Chapter thirteen- Rain girl

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Akira and Bee were in the courtyard, Bee say on a bench and crossed her legs as she leaned her head against her hand. Soon, the familiar blonde girl walked over to Akira. "Can I talk to you for a sec?" Akira soon turned around and looked down at the girl. "What is it?" Akira asked the blonde-haired girl. Ann soon looked down at Bee as she was sitting on the bench near Akira, she soon turned back to him and crossed her arms. "It'll be quick," Ann spoke. "Sakura-can can I take to him? Alone." Bee scoffed big and soon got up from her bench as Akira and Ann were left alone. "Anyways, what's with you? Like you were late the other day and lie....and you've been hanging with Sakura-can and Sakamoto-kun." Ann spoke softly at the end so Bee wouldn't hear. "I don't know if she's told you, but she brings bad luck and rain everywhere," Ann explained. Akira tittles his head slightly and was about to speak before a familiar voice spoke up. "What do ya want with him?" Ryuji spoke as Bee was behind him, Ann soon turned around as her eyebrows turned down angrily. "I thought I had some time alone..." Ann spoke as she was a little bit annoyed. "Ann-Chan, please be nice," Alondra spoke softly. "You're not even in our class Ryuji and Alondra," Ann spoke as she looked at the blonde. "We just so happen to know each other," Ryuji explained. "What are you planning on doing with Mr. Komoshida?" Ann asked as her arms were crossed again. "Huh?!" Ryuji looked shocked but soon scoffed. "I see...You're all buddy-buddy with Komoshida." Ryuji spoke. "This has nothing to do with you Sakamoto," Ann spoke. "If you found out what he was" Alondra started to speak but Ryuji soon held onto her hand. "You would dump his ass," Ryuji spoke. "Behind my back...?" Ann looked shocked as her hand was on her chest. "What's that supposed to mean?" She asked. "You wouldn't get it." Bee soon spoke up. "People are already talking about you four...I don't know what you are trying to pull but no one is going to help you." Ann explained, and she soon looked down. "I'm just warning you." Her voice was different as she was worried about them. She soon walked off as their eyes followed her. "Why's she gotta be aggressive all the time," Ryuji spoke as Bee soon walked towards Akira, a small blush on her cheeks. "You know her?" Akira asked, Ryuji soon looked at the messy-haired boy. "We went to the same middle school, Alon was also there too," Ryuji explained as he looked down at the girl whose hand he was holding. "But, that's not what we're here to talk about," Bee spoke, and everyone nodded in agreement. "Mishima is in our class, he might know something," Bee spoke and Akira nodded. "Komoshida sometimes takes him in for special coaching," Alondra explained as she put quotation marks around special coaching. "Huh?!" Ryuji looked shocked. "He always comes out with bruises..." Bee looked down as she started to think. "We should go talk to him before he leaves," Akira spoke, they all soon nodded as they soon walked out of the courtyard.
The blue-haired boy was about to leave and go home for school but the familiar character soon walked up to him. "Hey, got a second?" Ryuji asked, Mishima soon turned towards him as it seemed he had some fresh bruises on his face and arms. "Sakamoto?" He asked as he saw the blonde-haired boy, he soon turned towards the rest of the teenagers around him. "We just want a chat, Mish," Alondra spoke in a calming voice. Ryuji soon crossed his arms. "Komoshida's been coaching you right? You sure it's not just physical abuse?" He asked. Mishima soon had fear in his blue eyes. "Certainly not! Alondra is on the team why don't you ask her!" Mishima spoke. "Why are you talk in' so polite, anyways...we saw him smack you, right in the face." "That's just because I'm not good at sports..." Mishima looked down and explained. "That doesn't explain all the other bruises though," Bee spoke softly as Mishima soon turned towards the dirty blonde-haired girl. "They're from practice!" He soon yelled as his eyebrows furrowed. "Is he for in' ya to keep quiet?" Ryuji asked. "That's..." Mishima soon looked away. Speak of the devil, Komoshida soon walked up. "What's going on here?" He asked and soon looked down at Mishima. "It's almost time for practice." He spoke. "I-I'm not feeling well today..." Mishima stuttered. "What? Maybe you're better off quitting then." He soon looked at Alondra and he looked angry at her. "Like Alondra." He spoke with some venom in his voice, almost like his shadow. "You're never going to improve that crappy form if you don't practice," Komoshida spoke his voice was more normal as he looked at Mishima. Ryuji soon turned towards Komoshida. "Didn't you hear! He ain't feel in' well." Ryuji spoke angrily. "Well Mishima, are you coming to practice or not?" Komoshida asked as he didn't answer Ryuji. "I'll go..." Mishima looked down sadly. "As for you, you'll be gone from the school for sure." Komoshida soon turned towards Ryuji. "Bastard.." Ryuji spoke under his breath. "Same goes for you three." Komoshida looked angrily at them. "Doesn't the principal tell you to keep in line?" He spoke angrily to Akira. "I was as just leaving," Akira spoke. "Good, if he slips up Sakura, you'll be in trouble too," Komoshida spoke, then a smirk was on his face. "All these rumors are making students anxious..." Komoshida spoke. "That's your own goddamn fault..." Ryuji spoke angrily at Komoshida, Komoshida soon shook his head. "This won't get us anywhere. Let's go, Mishima." He spoke before soon walking off before he left one more thing to say. "Shujin Academy is a place where those with aspirations come to learn. Unworthy students don't deserve to be here." He soon side-eyes them. "Get with the program!" He spoke before walking off. "That asshole..." Alondra spoke angrily. "He's gonna pay for this," Ryuji spoke as he squinted his eyes as Komoshida walked off. "There's no point..." Mishima spoke before all the teens looked at the blue-haired boy. "Huh?!" "Probing that he's physically abusing meaningless...Everyone knows, the principal, our parents...they just keep quiet." "That's gotta be a joke?!" Ryuji looked shocked. "Don't be a don't understand what I've been through." Mishima soon looked at Ryuji as he spoke up more. "Shouldn't you and Alondra know that it's not going to help?!" Ryuji soon looked down and so did Alondra, she wanted to speak up but decided to stay quiet. Mishima soon walked off. "Damnit..." Ryuji looked at his feet. "What now?" Akira asked as Ryuji soon looked at Akira. "We should try...just one more time," Bee spoke softly as she felt bad for Mishima.

The school day soon ended as Ryuji and Alondra went one way while Bee and Akira went another way. Akira soon opened the door to cafe Leblanc, Bee followed him as Sojiro soon went home.
"I'm worn out from all the stuff that happened today..." Akira spoke as he sat down on his bed, Bee soon sat down next to him. She couldn't help but blush darkly. "We should probably head to bed soon..." Bee spoke softly. She soon looked over at one of the corners that had a small desk that was covered in her books that became dusty over time. Akira soon saw her eyes looking at the desk and he giggled his head. "What's over there?" He asked, Bee soon looked back at him as her aqua eyes met his. "It's just an old desk." She spoke with a small smile on her face. She soon saw him smile slightly back at her, making her cheeks turn pink again. "We should get changed out of our uniforms." Akira soon got up as he soon grabbed his PJ clothes that he usually wore before he went downstairs to change.
Bee did the same and when she was changed into her PJs she started to think about how she could help Mishima and the rest of the team.
Bee was soon snapped out of her thoughts as her phone began to ring Akira was soon upstairs. The teenagers soon opened their phones to see a text from Ryuji.
Ryuji: [hey, this doesn't make any damn sense]
Ryuji: [the principal and the parents know about the abuse?]
Alondra: [I don't know why they aren't speaking up]
Akira: [they are all afraid of Komoshida]
Ryuji: [that can't be the only thing...the principal and parents are keeping quiet]
Bee: [is it because he made the volleyball team famous?]
Alondra: [i think so]
Ryuji: [i can't stand him beating up those kids and all they can do is endure it, and the follower doesn't give one single shit...]
Akira: [what follower?]
Ryuji: [Ann Takamaki, the girl you talked to in the courtyard.]
Bee: [she's in our class]
Ryuji: [I'm going to try to find someone who knows what's going on with Komoshida during the break tomorrow.]
Alondra: [I want to help too, I'm not giving up]
Akir soon put his phone away and placed it on his nightstand. "I'm beat from running around all day....goodnight Bee," Akira spoke softly before he soon fell asleep.
"Goodnight Akira."
Alright! Here's another chapter, I'm really tired and I don't know what to say. I hope you enjoyed this chapter
Stay creative!

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