What's your answer

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Jamie's P.O.V

We're here inside the plane now and I'm sitting next to Greyson and Ashley. We're going to Canada to start our concert and tour. This is going to be so much fun !

"You know forgiving Greyson is right thing, I'm glad you did" Ashley whispered to me

"Yeah.. but why ?" I whispered back

"Because without Greyson Kendall would be..."

"So you're saying that I should forgive Greyson just because of Kendall ?" I raised my eyebrow

"No.. no ! Of course not. Also, I know that you would be a mess if you and Greyson would break up" Ashley said rubbing my back

A part of me was shocked because.. she's right I would be broken but another half of me is scolding me for thinking of that. I mean why should I be ? Idon't have any feelings for him, right ?

"What do you mean break up ? We're not even a real thing. I mean our relationship is true of course, Troy told us to be real with each other so we can put it up. So.. we became a real couple, not just acting like a couple like before. We are a real couple but I don't know if our feelings are real, or even loyal to each other" I said lowly so Greyson wouldn't hear us

Ashley's eyes lit up.

"To be real with each other..." She said the lines slowly

"Jamie ! You and Greyson need to be real with each other. Real does not mean having a real relationship, you just need to be real with each other. " She said

I look at her confusingly

"Remember earlier when you said to Greyson that you're back to square 1 ? back from the start when you were both frenemies ?"

I nodded

"You just need to be real with each other that's how ! The real Jamie Schmidt and Greyson Chance are frenemies, just be that way. Haven't you notice that when you were frenemies we keep teasing you ? It's because you look like a couple even you're not ! That's the real you, Jamie." Ashley said

I look over at Greyson and thank goodness his sleeping !

"Sshhh !! They might hear you !" I whispered

"Sorry" she whispered

"But I know you have feelings for him" Ashely said. She winked at me then went to her bunk

I look at my right and see Greyson still asleep. I was about to go to my bunk but Greyson's head fell on my shoulder.

"Jamie" He muttered slowly

My eyes shot open and I look at him. He was still sleeping. Instead of going to my bunk, I stayed there and let this goofball sleep on my shoulder

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2015 ⏰

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