Chapter 24:Start of a New Tradition

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I can't believe it's been almost a month and I still have to remind Mike to brush his teeth in the morning. It brings me the most displeasure though part of my day but I'd rather remind him than have him work in my restaurant all dirty and gross. I also wasn't in the mood to have customer complaints about his bad breath and hygiene.

He also wasn't the only child I was as struggling with.

Hank decided that it was a great idea to start bringing unknown items into the house. I spent minutes and hours trying to figure out what these mysterious items were and had to throw them out with tongs and oven mitts that I'll never use in my life again besides to throw away more of these gross gifts.

Rummy on the other hand has taken a liking to chewing my plants and at some point, I was terrified of the action that I took her to the vet worried just for them to tell me that if she didn't have any diarrhea or was vomiting she was alright. This led to me buying a catnip plant for her to chew on.

And Roseanne.

Roseanne has been here and out to California for "emergency" meetings. She has complained about them because she herself would like to travel less since she also has to travel to photoshoots and fancy people events. She has invited me to a few and I almost attended one but leaving my children with my brother would guarantee my house to be a pile of dust when I return. Or on the bright side, my house would appear on that hoarder's TV show from unwashed dishes, and clothes, as well as mysterious gross items that may have been alive once.

Today though, luckily, was a day off for me and Roseanne was home so she decided it was the best time to complain about my slob of a brother. Complaints I already made.

We had finished dinner and usually Rosie helped me out with the dishes but now that there were more people in the house we thought washing our own was best and fair. But Mike, acted like we never established it to him. To my girlfriend's displeasure, he dropped his dish in the sink and walked away. The cherry on top was him burping which I obviously wasn't aware of until he excused himself. At least he was somewhat polite about that.

And since I knew she'd complain about him I decided to bring up a newer topic I'm sure she wasn't aware of.

"We need to talk about Hank. He's bringing in gross gifts and I need to find a way to stop him so I need you to help me out with him since he's well... also your son. I also solved Rummy's problem on my own so—"

"And when will you solve Mike's problem?" Obviously, there was no way around it.

I stood up pushing the stool with my legs and placed my plate along with Mike's, "I'll work on that but right now the key focus is Hank babe. I would really appreciate your help with solving this issue."

"Well, how about solving Mike's issue now and making him do his dishes! He's the reason why this house is a mess and I don't like that you work hard to clean only for him and come destroy your progress selfishly."

I crossed my arms over my chest and squinted my eyes at her. I knew it was an issue but I didn't know it affected her this much, "ok what's your issue with him? He's not your son or br—"

"And you're not his mother. You already did a huge favor by allowing him to stay here. He doesn't have to pay rent so this is the least he could do. I don't have an issue with him and that's why I want to address and fix this issue because I also see him like a younger brother and I don't want him to grow into a douchebag." And let's just say she won't the argument because she was right.

To her satisfaction, I walked off and although she thought I had stormed off from anger, she was glad to see me dragging Mike back to the kitchen as I angrily signed to him about what a slob he was and how I was tired of cleaning after him. It was fairly easy to convince me and it's not that I felt like I couldn't convince him from the beginning I was just too busy cleaning after him after my long day at work to talk to him.

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