Prolouge-Let us start the game part 1

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Multiple helicopters flew over a fancy casino with multiple people packed into the casino. A man with multiple chips in his hand and a woman holding onto his arm were scared. Many people in the casino were bumping into each other as they saw two dark figures jumping over the lights. "Someone is there?" A man said, his voice full of fear. Three men in black suits walked into the casino as the figures continued to move. Finally landing on one light fixture, the two figures soon got up showing a teenage boy with slightly curly hair that went into his eyes slightly, a black and white mask, a long tail coat that reached his ankles, and a grey skintight turtleneck with black pants. A girl, about the same age as the boy, showed up. She had hair that went slightly passed her chin, it was slightly curly and dirty blonde. She wore a black off-the-shoulder dress that had many feathers on the skirt, the top was skin tight. She wore black tights and black leather ankle boots, she has two fingerless gloves that had fathers on the end. Her mask was feathery, like her outfit, and had a Raven's beak on it. The two teens smirked softly under the moonlight as the taller boy held a silver briefcase. "Hey...up there!" A man yelled as the men with black suits looked up. "They're here. Move immediately." One of the men spoke as he moved towards the two teens, bumping into some people. "Let's get going" the dark-haired teen spoke to the dirty blonde girl as they soon jumped off and they started to get transmissions from their other teammates.
"Good. Now get running." Mona spoke. "Stay calm you can get away now," Oracle spoke. "We'll retrieve the briefcase on our end," Queen spoke. "Mysterious...not..confirmed...hold..your.. positions." A mysterious transmission rang in their ear price making the two phantom thieves look at each other. "Hmm...what was that..?" Oracle asked. "Don't worry about us. Just concentrate on getting away." Mona spoke, Joker nodded and looked at me. "Ready to go my Raven." The dirty blonde-haired girl, whose codename was raven giggled and nodded as the two started to jump and walk over the light fixtures. "But I have to say, showing yourself to the crowd earlier was an excellent move." Mona paused. "Nice work as always Joker and Raven," Mona spoke. "There they are!" An agent spoke as the was on the ledge of the casino. "Just run! Get out of there!" Oracle spoke. "Okay, the enemy's focus is on Joker. Raven as soon as he lands get out of there." Mona spoke. "Got it mona," Raven spoke. "Everyone remember where we're meeting up?" Noir asked. "No worries, I can guide you all," Oracle spoke. Joker and Raven soon climbed up as Joker helped Raven up, the teens ran but they were ambushed. "Stop right there!" Two men spoke but soon turned into shadows. Another one soon showed. "Take them down you to!" Oracle spoke as Raven saw the familiar smirk on Joker's face. Raven and Joker soon jumped up and removed the mask of the shadow showing a persona. "They are no threat, go get them, Joker," Raven spoke as Joker summons his persona Arsene. Arsene hit the persona, critical and joker finished him off with a blade. Joker sighed as he saw Raven taking care of the other shadows. She smiled and blushed slightly at him. "Okay Raven, get out of there!" Oracle spoke. Raven sighed as she had to leave joker, before the teen girl left joker pulled her closer to him and she blushed as she was close to him. He slowly removed his and her mask, exposing her aqua eyes and the messy-haired boy kissed her lovingly. The dirty blonde girl smiled and wrapped her arms around the messy-haired boy's neck, he soon pulled away and put her mask on her and he slipped his black and white mask on. "Be careful Bee." He spoke and she placed her finger on his lips. "Remember, codenames." The girl spoke. "Be careful okay." She said as she looked into his gray orbs. "I always am." He smirked and let her go before the teens parted ways. "Joker, go through that door," Oracle spoke as Joker turned around and ran through the door, climbing up some stairs before coming into a dark room. "You should be able to get out that way! Hurry." Oracle spoke. "Dude, can he even hear us?!" Skull spoke. "Don't worry, I'm picking up everyone's voices. Just go, Joker!" Oracle explained to Skull. "Hmm. Wait a sec." Oracle paused. "What's that, I'm getting a weird reading headed your way! Come on run!" Her voice seemed scared, not her usual chill voice. Joker soon ran and went to a door to open it as he ran more until he met a dead end. Some agents were there. "Ugh, how many of them are here?" Oracle asked kind of annoyed. Joker hid behind a case. "Everything okay? The security level might rise if you take too much time." Crow spoke. "I know I know, I'm trying to find another route," Oracle spoke. Joker looked up and smirked as he used his grappling hook and landed on a platform. "Nice one joker! Go straight from there!" Oracle spoke. Joker ran straight and he was in an empty room with some lights. "Joker-stop," Oracle called out and made the teen boy stop. "It's an enemy! Right near you!" Oracle spoke. Shadows emerged from in front of joker and behind, keeping him trapped.
"Even you can't take on this many" Oracle spoke. "Huh?! Joker that reading is close to you now!" Soon a teen girl, who looked slightly younger than joker showed up. She wore a mostly black mask with some white. Her red hair in a neat ponytail was in contrast compared to her black outfit of a long tailcoat like jokers, thigh-high black boots, a black leotard, and a long sword and red gloves like Jokers. She had a silver Rose belt that hung on her waist. "Joker it's her!" Oracle said scared. The girl soon raised her sword and threw it toward the shadow's face. The shadows came running towards her but she took care of them with her gun. "My weak self realized you so much." The girl spoke as she walked towards joker. "That ends today." The girl spoke as she walked past and Joker looked behind him confused. She grabbed her sword from the shadow. "Let's do this senpai!" She spoke as the two teens went into battle with the rest of the shadows. "The enemy readings have decreased...that's.." Oracle paused as the shadow attacked and Joker and the strange girl took care of the shadows. "I think...that's the last of them." She spoke as she turned towards Joker. "I have no idea what just happened but I'm glad you're okay. Wait bad new enemy backup is on your way! You need to book it now!" Oracle spoke. "Please go, I'm going to make it harder for them o track you down." The mysterious girl spoke. "You still have something you need to do as a phantom thief right...?" She paused and turned away. "Then I won't stop you. Since I'm not a member of the phantom thieves, I'm in no position to interfere." She spoke, and the teen shook her head and jumped up. "However, please do not forget the promise we made. Okay?" She spoke and Joker nodded. She then took off. "Joker you need to get out of there. Go go go!" Oracle spoke as Joker ran and was back at the casino. He looked over the bars and was confused. "The existence should be up the head. Is something wrong?" Oracle asked. "Through there..?" Joker spoke. "Nghhh...that's just how it is," Oracle spoke. "Hey, can you make it?" Oracle asked and Joker smirked but his smirk was gone as some agents found joker and he moved his head towards them. "Over there. There's nowhere to run!" One spoke and ran towards him. Joker soon smirked and jumped on the railing and went towards the stained window. "See ya." He spoke before jumping through the window, stained glass all around the teenage boy's body as he jumped, the moonlight on his body. "What a showoff." Oracle scoffed. Joker soon stuck the landing and as he sat up, blinding lights surrounded him. He tried to cover his eyes from the lights. "Enemies here?" Oracle was shocked. "What's wrong?" Skull asked. " can't be," Oracle said. "What happened?" Skull asked. "An ambush.." Oracle spoke. "Joker, can you handle this?" Mona asked. "Joker!" Fox spoke. "Capture him!" One of the policemen said. Joker soon ran off and the lights still followed him as policemen ran after him. The dark-haired teen soon got up on a ladder and smirked as he thought he had run away but he saw a group of policemen on top of the ladder. He went shocked. The policeman soon hit him with the butt of his gun, making the teen fall to the cement floor. A policeman held him down. "Suspect secured." He spoke. A man soon walked up to Joker. "Didn't expect to find some kid." He soon got down and grabbed Joker's hair. "You have your teammate to thank for this. You were sold out." Joker was surprised but the man let go of his hair and his face was back on the ground. "Cuff him!" Joker was soon in cuffs and he soon saw the familiar dirty blonde-haired girl being shoved into the police car. "Bee?" Joker asked as he was shocked she was caught too.
Then everything went black
Whoo, a long chapter- but I wanted to redo this for Royal. Anyways hope you guys liked it. Stay creative!

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