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Entry #14
November 6th, 2034

"I think we should go on a date," you told me this afternoon.

I gotta say. It took me by surprise. "A date?" I whispered into the phone. "What's that?"

You laughed like you had just heard something funny. But I didn't see what was so funny. "A date," you began, "is what two people do to get to know each better to see if they're compatible. Don't get me wrong, I love making out with you but I want to really know you."

I never knew there was a test of compatibility. I always thought people got together because they were attracted to each other and wanted to procreate. And maybe that was all it was, but you've been making weird suggestions lately so I guess I would go along with it.

"Okay," I agreed. "Let's start."

You laughed again. "It's not like a game."

I've noticed that you tend to speak in tongues. Everything you say always has a different underlying meaning to it. It can never be what it is. It's always something else.

"Then what is it?" I asked for probably the fifty thousandth time that day. I hate asking you questions because it makes me feel stuipd and young. And I'm doing everything in my power to prove to you that I'm not young. It would be so much easier if you just tell me what you want and not use all these words I don't understand.

"We have to schedule a place and time that we do it. And we have to dress nice."

I looked over my shoulder to make sure no one was eavesdropping. Rarely do I talk to people on the phone, which was one of the reasons why my mom bought the new iBeta for my birthday. Somehow she thought that it would encourage me to call my friends, but she forgot that I don't really have any.

That's what I don't get about this whole "grounding" thing. What could she possibly take away from me that I'd actually care about?

"Okay," I told you after a minute of silence. "What is the place and time? I have a suit from my graduation two years ago. Is that okay?"

You laughed for the third freaking time. "No! That's way too fancy."

"You said dress nice..."

I heard you sigh from the other end and it sounded like you were frustrated with me. "Nevermind, you can just borrow some of mine."

That made my heart jump in my chest. Had we really gotten to the point in our relationship where we were wearing each other's clothes?

"Where do you want to go?" I asked again.

"Hmm...I think we should go to the woods."

"The woods?" I questioned. "You mean where those kids were killed? Nate ... I don't want to go there!"

But it didn't really matter what I wanted, because you had a way of persuading me. "Cal, it's the only place where we'll get to be alone. No one will see us there. We'll be safe."

It was something about the way you said it that made me give in. I knew it was a bad idea and I'm pretty sure you did too, but I didn't wanna tell you that. So instead, I just said, "I'll be over soon."

Then I hung up the phone and jogged downstairs. I was two seconds away from walking out the front door when my mom stopped me. "Where do you think you're going?"

I whipped around to face her with my throat growing dry. "Um, uh ... Dad told me he wanted more, um, weed."

"Cal!" She nearly yelled. "You can't be going out and buying weed! That's not for kids, honey."

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