Chapter ten- Blanc Wolf

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Oh wow, another chapter, and so close to the last one. Yeah, I don't have a life anymore because the people who I thought were my "family" have left me, I'm stuck with a guy who I like but he doesn't like me back.
Sorry for the vent, onto the story. Also, this is Alondra's phantom thief outfit. I didn't draw it AlondraWolf did.
"What trouble makers that bother king Komoshida with trifle matters." The guard captain spoke. "Komoshida's cognition ain't changing' right? Then I'll act like the troublemaker I am!" Ryuji spoke. "Let's do this Captain Kidd!" Ryuji spoke and pointed his finger at the shadow. "Stop!" A familiar female voice was heard, they all turned around confused but looked shocked as they saw a girl with long brown hair that was in a ponytail. She had a white mask and a white fur coat on her shoulders, she wore a dress that had a top and bottom grey, and black in the middle. The bottom had hems of white and her over-the-knee boots were white. "A-Alondra?" Ryuji asked as the girl looked so different. "Let's go Morrigan!" She spoke as her persona was a wolf girl that was on two legs, she wore a purple dress with a purple cape and red gloves that were torn on the end.

Morgana stood aside as he watched the teens battle the guards

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Morgana stood aside as he watched the teens battle the guards.
"Why have a lost...I am loyal to king Komoshida." The guard spoke. "That just proves Komoshida ain't anything special," Ryuji spoke as he put his metal pipe on his shoulder. Ryuji was panting had he leaned down to catch his breath. Alondra looked at the blonde in concern. "How 'bout that..?" Ryuji looked up slightly at Komoshida. "So Ryuji and Alondra had the potential too...?" Morgana asked. "Even if you apologize to now...I can't forgive you." Alondra spoke as she had some scratches and bruises on her legs and arms that were exposed. "I told you this was my castle. It seems you still don't understand..." Shadow Komoshida spoke.
Some footsteps were heard as a feminine figure with a string bikini on, some cat ears that matched, and some high heels that clicked as she walked. The figure looked like the girl with long blonde hair with two pigtails as she walked toward Komoshida. "Wha- Takamaki?!" Ryuji looked surprised. "Oh.." Morgana's cheeks blushed under his black mask. "Wha...What a meow-elous and beautiful girl.." Morgana spoke. Takamaki soon placed her arms on Komoshida and leaned up against him. "What is going on?!" Ryuji asked. "Something seems off..." Akira spoke as he looked disgusted at the teen girl with her arms on the perverted teacher. "Now that you mention it..." Bee spoke as she started to think. "But why is she even here?!" Ryuji asked. Komoshida places his hand on the girl's chin and she looked up at him. They all looked disgusted as they saw Komoshida's pink underwear. "Can he please put something else on?!" Alondra asked as she was going to gag. "Hey, let go of her perv," Ryuji spoke, Alondra looked down as she felt slightly jealous of the blonde-haired girl. She wanted the blonde-haired boy to protect and care for her as he did for Takamaki. "How many times must I tell you before you understand.." Komoshida turned towards them. "This is MY castle-a place in which I can do whatever I want. Everyone wishes to be loved by me." Komoshida spoke, putting emphasis on mine. "That is, everyone besides you slow-witted thieves." He looked angry, but he walked over to Alondra and Bee. "But you girls could be in my collection," Komoshida spoke with a sick smirk on his face as he held Bee's curvy waist and held Alondra's chin. Bee looked at Akira with pleading eyes.
Akira and Ryuji looked angrily as Komoshida held them both. "Never! You sick bastard!" Bee spoke with venom in her voice and Alondra pulled away and so did Bee. Komoshida looked angrily at the girls but went back to Takamaki. "Takamaki! Say somethin'" Ryuji spoke. "Calm down, Ryuji! It seems this girl isn't the real one." Morgana explained. "She's the same as those slaves- a being made of Komoshida's cognition of her," Morgana spoke. "Are you jealous?" Komoshida smirked at Ryuji. "Well, I'm not surprised. Women aren't drawn to problematic punks like you." Komoshida spoke. "Damnit..." Ryuji spoke softly and looked at the brown-haired girl who wore a long ponytail. "Clean them up this instant!" Komoshida spoke angrily as shadows surrounded the teens. "We're outnumbered...Let's scram before we get surrounded!" "We're not going to do anything and just run?!" Ryuji asked. "We have to Ryuji," Alondra spoke as she took the blonde's hand as they ran away from the shadows. Ryuji panted as he tried to catch his breath. "Are you okay Ryuji?" Alondra asked and he nodded his head and stop up slightly. "Anyways...I don't remember changing into this." Ryuji spoke. "It looks good on you," Akira spoke. "It suits you," Bee spoke softly with a small smile. "It's much better than your magician lookin' one!" Ryuji spoke to Akira. "I think he looks good." Bee stood up for Akira with a small blush on her face. "And do you not like my outfit? Or Alondra's" Bee smirked as she knew the two teens have liked each other since the day they met. They both blushed but looked away.
"Did you find them?!" A pursuer's voice spoke. "Quiet!" Morgana spoke as they all stayed quiet. "No! Search this way." Another pursuer's voice spoke. "So, what's goin' on? I'm completely lost, man!" Ryuji spoke. "I told you before. When a persona user opposes a palace's ruler and becomes a threat to them, this happens. It's to prevent you from being affected by distortion." Morgana explained and Ryuji felt his mask. "Is this..a skull?" He asked. "Your appearance reflects your inner self. It's the rebel that slumbers within...Do you understand?" Morgana asked. "Nope..." Ryuji looked down. "Then stop asking questions and accept what you are for what it is," Morgana said frustrated at the blonde. "Easy for you to say." Ryuji crosses his arms. Bee then gasped as she remembered. "Wait Akira. If you're caught..." Bee paused. "You're in deep shit." She spoke. "We might've gotten away here, but we're still screwed with Komoshida at real school..." Ryuji spoke. "That's quite sharp of you for being an idiot." Morgana chuckled softly. "Relax, the real Komoshida can't possibly know what happened here. A shadow is a true self that is suppressed-a side of one's personality they don't want to see." Morgana explained. "So we're okay...?" Alondra asked. "Did the real Komoshida remember the executions?" Morgana asked. "There we have it." "Alright! Now that we know that, all we gotta do is-" Ryuji was cut off. "Wait I guided you as you promised, it's your turn to cooperate with me. "That's why I was super nice about teaching you guys everything," Morgana spoke. "Huh? Cooperate." Ryuji asked. "Don't you remember, I originally told you I came here for an investigation? I need to erase the distortion from my body and regain my true form." Morgana spoke. "Do you think you were human?" Bee asked Morgana.  Morgana looked up and nodded. Bee smiled and got to her knees. "Thank you, Morgana." "You've got guts and all being a cat," Ryuji spoke. "See ya around!" He spoke as he ran and so did Akira, Bee, and Alondra. "Hey! What the hell! Ugh, seriously? What are you wrapping this up like everything's all hunky dorky?!" Morgana asked.
"Oh hell no! Get back here..grr...GRAHHHH!"
Well, I hope you enjoyed this story, idk what to say so...Stay creative!
Also, I'm gonna stop doing the in-game pictures because in the second part of the prologue I didn't also it's not ideal.

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