twenty five.

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Entry #25
November 26th, 2034

"Hit me."

I stared at you for a very long time before what you said finally registered in my mind, and even then, I couldn't believe it. "What?"

We were stood in the midst of a corn field that we stumbled upon. Most of the corn had been burned and weeded away though, so we were really standing in the middle of a patch of dead grass. There wasn't anyone around us and compared to the majority of the north, the corn field was relatively quiet.

"Hit me," you repeated with a smile this time.

I frowned. "No, I'm not going to hit you."

When I refused, you laughed. "Come on, Cal, hit me. I want to see what you got."

I already knew there was no point arguing. Eventually, I would give in and obey your command like I always do because I'm foolishly in love with a killer and it seemed as though I didn't know any better.

So I let out a reluctant sigh and charged towards you with a balled fist in the air. Just as I was about to drive my fist into your chest, you acted fast and grabbed onto my fist, twisting my arm into an awkward angle until I cried out in pain. "You can do better than that," you chuckled when you released me.

I let my arms dangle at my sides. "I don't like this game."

"It's not a game, Cal. Try again."

I didn't understand the point of this. We both knew you were much stronger than me and you were always going to have the upper hand, which was exactly what happened when I tried to send another punch your way. You twisted my arm in the same painful angle, and I screamed again.

"Too predictable," you noted, "try again."

I groaned. "I don't want to."

"Cal," your voice grew serious, "try again."

I took a deep breath and squeezed my eyes shut, trying to channel my inner something. I didn't really know what I was trying to channel, but I knew that I didn't want you to twist my arm again. So this time, I launched myself at you and threw my arms around your neck, crashing my lips on yours. You were stunned for a moment and eventually, you melted into the kiss and snaked your arms around my waist.

When I was confident that you had let your guard down, I kneed you in the area between your legs. You howled in pain and let go of me, falling to the grass as you held the area to find some kind of comfort.

And I don't know why, but that made me smile. "I did it."

You started to laugh quietly to yourself. "Yes, you did..." With almost superhuman-like reflexes, you jumped to your feet and tackled me to the ground, pinning my arms above my head, "...but I seriously doubt that any of the guards will allow you to kiss them."

I smiled a cheeky smile. "I know, I just really wanted to kiss you."

I expected you to respond with something about me lacking focus, but you didn't. You just gazed back at me with those lovely green eyes of yours and when I thought I had enough of your undeniable beauty, you leaned down and placed a quick, soft kiss on my lips. When you pulled away, you continued to look at me. "Aw, baby."

I'm sure my brows were sewn together, but not because I was confused, but because I was surprised. You had never called me that before, and I never thought that you would ever call me that.

"I love you," I said.

You kissed me again, soft and slow. "I love you, too."

You took a deep breath when the kiss ended and you fell onto the space next to me, staring up at the evening sky. Your hand even trailed down my arm to interlock with mine. "Do you want to know something?" You asked me.

I nuzzled my face into your chest. "Yes."

"I think everything's fallen to shit," you spat in a bitter tone. "I think the King, whoever the hell he is, I think he's scared. He's scared of what'll happen when we get to him. When the very thing he hated comes back to bite him in the ass. That's why there's so much violence nowadays. He doesn't know how to deal with the pressure, so he kills. He kills just for the mere fun of it, that sick bastard."

I wanted to point out that you, too, kill for the mere fun of it, but I thought it would be better to not mention it.

"I know what he's doing is wrong," I began, "but he had a good reason, right? I mean, there was that thing about the blood curse and-"

I didn't get to finish because you sat up abruptly and looked at me with wide eyes. "What?"

I wanted to take back my words because I was sure I said something wrong, but you raised a brow, prompting me to continue.

So I did. "Um, the blood curse? All the women had-"

You interrupted me again. "Blood curse? Who told you that?"

"Uh, my history teacher."

Then, you laughed. Like a real laugh. Honestly, I swear I'd never seen you laugh so hard. It was the kind of laugh that you had to hold onto your stomach, like you were scared your insides would fall out. "That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard."

I opened my mouth to tell that "stupidest" wasn't a word, but you cut me off again.

"There is no blood curse, Cal."

My brows furrowed again and I sat up too, a small frown creeping onto my face. "What do you mean? Isn't that why the King hates gay people?"

"No," you snapped while shaking your head, "the reason why the King hates gay people, the reason why he's executing a mass genocide is because his son was raped and killed by a gay man."

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