard, white pants, and a pink button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up were helping the elderly couple. A teen girl in another booth with dirty blonde hair that was slightly curly wore black skinny jeans and a red sweater. She was reading a book called the Great Thief. The tv rang about the mental shutdowns going around the city. "How frightening." The elderly man spoke. "What can be going on? Didn't something happen just the other day?" The elderly woman asked. "And down is...the name of the selfish used in pearl farming..." the manager spoke. The man soon looked up to see Akira in his school uniform.  "Oh right..." Sojiro said kind of annoyed. "They did say that was today." As soon as Sojiro said that the girl with dirty blonde hair lifted her head from the book. "We'll be going now. The payments on the table." The elderly man spoke as the couple got up. "Thanks for coming." Sojiro spoke. "We'll see you next time." The elderly man spoke as the couple soon left. The girl soon got up from her seat and walked over to the two people. "Four hours for a single cup of joe..." he spoke as he rubbed his neck. "Oh..hey Bee." He spoke as Sojiro saw Bee and Bee look at the slightly taller messy-haired boy with dark hair and glasses. "So you're Akira." Bee spoke. Akira nodded just his head. "Thank you for taking me in." He spoke. "Uh-huh." Sojiro spoke. "I'm Sojiro Sakura. You'll be in my custody over the next year." Sojiro spoke. "And this is my daughter, Bee." Sojiro said and Bee waved at Akira. "I was wondering what kind of unruly kid would show up here, you're the kid huh? Have you been told? A customer of mine and your parents know each other and-" he was cut off. "Well not that that matters follow me." Sojiro spoke before all three of them went upstairs. The attic was slightly dusty with two beds, a couch, a tool-making area, a plant, and a big box with Akira's stuff. "You're bed's over there." Bee spoke. "I'll at least give you sheets for your bed, Bee was nice enough to tidy up the room." Sojiro spoke as he looked at him. "You look like you want to say something." Sojiro said and Akira looked at Bee but looked back at Akira. "Does Bee sleep here too?" Akira asked and Sojiro nodded. "That won't be a problem will it?" Sojiro spoke. "No dad. It will be fine." Bee spoke. "I got the gist of your situation." Sojiro paused. "You protected some woman from a man who was forcing himself on her, he got injured and then sued, right?" Sojiro asked and Bee was kind of shocked at how Akira got here. Akira nodded his head. "That's what you get for sticking your nose in a matter between two adults, you did injure him yeah? And now that you have a criminal record, you were expelled from your high school." Sojiro spoke. Bee looked infuriated by her dad's response. She opened her mouth but shut it as her dad began to speak. "The court ordered you to transfer and move out here, which your parents also approved." He paused. "In other words, they got rid of you because you were being a pain in the ass. It's best you not talk about anything unnecessary, I am in the restaurant business, ya know." Sojiro spoke and Akira nodded as he understood.  "Behave yourself for a year, if nothing happens, your probation will be lifted." Sojiro explained. "Cause any problems and you'll be sent to juvie. We'll be going to Shujin tomorrow." Sojiro explained. "Shujin is the academy we will be attending." Bee explained.  "Thank you." He thanked Bee, making her smile softly. "There's rarely a place that accepts a person like you...what a waste of my Sunday..." he said under his breath.  He looked around and saw the big box full of Akira's clothes. "Your luggage arrived a little while ago. Bee brought it here for you." Sojiro spoke and gave Akira a notebook. "You should log everything, I'll send it to the court after your probation." Sojiro spoke.  "Why don't you two go to bed tonight? You two don't have anything better to be doing? Right." Sojiro asked. "No." Akira said. "I'm going to close up shop and get out of here myself. I won't be the one looking after you if you get sickroom staying up late, you get that?" Akira nodded. "Yes sir." He spoke. Sojiro soon went down the stairs and soon closed up shop, leaving the two teens in the attic. Bee sighed and flopped on her bed. "I would say we should go explore the city, but we have to go to Shujin and I would think you need sleep." Bee spoke to Akira. "We can tomorrow." Akira spoke as he got a black sweater and green sweatpants. "What you did for that woman was very noble of you." Bee spoke as Akira was looking through the cardboard box full of his clothes. He looked up and was surprised. "T-Thank you." "I'm sorry my dad was being such an ass," She apologized. Akira smiled and let out a low chuckle. "I'm guessing he didn't understand the situation." Akira paused. "Oh, where is the bathroom?" He asked. "Downstairs. To the left." Bee spoke as she got some black and red PJ pants and a black shirt.
The two teens soon went upstairs and got into their beds. Akira turned toward Bee. "Thank you both for letting me stay here," Akira spoke and Bee looked at him and smiled.
"No problem Akira.."
I'm sorry this was such a long chapter but yeah! I hoped you enjoyed it. Stay creative!

You stole my heart (Akira Kurusu/Joker x OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora