Chapter nine- Skull

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The school turned into the familiar castle as Akira and Bee were in their strange outfits. "Look! It's the castle from yesterday." Ryuji spoke, the blonde with his school outfit on ran into the castle and Akira followed. Bee tried to follow but her ankle boots made it hard to run in.
"We made it back...That means what happened was real too." Ryuji turned toward Akira and Bee. "Those clothes!" He looked at Akira's clothes. Akira looked shocked as he saw his red glove. "That happened last time too, huh?" Ryuji spoke. "What's with that outfit?" "Not bad, huh?" Akira smirked with what was like his smirk before. "I think it fits you," Bee spoke and she blushed softly. "What's goin' on here?! This makes no effin sense at all." Ryuji spoke.
"Hey!" A familiar high-pitched voice spoke. The teens turned and ran towards the teens. "Stop making a commotion." Morgana stop. "!" Ryuji spoke to the smaller figure. "The shadows started acting up, so I came here wondering what it could be." He crossed his arms. "To think you guys would come back to the entrance when you barely managed to escape," Morgana spoke. "What's is this place..? Is this the school?" Ryuji asked Morgana. "That's right!" Morgana smiles softly. "But it's a castle!" "This castle IS a school," Morgana answered. "But only to the castle's ruler." "Which is Komoshida..." Bee spoke softly. "It's how his distorted heart views the school," Morgana explained. "Komoshida...distorted..explain in a way that makes sense," Ryuji said frustrated at the smaller creature. "I shouldn't have expected a moron to get it..." "what did you say?!" Ryuji asked angrily. "Okay. Let's calm down." Akira spoke as he tried to stop the tension between the blonde and the creature. Then a noise was heard and Bee jumped slightly. "What was that?" She asked. "It must be the slave's captive here," Morgana spoke and Bee looked down. "Like Alondra..." Bee spoke. "Oh, this for real?!" Ryuji asked. "Alondra was held captive," Ryuji spoke as he tried to understand. "Most likely on Komoshida's orders. It's nothing out of the ordinary, it's like that every day here." Morgana explained he looked at Akira and Bee was next to him. "What's more, you guys escaped yesterday. He must have lost his temper quite a bit." "That son of a bitch!" Ryuji said frustrated. "Ryuji?" "This is bullshit!" Ryuji was still frustrated, he then turned towards the castle. "You hear me Komoshida?!" "Doing that isn't going to open it, you know..." Morgana spoke. "Still it seems you have your reasons." Ryuji then walked towards Morgana, Akira, and Bee. "Hey, Monamona!" Ryuji spoke. "It's Morgana!" Morgana squinted his eyes slightly at Ryuji in anger. "Do you know where those voices are coming from?" Ryuji asked. "You want me to take you to them?" Morgana asked. "Well I guess I could take you there...frizzy hair needs to come." Morgana looked up at Akira. "Let's go. Bee can you come?" Akira looked down at her and she blushed under her raven mask. "Y-yes." She stuttered slightly. "I want to get a better look at both of your powers," Morgana spoke. "Alright, let's do this. Follow me!"
"This is our infiltration point," Morgana spoke as there was a vent above them. "Ain't this where we escaped last time?" Ryuji spoke. "That's right, not barging through the entrance is one of the basics of phantom thievery," Morgana explained. "How are we supposed to know that stuff..?" Morgana soon jumped up onto the vent. "I'll make sure to teach you guys as we go, come on, follow me?" Morgana spoke. "Hey uh...I'm sorry for dragging you into this." Ryuji spoke. "Me too Akira..." Bee looked down. "It's okay, let's just try to stop Komoshida," Akira spoke. "Really though, thanks for coming' along. I owe you both." Ryuji smiled softly. "You don't Ryuji," Bee spoke softly.
Soon they all were at the old castle entrance. "Man, this place is creepy," Ryuji spoke. "Mhm, now make sure you do exactly as I say, all right?" They all nodded their heads and Morgana started to run. The teens followed the cat-like creature.
"The exit is this way hurry!" Morgana spoke. Akira got a fake gun from Ryuji that seems to work. The teens saw the slaves and Komoshida had been abusing the volleyball team.
As the teens ran they were shocked as they found Komoshida and a bunch of guards that became shadows behind him. "You knaves again?" Komoshida asked angrily. "You think you'd make the same mistake again? You're hopeless." Ryuji walked closer to him. "This school ain't your castle! I've memorized their faces real good, you're going down!" Ryuji yelled at Komoshida. "It seems true when they say "barking dogs seldom bite." He wore a sick smirk on his face. "How far the star runner on the track team has fallen." "What the hell are you getting at?!" Ryuji asked. "I speak of this "track traitor" who acted in violence, ending his teammate's dreams. Oh, I can only imagine the pain of the others who were dragged under with your..selfish act." Komoshida spoke, and Ryuji looked down sadly. "Violence?" Akira asked. "What a surprise. So you accompanying him without knowing anything at all? He betrayed his teammates and crushed their hopes, yet he still carries on as carefree as ever." Komoshida explained. "You already said that you fucker!" Bee yelled out. Komoshida turned his attention toward the girl and growled. "How dare you talk to me like that?!" "What a tragedy..." Komoshida paused. "You blindly trusted this fool, and he lead you right to your death," Komoshida spoke to Akira. Komoshida then turned around. "Hurry up and dispose of them," Komoshida spoke as he walked off and the guard turned into a shadow. "Ryuji move!" Morgana spoke. "Ngh...we're surrounded," Bee spoke as she held her raven scythe closer to her. Akira, Bee, and Morgana attacked. "Ugh...there's more coming," Morgana spoke. As the shadows used lunge, all of them fell down.
"You price of.." Morgana spoke as Komoshida stood on him. "I bet you simply came here on a whim and ended up like this, am I right?" Komoshida asked. "No.." Ryuji spoke. "What a worthless piece of trash, getting emotional so quickly." Komoshida turned towards Ryuji. "How dare you raise your hand at me.  I thought it was only temporary, have you forgotten my kindness in supervising track practice? Wasn't no practice-it was physical abuse! You just didn't like our team." Ryuji spoke as he stood up but slightly stood up. "It was nothing but an eyesore! The only one who needs to achieve results is me! The coach who got fired was hopeless too..." he smirked as he spoke. "Had he not opposed with a sound argument, I would've settled it with only breaking the stars leg."  "What..." Ryuji looked up at him shocked. "Do you need me to deal with the other leg, the school will just call it self-defense anyways!" Komoshida let out a low chuckle. " I going to lose again..?" Ryuji spoke softly. "So that's why..." Morgana spoke. "Once I deal with these three, you're next..." Komoshida looked at Ryuji. "Don't let him win," Akira spoke. "You're right... everything that was important was taken by him..I'll never get 'em back!"
"Stay there and watch," Komoshida spoke. Ryuji soon stood up. "No...That's what you are.." he spoke. "All you think about is using people, you're the real scum bag!"
"You made me wait quite a while," a voice spoke to Ryuji. His eyes turned bright yellow as he held his head. "You seek power, correct? Then let us from a part." Ryuji screamed out in pain. "Since your name has been disgraced already, why not hoist the flag and wreak havoc?" He was on the ground trying to crawl. "The other you who exist within desires it thus...I am thou...thou art I." The voice spoke. "There is no turning back." A skull soon formed on Ryuji's face as blue flames surrounded him. Ryuji stood up and ripped his mask off, familiar blood was on his face. A huge flame was around him as he looked up, he wore a black shirt with a red tie. His gloves were yellow and he wore a black vest that had a huge collar that went past his chin. The back had metal on it like the metal belt he wore around his waist and the knee pads. He looked up and smirked as he had a persona behind him, it looked like a pirate. "Ugh...this one too?!" Komoshida asked. "Right on...wassup, Persona...this effin rocks." He spoke as he looked at his yellow gloves hands. Morgana soon got up, along with Akira who held his red gloves hand out for Bee. The dirty blonde-haired girl blushed but took his hand as she sat up. "Now that I got this power, it's time for payback..." Ryuji cracked his knuckles and smirked at Komoshida. "Bring it!" All of them turned towards Komoshida with their weapons and personas ready.
"Blast him away...Captain Kidd!"
So over 200 reads, That's nice but I don't think I deserve it...anyways I hope you liked this chapter with Ryuji's awakening. Stay creative!

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