Chapter three- First day of school

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Akira sighed as he was sitting on his bed as Bee was downstairs changing into her school uniform. Akira smiled and felt a light dusting on his cheeks. He shook it off and didn't think about it. He looked down at the diary that Sojiro gave him. He wrote something down yesterday. 'I have school starting today...I don't want to be late on my first day...I should get going' As Akira said that to himself Bee came up the creaky stairs and looked at Akira. "Ready to go? You can borrow my textbooks and pencils when we get to school." Bee said and smiled at the messy-haired boy. "Thanks, Bee." He got up from his bed and they went downstairs, Sojiro was downstairs with two plates of curry. "I'll feed you two. Just make sure you finish it before the customers start coming in," Sojiro spoke and Akira sat in front of a plate of curry. Bee sat down next to him. "Your's is special. Don't worry, it had eggs and not steak." Sojiro spoke and smiled at Bee. "Thank you, dad." Bee smiled at him. The teens soon finished the curry and Bee took the plates and put them in the sink. "It's time for you both to go, customers will be coming in soon," Sojiro spoke. "Thank you for the meal," Akira spoke. "Ah, you do have manners." Sojiro smiled softly. Bee grabbed her school bag and so did Akira as they left the Cafe. Bee flipped the sigh as she left.
Bee and Akira soon arrived at the underground station and went on the subway. "There are so many people crammed in this tiny car," Akira spoke softly to Bee and she giggled. "That's Tokyo for you." She replied.
The subway soon stopped and many people got off, including Akira and Bee. "Follow me," Bee spoke and grabbed Akira's hand. The teens soon blushed but said nothing as Bee moved out of the Underground Walkway, it was kind of a long walk and Bee could hear some people around them saying how cute a couple they were, making Bee blush more.
"Well, this is Aoyama-Itchome." Bee paused and let go of Akira's hand. "It took some time, but we finally made it," Akira spoke and smiled as Bee faced him. The teens soon left the station seeing it was raining now. "Shit...I don't have an umbrella.." Bee cursed. "Over there!" Bee looked at Akira as he ran across the wet sidewalk, some water splashing on his pant leg. Bee followed and they stopped and a small covered outdoor area. Akira looked down at his silver phone, he looked and saw the familiar app. "Hmm?" Akira spoke and Bee looked over at his phone and saw the familiar app. "You have that app too...?" Bee asked. Akira looked at her surprised. "I've tried deleting it but it comes back," Akira explained and Bee got a mint green phone out with a charm of a cute frog on it and showed the red and black app. "I don't know what it is, but I have the same thing." She explained. A feminine figure with a white hood, red leggings, brown ankle boots, and a smaller skirt that had red, white, and red. Lastly, she wore the Shujin blazer. She pulled her hood down and showed her blond hair in two pigtails and icy blue eyes. Akira stared at her and Bee soon felt jealous but moved it away. 'Why would I be jealous..?' Bee asked herself. The girl looked down but soon met eyes with the black-haired boy, she smiled softly but looked at Bee. "Hey, Sakura-Chan." The girl spoke to Bee and Bee waved slightly at the blonde-haired girl. A white car soon pulled in and it turned Akira's attention to the car. The window rolled down to show a man with dark curly hair, in a tracksuit. Bee could feel her blood boil at the sight of him. "Good morning. Do you want me to give you a ride to school? You're going to be late." He spoke. "Umm sure, thank you." The girl spoke softly and she walked closer to the car. "Do you need a lift Sakura-San and you're friend?" He asked and Bee shook her head. The window rolled up and the girl looked down, and the car soon rolled away. A blonde-haired boy with brown eyes and a yellow shirt under his Shujin black blazer, the Shujin striped pants that were rolled up. "Damnit...screw that pervy teacher." The blonde-haired boy spoke. "Pervy teacher...?" Akira asked, the blond-haired boy turned towards Akira and Bee. He smiled as he saw the familiar dirty blonde-haired girl. "So is this the transfer student?" The blonde-haired boy asked Bee and Bee nodded her head. "He better not rat me out to Komoshida.." Ryuji said to Akira. "Komoshida..?" Akira asked, he had the app opened and a voice recorder was on his phone. "In that car just now. It was Komoshida." Ryuji spoke. "He does whatever the hell he wants. Who does he think he is the king of the castle?" Ryuji explained and Bee nodded her head. Ryuji looked at the button on Akira's blazer. "Second year huh... were in the same grade then," Ryuji spoke. "This rain ain't too bad. We better hurry up, or we'll be late." Ryuji spoke. All three of the teens soon got a major headache, Bee whimpered from the pain. "My head feels lightheaded.." Akira spoke. "You guys feel that too?" Bee asked. "I wanna go home..." Ryuji spoke. He soon walked off and Akira and Bee followed him.
Akira held his head as he shook his head. His wrist was red from the handcuffs. Bee looked at Akira as he was telling the story of how they found Komoshida's palace.
"There was a terrible subway accident that day. You both remember it, do you?" Sae asked. "I assume you both know the uproar that the public calls the "psychotic breakdown incident," Sae spoke. "I might have," Bee spoke up and Sae turned her attention to Bee. "It was all over the news, and one of the victims included a teacher at the high school you both attended," Sae spoke. "I have no doubt you heard about it. You both were still "ordinary" students?" Akira didn't answer but Bee held his hand gently. He looked up at her and saw tears forming in her aqua eyes.  "Let me change the subject. Akira, you transferred to Shujin?" Sae asked and Akira nodded his head. "An ordinary prep school that could be found in any city...That's what it should've been." Sae commented. "What happened around that time? Tell me everything truthfully ." Sae spoke.
The three teens walked into a cramped alleyway they soon walked out, Akira looked back as he felt something weird, and the blonde and Bee looked up at a huge castle, with a purple sky. "What..?" Bee asked. "We didn't come the wrong way though...?" The blonde turned around and spoke. "Yeah, this should be right." The blonde looked back. "What's going on..?" Akira asked. "I guess we'll have to go and ask." The blonde spoke and started to walk into the castle, there was a drawbridge that would creak slightly as the three teens walked over it. The entryway to the castle flashed between the entryway of the school. "T-That's weird...where's the school?" The blonde asked and scratched his head, they all looked around and were confused. "Did we make a wrong turn?" Akira asked. "N-No no this has to be it." The blonde stuttered slightly. "It should be..." Bee spoke softly. The blonde pulled out his phone. "Out of service? Where'd we end up? The sigh was for the school, right?" The blonde asked. "Yeah," Akira responded. "Right!? We all saw it." The blonde spoke, kind of loudly. Then a man in heavy armor with a sword and shield, he for prints made a loud noise. The teens looked at the strange figure. " freak me out. What are you a student?" The blonde asked. He didn't respond. "Man, your costume is impressive, is that armor real?" The blonde walked up to the armored figure. "Come on, some just stand there. Say somethin'" Another figure showed up and the blonde backed up. "H-Hey, what's goin' on?" Bee asked as she felt her hands shaking. "Is he the school staff?" Akira asked. "No.." the dirty blonde-haired girl spoke. The first figure moved closer. "This shit's real..." The blonde said. Then the next figure moved closer. "H-hey calm down" Bee begged the armored figures. "We've gotta run!" Ryuji spoke. "Got it." Bee spoke as she started running but more figures came up. "Ugh, what's with these guys?" The messy-haired blonde was getting pissed. One kicked him in the leg and he fell to the floor, grunting in pain. "Ryuji!" Bee called out as she saw the blonde-haired boy, whose name was Ryuji, holding his leg. The figures moved closer.
"Take them away!"
Well, I think these chapters are getting longer and longer but we got a story to tell, even though it's Persona 5 Royal but with a new person. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Stay creative!

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