Chapter 32

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Chloes POV


I have five days to choose between Luke, Jayden and Joe.

Valentine's Day is on Friday but the dance is on Saturday.

I wish I had friends to help me deal with this like normal people.

You received a message from the "Maddison High School Gossip" group.

Chadwick II : My girlfriend just asked me out!

Makenzie: Chad I think it should've been the other way around.

Chadwick II: at least someone asked me, unlike you who has to chase a guy that got someone pregnant.

Makenzie: You better take that back!

Stacy: I aborted the baby.

Joe: you never really had a baby it was all a lie.

Stacy: Joe !

Joe: leave me alone.

Chadwick II: DAMN

Stacy: Chad if you dare say another word I will make you regret it.

Chadwick: what you gonna do??? Get me pregnant? ;)


The whole school has been freaked out since that fight that happened in the group.

Some people even left the group. I would leave too but I don't have friends so I need to have a source to get all the school drama.

Or I'll end up lost like Brianna Price, the rich girl with no friends.

Or Spencer Duck, the rich guy with fake friends.

I walk to the library to hand in the books I borrowed which are probably 5 weeks late but the librarian is probably too old to notice.

I quickly put them back when she's not looking and run away.

"Where're you off to?" I hear a voice call from behind me.

It doesn't sound like the old lady though.

I turn around to see Joe, smirking at me the same way he's been doing since he asked to be my valentine.

I don't know if he thinks it's cute but it's better when Jayden does it.

His just looks weird.

"I was um... I'm late for class" I lie.

He gives me a questioning look.

"There are 20 minutes before the bell rings" he says, crossing his arms over his chest.

Why does he even care?

"Well I want to be super early" I lie again, plastering a fake smile on my face.

"Okay? Can I ask you a question?"

"Uh yeah sure" I agree, letting out a sigh of relief, thank God he changed the subject .

"Have you been avoiding me?" He asks blankly, almost like he knows I'm about to lie.

I could tell the truths and say: "Yes I have been avoiding you"

"No!" I lie instead. I haven't been speaking to him for more than 5 minutes and I've already lied three times.

"Are you sure because you looked quite annoyed to see me"

"I wasn't annoyed about you"

"You weren't?" He asks again, smirking again.

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