Chapter 19 - Perspective

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'Paradis. So I'm going to become one of those ugly mon-'

"Get up Eldian." A soldier kicked my side and raised me to my feet. They took my blind fold off and I saw the other people beside me. Amongst them, my parents. 'This has to have been Willys doing, he probably wanted to erase everyone who knew the truth about me, including my parents.'

"Y-Y/N?" My mom said. Her eyes widened and a fiery rage came out from within them. "I hate you! You ruined my life! I wish I never had you! Why couldn't you just be an obedient little kid!" She burst out of the hold of the Marleyan soldier and tried to attack me.

"What do you think you're doing Eldian!" Two soldiers tackled her to the ground before dragging her back up and in line with the rest of us. Behind my mom, was my dad. He didn't move or say a single thing. Not even a glance at me or my mother. 

"Once I become one of those monsters! I'm going to murder you first!" She yelled while being dragged off the boat. We got taken up the steps to the wall where we'd be thrown off and transformed. One by one they were thrown off while the soldiers had their kicks shooting rounds at them as they mindlessly walked around.

"Look at those idiots!" Another yelled taking a sip of beer. It made me sick watching them. "Hey you. You wanna see how fast you can run?" He offered to a Eldian sitting on the side.

"Huh?" He responded confused. 

"Sounds like a yes to me boys." He looked back at his equally disgusting friends and uncuffed the man throwing him off without the serum watching and laughing as the Eldian ran away from his former friends screaming until they tore him apart. I watched wide eyed unable to process what was happening. The transformations went by painfully slow as I watched all of them turn into despicable monsters. 

"I'm sorry. Y/N. This is all my fault." I heard a whisper to my right. I looked over and saw my dad starring at the ground below terror in his eyes.

"Dad-" Before I could say anything a soldier slapped my back almost knocking me off. 

"Looks like we've got a youngin here don't we!" He leaned down and whispered into my ear. "So how tall you lookin to be little man~ three meters? Four? Maybe even fifteen?" I could smell his repugnant breath stinking of alcohol and booze. I looked back at him disgusted. 

"Tall enough to climb back up this wall and rip you all apart." I responded seething and barely able to keep myself from moving. 

"Oh we got a spunky one!" He chuckled. "Well I'll tell you what~ I'll make you fifteen meters and maybe you'll be able to climb back up and get us." He said before cackling away. "Goodbye kid!" He stabbed my arm with the needle and injected every last ounce of fluid into me from the syringe. Grabbing my arm he tossed me off the wall and down below. 

I felt something different course through me, it wasn't as mind numbing or painful as I thought. 

'Don't worry. I'll find my way up one way or another, and when I do. I'll rip you all apart.' A giant bolt of lightning formed around me and the last thing I remember was my hand grabbing the top of the wall.




I felt a rush of heat through my body throwing my eyes open and gagging. 'What the hell, where am I? ' My eyes traced around the city, it was covered in blood and Titans, their footsteps echoing throughout the city and reverberating through my feet.


Everything snapped. Information about my entire live flooded in and I couldn't control it. I knew about Marley, Eldia, our history, Paradis. The rest of the world. My head felt like it was splitting apart.

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