twenty three

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Entry #23
November 25th, 2034

It's too late to change my mind.

The whole time we were standing at the train station, I told myself that I had to runaway from you.

Whatever you planned to do, you didn't need me. You were capable of doing everything on your own. I needed to leave and go back to the way things were.

But I couldn't.

Why, you might ask? You went through a whole day of hassle to change both of our appearances and I let you because I guess I'm scared of what you might do if I refused.

So when we boarded the train to the north, I missed my chance at ever having a normal life. I was yours now, free to do whatever you wanted.

As you took a seat on the bench of our individual room aboard the train, you shrugged your backpack off and began to undress.

I was too caught up in my own thoughts to pay attention to anything you were doing. That's saying a lot because I'm usually pretty in tune to whenever you were naked.

You must have sensed something was wrong, because you stopped in your tracks and sighed. "Cal, come here," you said.

I flinched at your words. "No."

There was a low animal like growl in your face. "Cal, come here," you demanded.

I let go of a reluctant sigh and turned to face you. I knew you could see my eyes were really red from crying, but I still tried to hide it.

"Why are you crying?" You asked me, as if you couldn't understand how this was affecting me.

Now that I think about it, though, you probably couldn't understand.

"I want to go home," I whimpered.

Your green eyes grew hard and unfriendly and your hand grasped onto my arm, tightly. "Cal, stop crying. Warriors don't cry."

That only made me cry harder. "I don't want to be a warrior."

You frowned. "I thought you wanted to end this ridiculous war."

"No, no, no," I repeated as I shook my head violently. "I don't care about any of that. I'll be straight for the rest of my life. I don't want any of this. I just want to go back home! I miss my mom and dad."

You rolled your eyes. "Jesus Christ! Cal, you're always trying to prove to me that you're mature, but what are you doing right now? You're acting like a little kid!"

"I am a little kid!" I shouted at you. "And you're an adult!"

You rolled your eyes again and I knew you were getting pretty irritated with me. "I thought we were past that."

How could you think that I could ever get past that? I could try, maybe, but it doesn't change the fact that you're way older than me. I should've listened to my gut instinct in the very beginning. Getting involved with you was a huge mistake!

I didn't respond, because I didn't know how to. You had your mind set on achieving your goal, and you weren't going to let anyone get in your way.

"Cal, I'm going to protect you until the end," you reassured me.

My heart rate sped up. "The end?"

"I'm not saying there's going to be an end," you added, "but just in case there is, I would die before I let anything or anyone hurt you."

I wiped away the tears trickling down my cheeks. "You would?"

Your lips twisted into a sloppy smile. "Of course, Cal." You leaned forward and placed a quick kiss on my forehead as your hands began to venture lower. "Now, how about we get you out of these clothes, hmm?"

And I let you have your way with me, because that's what I do now.


a/n: Aw, poor little Cal! How do you guys think this story is going to end?

guys, I'm so sorry for neglecting this story. I kinda forgot what I was planning to write for this, so now I'm just writing as I go and hoping it comes out as I originally intended it to.

I'm on summer vacation, so I'll be able to update more frequently without homework being a problem anymore.

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