Chapter five- Alondra

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Well, Alondra is AlondraWolf oc, I love her so much and I hope you love her too!
"Y-You bastards!" Shadow Komoshida screamed at them. "You think you can get away with doing this to me?!" "I don't give a shit! I ain't down for this!" Ryuji yelled back at Komoshida. "Let's get out of here," Bee spoke. Akira nodded, "I'll lead the way." Akira spoke and started running and Bee and Ryuji ran after him.
"Where's the way out of here?" Bee asked as they had been running around this strange castle. "I don't know but I'm beat..." Ryuji spoke as he bent over and tried to catch his breath. "I can't deal with all the execution shit," Akira spoke softly as his finger was under his chin. "What the hell is this place?" Ryuji asked. "I don't know, but the person we saw hanging in a cage really made me feel uneasy," Bee spoke. "Let's continue," Akira spoke and they ran into a dead end. "Another dead end..? Damnit! How the hell're we supposed to get out of here." Ryuji asked. "Hey! You there." A high-pitched voice was heard. "Blonde! Frizzy hair! Lady! Over here." The voice spoke and all of them turned toward the voice. A black and white creature with huge blue eyes and a yellow bandanna around its neck. "What is this thing?" Ryuji was shocked at the creature. "You're not soldiers of the castle, right?! Get me out of here!" The cat-like creature spoke as it was behind bars. "Look the keys are right there." The creature pointed. "We're trying to get the hell out of here!" Ryuji spoke. "Ryuji, let's try to help them. Maybe they can help." Bee spoke. "He looks like an enemy too!" Ryuji spoke. "I'm locked up here, so how can I be your enemy?! Help me out!" The creature spoke. "A cat..?" Akira questioned. "I am NOT a cat! Say that again and I'll make you regret it!" The creature yelled at Akira. Heavy footsteps were heard and Bee became scared. "There's no service, how the hell do we get out of here?" Ryuji spoke. "You want to know where he exists is? Let me out and I'll take you there. You don't want to get caught and executed, right?" The cat spoke. "Okay," Bee spoke and unlocked the cat-like creature from the cell. "Ahhhh...Freedom tastes so great.." the strange creature spoke. "Now where's the exist you monster cat!" Ryuji raised his voice to the cat creature, the creature turned towards Ryuji. "Don't call me a cat! I am Morgana!" Morgana spoke angrily. "Shuddup and hurry up already! You wanna be locked up again?" Ryuji spoke. "Alright sheesh," Morgana spoke as he crossed his tiny arms. "Follow me and stay quiet," Morgana spoke as his tiny legs ran.
"Well...I guess we just have to follow it." Ryuji spoke. "It's the best option we have..." Akira spoke softly. A knight soon appeared as the drawbridge was lowered. A small blue flame engulfed Akira, Bee, and Morgana. Ryuji was on his back trying to back away. " amateur," Morgana spoke. "You both can fight, right? Let's go!" Morgana spoke before jumping onto the stone floor. "Come...Zorro!" A large figure like Bee's and Akira's soon behind Morgana, he had huge arms and a thief outfit that was dark and he had a sword next to his chest. "Y-you have one of those things too?" Ryuji spoke with fear in his voice. The three of them soon engaged in battle.
They soon won and Akira learned a new move, Morgana fought them about the weaknesses the enemies will have. "Not bad, both of your personas are pretty powerful." Akira had his hands in his pockets. "Persona? You mean the thing that comes outta you guys dramatic like?" Ryuji asked. "Yeah, you saw how frizzy hair and lady here ripped their mask right?" Morgana asked Ryuji. Soon their outfits changed back into the school uniform scaring Ryuji. "Hmm, looks like you don't have full control of your power yet. The transformation shouldn't dissolve like that. At all" Morgana was cut off. "This crap doesn't make sense." Ryuji said angrily. "Can't you just sit there and listen for once Blondie?!" Morgana asked angrily at Ryuji. "Don't call me blondie! My name is Ryuji!" He spoke. "This is not the time to lecture you, you want to get out of the palace right? Let's go!" Morgana spoke. "Oh before that- take these. Use them carefully, okay?" Morgana spoke as he handed all of the teens some medicine for them. "Hold on a sec!" Ryuji soon walked up to a girl in a cage with super revealing lingerie, she had some scratches and brushes on her that looked like marks from rape. Her blue eyes were clouded and her long brown hair was matted and frizzy. "A-Alondra?" Ryuji asked in horror as he saw her. "Who is she?" Akira asked and Bee looked sadly at her friend Alondra. "It's one of my friends Alondra...she has been being raped by Komoshida..." Bee spoke sadly and Ryuji banged his hands on the stone wall. "Damnit! How can we help?!" Ryuji asked Morgana with anger in his voice. "Come on, let's go!" Morgana said. "Hold on, damnit!" Ryuji spoke. Morgana looked back at Ryuji. "What is it? We need to go, fast!" Morgana spoke. " can I help her?" Ryuji asked sadly. "Do you really think you have time to worry about other people right now?!" Morgana spoke, his high-pitched voice sounding frustrated. "Besides, she isn't real, she is just the cognition of this person and their palace." Morgana explained. Ryuji looked at Morgana in shock, he was about to speak but was cut off by a knight who found them. "There!" He yelled as he ran over to them. "You should've listened to me.." Morgana spoke. "Let's fight." Bee spoke and Morgana and Akira looked at her. "I'm glad you stick to your guns." Morgana smiles softly at Bee. Akira and Bee's clothes changed into their fighting outfits and after the fights they went back to their Shujin uniforms. "Alright, let's get away before more show up!" Morgana spoke. Ryuji looked at Alondra and he felt a pain in his chest. "Ryuji, we'll save her." Bee spoke softly and smiled and he smiled weakly. "I hope I can..." he spoke. "Bee, Ryuji. We should get going." Akira spoke and placed a hand on Bee's shoulder and she blushed softly. "Damnit...I'm coming." Ryuji spoke and the teens soon ran behind Morgana to the exit. "We're here!" Morgana spoke and turned towards the teens. "Finally! We're saved." Ryuji sighed softly. He opened the door but it didn't budge. "It's not opening'!" Ryuji was shocked and it soon turned to anger. "Do you trick us, you jerk?!" Ryuji turned towards Morgana. "Don't jump to conclusions, over here." Morgana jumped slightly and ran off. "Morgana wait." Bee spoke and ran after the black and white creature. They were led to a dark room with only two torches. "Where are we supposed to get from here?! There aren't even any windows?" Ryuji asked. "Ugh, Amature.." Morgana crosses his arms. "This is the most basic of basics..." Morgana spoke. "Ventilation?" Bee asked. "You're right! You're both natural at this!" Morgana spoke and Akira smiled at Bee, she blushed and so did Akira. "It leads to the way outside." Morgana explained. Ryuji tried to get the mesh black frame on the vent but he fell. "We're seriously gonna get out of here?" Ryuji spoke. "You shouldn't wait for the celebrating when you get out, now get going!" Morgana spoke. "What about you Morgana?" Bee asked him. "There is still something I have to do, we're going our separate ways." Morgana spoke. "Thanks." Akira spoke and bowed his head slightly. "Heh, you've got some manners." Morgana spoke to Akira. "Be careful on your way." Akira and Ryuji soon got up and Akira held his hand for Bee, she took it and blushed as they got to the vent. "You two go first, I don't want you to look up my skirt." Bee blushed a deep red color but she giggled. Akira blushed also, and Ryuji was in front.
"Those three seem helpful. Especially the frizzy-haired one and the lady, of my judgment, is right..." Morgana spoke as he thought.
The teens soon arrived at a street back in Tokyo. Ryuji was bent over and catching his breath. "Did we make it?" He asked. Akira soon got out his silver phone.
"You have returned to the real world. Welcome back."
Well, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, sorry I haven't written a lot. Animal crossing had gotten my time. Anyways Alon, I hope you enjoy this chapter as your oc is here now!

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