Chapter 14:Ride [M]

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I was squatting next to Hank's empty food bowl while the pup whined. Not that I'm a bad mother and don't want him to eat but I think we could use this as a learning moment.

Sometimes I find that Hank whines and we're not sure what he wants and it takes a long time to figure it out... much like his other mother who also loves to whine when she's hungry or for every and any reason.

I wondered if it was a habit Hank picked up from her and if it is then Hank should be smart enough to pick up some sign language.

He was looking at me still whining at me and I'm sure that if Rosie was here she'd be scolding me to feed him, although I know he's fine since he ate what was left 30 minutes ago.

I brought all of my fingers together and pointed them to my chin, then I took a few pieces of kibble to place them in his bowl. When he finished I snapped to divert his attention back to me and repeated. After a while, my love for him made me give up and poured enough food into his bowl to last him a while.

I then realized that I myself began to get hungry but was too lazy to put something together. Rosie though has been in charge of groceries for a while and although I give her a list of things she tends to bring things I would never have thought to buy before. For example, instant ramen.

I've learned through food documentaries, recipes and have acquainted myself with Japanese chefs to give me tips on how to make ramen. I feel though that I haven't mastered it and would definitely add Japan to my travel list just to get a taste of authentic ramen, perhaps learning to make it like a pro.

For now, though, I opened a shin ramen pack and got my water to come to a boil. While I waited for that I went to go check up on Roseanne who had been in the shower for a little too long.

I made my way up the stairs and into my room to find Roseanne with her bare backside facing me. It felt primal, both the feeling that clicked in my body and how she was casually going about in the room without a single thread of fabric on her body. It's no secret that she's a confident person and doesn't shy away from anything, a quality I very much loved about her.

It's also no secret that lately, her workout focus has been on the lower half of her body.

After drinking her in I finally knocked on the door to announce my presence, "Were you waiting for me to come and find you like this or did you forget about underwear."

"And if I say the first one?" She shrugged her shoulders with a teasing smile.

"Mission accomplished then." I smiled at her and almost forgot I had a pot of boiling water and a child with no adult supervision. I rushed down the stairs leaving the girl alone in her bare glory and I could only fantasize about what she was imagining since that lip bite she was giving me was far from innocent.

My cardigan flew with me in the opposite direction as I ran to the kitchen, the waving material caught Hank's attention and he began chasing me at a much higher speed. I hadn't noticed though until he bit down on the material and slid across the floor with me. At this moment I was glad he was on the smaller side because god knew a Doberman would take me with him instead.

I finally placed the hard noodles into the water with a whiny Hank once again. I crouched in front of him and made the sign for food but he continued to whine. Then I grabbed my cardigan and he got excited, he wanted to ride around as I pulled him.

He began shifting his front paths back and forth like a show horse as he became desperate, but again I decided to use this as a teaching moment. I took my cardigan off and began signing ride as I showed him the material. I did it over and over and surprisingly he stopped whining and looked attentive the whole time. He'd be a great student.

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