Chapter twelve- Confidants

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Guys guess what, I'm married to Akira. Okay bye.
Akira and Bee soon opened their eyes as they met the familiar ceiling of the prison. They soon got up and walked over to the bars, Akira was in front of Bee. "Welcome to the velvet room," Igor spoke. "I thought about resuming our previous conversation tonight. That is why I have summoned both of you." Igor explained. "What are your thoughts? Are you both becoming accustomed to this place?" Igor asked. "Yeah," Akira spoke and Bee nodded her head slightly. "Ah I'm glad, it seems you both have nerves of steel," Igor spoke, Bee looked at Akira and she blushed slightly. "The goal of your rehabilitation is to thwart fate's ruin, but you both can not do it just yourselves." "What do you mean?" Bee asked Igor as he turned his attention to the slightly shorter girl. "Today, Akira entered a partnership with someone who awoke the same power, did you not?" Igor asked Akira. "You mean Ryuji? And what about Bee?" Akira asked as he looked down at Bee as her eyes met his grey ones. "Involving yourself with others is an important foundation for your recovery, you've done well," Igor spoke as she soon looked at Bee. "For you." He paused slightly. "You must help Akira with his rehabilitation, in return, you will not fall into ruin, your bond with him is different from the others," Igor explained. "It must be of frivolity, but a ring of those who would, by mortals of strength, lend you their strength. In other words, they are bonds with those who have been robbed of their places to belong. Including, Bee." Igor explained as Akira blushed softly at Bee. "The expression of said ring well, in return, help mature you as well," Igor explained and Justine soon turned towards the two teens in the jail cell. "Personas are the strength of heart...The stronger the bond surrounding you, the more power your personas will gain." Justine explained and soon Caroline turned towards them. "There are countless people in the city who have talents like weaklings like you don't," Caroline spoke, Akira and Bee were kind of shocked at what Caroline said to them but brushed it off. "You better rack up that noggin of yours and get them on your side. We'll change them into power." Caroline spoke and Akira and Bee soon turned towards Igor as he spoke. "Indeed, you should be prepared to use even me, or both of your ambitions will not come into fruition." Igor soon let out a low chuckle. "We have a deal then." Igor spoke 'I feel like Igor has high expectations for me...' Akira said in his head.
I am thou, thou art I...
Thou hast acquired a new vow.
It shall become the wings of rebellion that breaketh thy chains of captivity.
With the birth of the fool persona. I have obtained the wings of blessing that lead to freedom and new power.
"Well, you will understand it all in due time...Continue devoting yourself to your rehabilitation," Igor explained. "Now, this conversation is over! Get lost, inmates!" Caroline spoke in her usual frustrating tone.

"How annoying- we've barely tatted high school, and they're already making us play in the volleyball rally." A dissatisfied first-year student spoke. "And why are they putting us against the teacher's team? Komoshida is gonna crush is." He continued to talk. "We get to see his technique live in person, though. We should totally get spiked on!" A bandwagon first-year student spoke. "Yeah okay, we're going to get our faces crushed. Just look at how banged up the volleyball team is. What the hell is going on during their practice?" The dissatisfied student spoke. "Alondra..." Akira spoke softly as he remembered as he saw her shadow with all the bruises on her body.

"Okay, listen up..." Miss Kawakami spiked as she got everyone's attention. "As you all know, the volleyball rally is today. Head to the gymnasium once you've gotten changed, got it?" Kawakami spoke as she seemed more tired than usual.


Soon it was afternoon, time for the volleyball rally. Komoshida soon spiked the volleyball and Mishima was prepared to bump the ball but he soon fell down on the wooden floor. Komoshida soon have all the teacher's high fives as he had a fake smile on his face. "Man, you've still got it, coach!" One of the male teachers spoke. "Thanks, let's go for one more," Komoshida spoke. The teachers soon started the game again as the students started to play except for the blue-haired boy, Mishima. There was the same familiar blond-haired girl that Akira saw under the cover in the rain. She was twirling her hair as she was bored with this game. Akira, Ryuji, and Bee were sitting up against the wall as Ryuji was looking at the girl. Alondra wasn't there because she was getting ready for the game. "She sticks out...hasn't changed one bit," Ryuji spoke. Akira soon turned towards him and so did Bee. Ryuji soon stretched and yawned loudly. "Pretty boring. Right?" He asked and looked at Akira and Bee. Akira soon looked at the blonde girl and Bee felt a little bit of jealousy but brushed it off as Akira soon turned back to the dirty blonde-haired girl, a small smile was on his face and she blushed softly. Komoshida soon spiked the bell again and it turned all the teens' attention as it went straight for Mishima as he fell down again. Everyone was in shock as Komoshida soon walked over to Mishima. "Sorry!" He spoke. "Hey, are you alright?" Komoshida asked as he saw Mishima's body on the ground. "Someone take him to the nurse," Komoshida spoke before getting up and trying to help Mishima, but another student took the blue-haired boy. "He'll pay soon enough..." Ryuji spoke softly as he placed his hand on a volleyball and threw it back to Komoshida, he was staring at the three kids. "Alright, let's resume the match!" He spoke happily and turned his attention back to the game as he went back to his side of the field.

-After School-
The match soon ended as the four teens soon met up at some vending machines at school. "That asshole acting like he's king over here too..." Ryuji spoke angrily. "Go get to know each other better, my ass. It's just a one-man for him to stroke his ego." Ryuji spoke as Alondra soon noticed his anger. "It's okay Ryuji-senpai we'll get him," Alondra spoke positively and held onto his hand softly. "I hated how he acted like he was worried about Mishima," Bee spoke. Ryuji stayed quiet but soon spoke. "Well,'s our chance to talk to those guys who were slaves yesterday," Ryuji spoke as he looked at Alondra. "I'm going to watch Alondra okay, and make sure he won't do anything," Ryuji spoke angrily as they soon walked off. Bee soon looked up at Akira. "Well...looks like it's just us," Bee spoke as she blushed softly. "Yeah, let's stop this asshole." Akira cursed and Bee was kind of surprised by his cursing. "One of the slaves is from our classroom. Classroom D, Mishima." Bee spoke. Akira and Bee soon went to the second floor of the school, they soon went to their classroom. They couldn't help but hear whispering about the game and Komoshida. They soon walked in as there were only a few students, for the girls' match was going on.
"It's no use...none of them have confessed," Bee spoke as they talked to all the volleyball players and she sighed.
Ryuji: [hey how's it going?] 

Bee: They won't fess up] 

Ryuji: [damn, try a new member. He's a first year] 

Akira: [got it] 
They talked to the first-year student but, he didn't say anything. 

Ryuji: [Were out of time, anything?] 

Akira: [Nothing.] 

Ryuji: [No, let's regroup. Alondra is done.] Akira soon put his phone away.
"I'm guessing we should go to the courtyard," Bee spoke softly. Akira nodded his head.
"Let's go."
So, it's not the greatest chapter with a lot of time skips but the game also has a lot of time skips. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter, stay Creative!

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