Chapter four- A new awakening

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"Hey...Hey! Wake up." A familiar voice was heard, and everything was black, Akira soon opened his gray eyes to see Ryuji kneeling down to try to wake him up. Bee was next to him. Soon got up from the wooden bed he was on and held his head in his hands. Ryuji got up. "Akira, are you okay?" She asked concerned. "Yeah..." he spoke and looked up to see they were in a cell. "You alright?" Ryuji asked. "Yep, you?" He asked as he looked at Ryuji. "Yeah, more or less." He rolled his shoulder and turned around Bee sat down on the wooden bed and looked at him. "Looks like this ain't no dream..." Ryuji spoke. "This looks like the velvet room..." Bee whispers in Akira's ear. "Ugh, what's going on?" Ryuji asked, he ran towards the bars a jail cell of red and purple water followed him. "Hey, let us outta here! I know there's someone out there." Ryuji banged and screamed. "Ryuji!" Bee said sternly, the blonde turned towards her. "The people out there put us here, it won't help to bang and scream." The slightly shorter girl spoke. "Where are we though? Is this some kind of movie set?!" Ryuji said, his voice raised. A faraway scream was heard and Bee and Akira got up as they looked scared. "Th-the hell was that just now?" Ryuji asked as they looked out at the metal bars. "Whatever it was it sounded terrible." Akira commented. "Whoa...whoa whoa whoa." Ryuji seemed scared and Bee's hands started to shake. The messy-haired boy saw this and looked at her. "Bee...calm down...this will be okay." He spoke soothingly, Bee seemed as she calmed down slightly. "This is really bad...Isn't there some way outta here?!?! C'mon, we gotta do something." He spoke. Akira looked around to see chains. "Why are there chains on the wall...?" Bee asked. "Damnit, this makes no sense." Ryuji said softly to himself. Some loud footsteps were soon heard. "Did you hear that?" Bee asked. The same armored knights soon came to the cell. "Be glad that your punishment has been decided upon. You're charged with "unlawful entry." Bee soon heard the charge and she felt the anxiety coming back to her. " can't be charged." Bee said softly to Akira. "I-I know...I don't know what to do." He spoke softly and looked down. "Thus, you will be sentenced to death." The knight spoke. "Say what?!" Ryuji said confused. "No one is allowed to do as they please in my castle." A figure soon came up, his voice seemed dark. Almost like Igors. The figure looked like Komoshida, with dark messy hair but he wore pink slippers, and a short red cape that had hearts, and his legs were really hairy. Bee seemed to gag at the sight of Komoshida. "Huh? that you Komoshida?" Ryuji asked. "I thought it would be some petty thief, but to think it'd be you, Sakomoto...Are you trying to disobey me again? It looks like you haven't learned your lesson at all, huh?" Komoshida had bright yellow eyes and a disguising smirk on his face. "Why do you look so disgusted Sakura, I should be the one disgusted after you tried to kill yourself because everyone bullied you for cursing that one girl." Komoshida spoke. "And you brought a friend this time...because you can't do anything yourself." Komoshida turned towards Akira. "This ain't funny you asshole!" Ryuji shouted at Komoshida. "Is that how you're supposed to speak to a king? It seems you don't understand the position you're in at all." Komoshida replied to Ryuji. "Not only did you sneak into my castle, but you also committed the crime of insulting me-the king. The punishment for that is death. It's time for execution, take him out!" Komoshida shouted to his knights. "S-stop it." Bee spoke. The knights and Komoshida soon were in the small cell. "Goddamnit.." Ryuji cursed.  He soon pushed a knight down, "I ain't down for this shit! C'mom we're out of here!" Ryuji spoke. Another knight came up and pushed Ryuji, he grunted in pain. He fell down holding his stomach where he was hurt. "Ryuji!" Bee tried to run to him but the knights stopped Bee and Akira. "Just go, get out. These guys are serious." Ryuji said to Akira. "Oh? Running away, are we? What a heartless friend you are?" Komoshida spoke. Akira didn't respond. "C'mom! Hurry up and go!" Ryuji raised his voice at them. "What's the matter too scared to run away, you're just like the day you tried to slit your wrist in the bathroom, but you were too much a coward to actually do it." Komoshida spoke, making Bee's blood boil. "Hmph, pathetic scum isn't worth my time....I'll focus on this one's execution." Komoshida turned back to Ryuji. He had a sinister smile on his face. "Take this!" He soon punched Ryuji and continued to throw him around. Bee tried to get to Ryuji but she couldn't take it. "Stop it!"She yelled out, Komoshida turning towards her.  "Have you lost your goddamn mind!" Akira asked, Bee was shocked to hear Akira curse. "What? Don't you dare tell me you don't know who I am?" Komoshida walked towards Akira. "That look in your eyes irritates me." He soon kicked Akira down and Bee ran over to him. "Hold him there...After this peasant, it's his turn to die. I'll let the girl watch both of them die and then I'll add her to my collection." Bee looked at him disgusted. "No way in hell am I letting you take me." She spat on his bare feet, Komoshida looked in anger at her but that anger turned into a smirk. "I like the feisty ones." Akira was soon held down by two knights. "Be careful with him!" Bee yelled out and tried to free Akira but a knight came to hold her down, the two teens tried to get out of the knight's grip.
"This is a truly unjust game...Your chances of winning are almost none." A girlish voice spoke and Akira and Bee looked around. A blue butterfly soon appeared and the two teens looked confused. "But if my voice is reaching you too, there may yet be a possibility open to you..." they both followed the butterfly and looked at each other. "You heard that?" She asked softly and Akira nodded.
"What's the matter? Are you simply going to watch?" A deep voice rang through Akira's head "Are you forsaking him to save yourself?" Akira looked around and he saw Bee screaming in pain and looking in pain. "Death awaits him if you do nothing. Was your previous decision a mistake?" The voice asked Akira. "It won't.." he spoke and looked angry at Komoshida. He soon saw a knight holding Ryuji by his neck. "Very well...I've heeded your resolve." The voice spoke as Akira struggled to help Ryuji.
Akira soon got a major pain in his head, he screamed out in pain. "Vow to me." The voice spoke. "I am thou, thou art I. Thou art willing to perform all sacrilegious acts or thy own justice! Call upon my name, and release thy rage!" Akira screamed out in pain. "Show the strength of thy will to ascertain all on thy own, though thou be chained to hell itself!"
"Execute him!" Komoshida pointed to Ryuji. "That's enough!" Bee spoke. Akira looked at her as her outfit changed. She wore a short black dress that was off the shoulder and was right on top and had black feathers on the bottom, she wore black tights, fingerless gloves with feathers on the end, she had leather ankle boots but she had a tall figure behind her that looked like a plague doctor with raven wings as arms. A blue flame was around her.
(The dress)

You stole my heart (Akira Kurusu/Joker x OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang