Chapter eighteen- Code names

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Ryuji slammed his hand onto the courtyard vending machine. Alondra and Bee were sitting on the bench, Bee was trying to comfort the brunet but failed. Bee was also worried about getting expelled, and what would her dad say but her biggest concern was Akira. "We can't waste any time. We gotta hurry up and go to that world and beat the shit out of that asshole!"

"We're not beating him up. We're simply stealing his distorted desires." The black and white cat explained. Ryuji looked at Morgana sitting on top of a table in the courtyard. "Can I assume that you've made up your mind about this-about how he might suffer a mental shutdown?" Morgana asked.

Ryuji towards the cat. "I have..." Ryuji spoke softly.

"Someone almost died because of him! I don't give a shit what happens to him anymore." Alondra spoke and looked at Morgana. Ryuji nodded in agreement.

"And you two?" Morgana asked, referring to Akira and Bee.

"Let's take him down, his reign in over," Bee spoke sternly.

"I agree." Akira joined in on the conversation.

"Then it's settled...Morgana nodded and smiled softly.

"By the way, is gettin' rid of a palace hard? You've tried it before, right?" Ryuji asked Morgana.

"...When did I ever say that?"

"Eh?" Ryuji paused but soon looked shocked. "WHAT?! You were just pretendin' to know!?"

"Is it true that you're getting expelled...?" A female voice spoke up, everyone was shocked and turned their attention to the platinum blonde-haired girl. "Everyone's talking about it..." She crossed her arms and looked down.

"That asshole's at it again!" Ryuji spoke through his gritted teeth. "So you came all this way to tell us that?" Ryuji asked she he looked at the blonde-haired girl.

"If you're going to deal with Komoshida...let me in on it," Ann spoke, it was obvious that the events of today hurt her and she wanted payback. Everyone was shocked. "I can't just sit back and do nothing after what happened to Shiho!"

"This has nothing to do with you...Don't butt your head into this." Ryuji spoke to her more calmly, he understood her anger.

Ann stomped her foot onto the cement floor. "But it does! Shiho's my-"

"I said don't get in our way!" Ryuji said sternly. Ann stayed silent, although her anger was very clear. She looked down at the floor before running away.

"That was harsh..." Bee spoke softly.

"We can't take her somewhere like that..." Ryuji spoke as he crossed his arms.

"I hope she doesn't do anything too crazy. Women can be much bolder than men sometimes." Morgana spoke.

"We just gotta hurry up and deal with Komoshida." Alondra chimed in. "Let's go already!" She spoke, she was ready to take him down. Akira nodded his head and everyone moved to the alleyway across from the school.

"The moment we cross over, we'll treat each other like phantom thieves, so I hope you're ready," Morgana spoke to the teens. Ryuji looked at Morgana confused "Phantom thieves?" Ryuji spoke and Morgana sighed.

"We are Phantom thieves Ryuji," Akira spoke and started to grab his phone from his pockets.

"Correct, those who covertly sneak in and stylishly steal treasure-that is what we become!" Morgana smiled as he explained.

"That sounds kinda cool! So we just gotta say the school, Komoshida's name, and "castle" then we end up in the bizarre world." Ryuji spoke excitedly.

"How the hell does this all work..Did someone make this app?" Ryuji asked looking at his phone.

You stole my heart (Akira Kurusu/Joker x OC)Where stories live. Discover now