Chapter 5: Perfect Night (M)

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For a chef at a busy restaurant, you'd think I'd be more organized in the comfort of my own kitchen but today had already started as a mess the moment I woke up and slipped on a shirt falling face-first onto the hard floor of my bedroom. I had no recollection of leaving a shirt on my floor since I tend to keep my room clean; that was until I looked at the shirt and realized it was the one I stole from my brother.

I had a light breakfast with my coffee-loving parents. I prepared them cappuccino's with a cute design that I recently mastered after I bought a commercial-grade espresso machine for my home. Not only did it enhance how pretty my kitchen is but it will save me lots of trips to coffee shops. A smart investment if you will.

The cooking part was going great of course but my organization was horrible. I left panda all over the place, cooking bowls, dirty spoons, spatulas and don't even get me started on the blender; I only had one for cooking and I didn't realize I needed more until today to use at the same time. Fortunately, I had Jun who was washing dishes and helping the kitchen feel clean. I was more than grateful for the boy, without him this place would've looked like a war zone.

I was nervous for so many different reasons including having Roseanne all to myself tonight, our first time going further than a super hot gut-twirling make-out session with touching. We were going all in. But that's totally not the only thought occupying my mind. I thought about how my dad was going to interrogate her and how harsh his words could be. I wasn't worried about the food, Michails was a big help in being a taste tester since he couldn't keep his big mouth away from my kitchen.

I was wearing casual clothes because if I wore the dress I wanted to it was going to smell like food and spices, as well as my hair. I'd prefer Roseanne to have me while I smelled fresh and sweet rather than an ethnic restaurant—not that it wasn't a bad smell, just not as sexy as my Chanel perfume.

I made different dishes that complement each other because I know my family too well and know what they do and don't like; dinner planning was always difficult because although I enjoyed everything my dad and brother were picky. Like this, they could mix the food without it tasting off or not mix anything at all and still have a great meal.

When nearly finished I asked my mom to take over (and I mean make sure nothing burns or overcooks) so that I could head to my room and begin my long date night routine. before I stepped in to wash away all the scents I sent a text to Roseanne to let her know to come whenever she'd like and apparently she was already on her way. Maybe I'm a little behind schedule. Just a little though.

I swiped off Rosie's chat and went to Juns who again was a great help in the kitchen. "Call your boss and tell her that you won't be going to work.
Stay for dinner."

"I would call my boss but I need the money."

"Ok then, thank you for tonight. I'll save you a plate for you to heat up when you get back."

I took the quickest shower of my life or more like I took a regular shower since I spend most of my shower time standing and allowing the water to relax my muscles. I knew just how long it would take to style and blow dry my hair along with doing my makeup, putting my jewelry on, and making sure my dress still fit well. I really need to start going to the gym again.

I decided on a burgundy mini dress with a draped v-collar and a gold chain that ran across my chest held by the thin straps. I fought between two sets of heels and decided to go with the black YSL fantasy heels that mysteriously appeared at my door knowing that I would never even dare to go on any designer fashion clothing website to buy something worth one mortgage payment. Maybe it was just a coincidence that my girlfriend happened to be the global ambassador for said brand.

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