Chapter 23:Chick Meter

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I was very tempted honestly. Dangerously tempted to embarrass my younger brother and bring a big ole' sign with his name written on it as I jumped while he walked toward me. But, my girlfriend stopped me from doing that as she accompanied me to go pick him up. Although I think it has something to do more with embarrassing her rather than my brother.

"It's not about me being embarrassed I just genuinely think he will dislike being on the cover of an article with you doing that. He'll say something like it'll bring the chick meter down—whatever that means." And she was also right about that but I liked to argue with her just to rile her up. Something probably not Dr. Tesfaye-approved, but it's all jokes—if that even matters. "Although I do say that I like the airport fashion love, you look like my personal bodyguard." She smiled teasingly.

I looked around us and scanned our actual bodyguards before scanning myself, it had to be the glasses. "It was a really bright and sunny day out, my eyes are sensitive." I half-heartedly lied.

"Well, whatever, you still look hot. If you were a bit taller I totally would've hired you as my personal bodyguard though. Although I'm afraid I would've broken all rules regarding client and employer relationships." I rolled my eyes before pushing her gently. I would've too, I would've risked my job for her. I stared at one of our bodyguards who happened to be a girl and squinted my eyes at her. She was definitely taller than me and pretty, with defined cheekbones and all.

I looped my arm with hers, "ok well that's enough of that topic."

"Getting turned on?" She teased.

"No, jealous. But also my brother is here and I'm sure he knew fan clubs and paparazzi were gonna be here." I shifted my glasses from my nose bridge to the top of my head to get a better look at him. She didn't change much from the last time I saw him. He looked really good and the gym process is imbedded into every muscle of his body. He had a new pair of headphones that I bought him after the gym Incident with the word guy and moved them down to his neck when he spotted me. I began jumping from excitement and damn I should've brought that sign.


"Well, you really do look good Mike," Rosie mentioned as she hopped into the passenger side.

"Thanks, I know. When the news about you and my sister came out I overworked the gym and I'm glad they did because as soon as I hopped out of the plane there were a lot of bald people snapping my picture. I hope I looked good, will deferment bring my chick meter up!" Whatever that is.

Rosie turned her torso to tell him one last thing, "Well I'm glad you're here. I'm excited to hang with you this summer."

"Who isn't, I'm sure all the chicks are." He gave a smug smile and I'm sure at that moment Rosie wished she would've let me embarrass him. Before I drove off I told him to stop being a jerk before he has to build his own shed outside of the house and sleep there. It also gave me a not-so-happy thought about him and his chicks or his meter. Chick meter whatever that is not—

"No girls over with the door closed by the way and if at any moment you decide to disobey least wear a condom. If I want to take care of a child it at least has to be mine." He saluted and although I wanted to discuss more things I wanted to do it at home. Plus I really wanted to get this hour's drive over with.

I'm sure both Rosie and Mike did too.

They both met a version of me never seen before. Traffic drives me crazy and at this moment I'm sure they were glad I wasn't vocal with my anger because it wouldn't be a pretty picture. They both looked like terrified mice and scooted the farthest away they could from me in their seats praying for the traffic and drive to be over. At some point, Rosie asked if I wanted to switch but there was no way in hell I was going to switch because with my luck when we both hopped off the traffic would've cleared and the cars behind me would be honking like crazy.

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