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Jamie's P.O.V

"Charlie ?" I said as I peek through his door. I saw him sitting in the edge of his bed with his hands in his head.

"Huh ?" He said as he turn to me. "Oh. Hi, Jamie. How long you've been there?" He ask like nothing happened.

"Ummm.. Just a couple of minutes ago" I said.

I can tell that he knows that I heard his conversation with that someone cause he just widen his eyes and gestured me sit beside him. 

I went beside and spoke "Mind telling me what's your problem ?" I said and look at his hazel orbs.

"Well........" He sighed and look at me directly in the eyes. I swear I could look at it for a year if I have to.

 "My manager called me. He said that my career has extended but I'll have to be a singer because of the many people that ask for it in my company" He said and looked down.

"Well... that's great ! Aren't you happy to be a singer ?" I ask

"Well... I don't know. I'm not really good at it. As far as I know I only sing in front of my fans or should I saw in front of the camera when I do a Twit-cam and i just record in my demo. I'm not that good" He said and ruffled his hair.

I laughed and said "C'mon you're not that bad. How can you be not good at singing if almost everyone wants you to be a singer ?" 

He sighed in defeat and said "Fine. But still there's still bugging me" He chuckled.

Another one ? 

"Okay, now what's the other problem ?" I chuckled. This guy has gotto sort out his priorities.

"Well.. my manager said I have to go to Hawaii and be with 2 other singers, FAMOUSE singers and I ask him who are the singers but he said I know them and I'll know soon. I mean, what does he mean by soon ?!  I mean I'm gonna leave tomorrow and how will I know them and - " I cut Charlie off when I heard he'll leave tomorrow.

"Wait ? You'll leave tomorrow ?" I ask. This means.....

"Yeah.. I'm sorry, I thoug - " 

A smile crept on my face and blurted all the words that I need to say "You're going to Hawaii tomorrow and so am I. You're going to Hawaii and meet 2 singers, I know them. Your manager said you know them, Well OF COURSE YOU DO ! " I laughed , loudly 

Charlie gave me a confused look...    Seriously he didn't get it ?

"You caramel headed boy ! Silly ! It's us  you're gonna be with ! You're going with us on the tour ! " I smiled.

"Oh holy caramel ! OH MY GOSH ! " he laughed . Well at last ! He gets it .


"Hey ! Give me that ! " Greyson slapped Charlie's hand

"I had it first !" Charlie argued


"MINE !"

I went between them and grab the soft, comfy pillow they were both arguing about.

"HEY !" They both said

"For your information this pillow is mine !" I said and walk away like a boss and sat on my chair.  

If you're wondering where we are, well ....Richard did said that we're going to Hawaii tomorrow and by tomorrow he meant 8:00 p.m of this night. So clearly, we are now in my brothers private plane (Which I didn't knew he had) and that's leads us to the arguing of MY pillow because they didn't bring one

 I was laying on my sofa-bed comfortably when I heard a squeal. A SQUEAL? WHAT ?! I'm the only girl here. Who WOULD SQUEAL ?

I opened my room (Yes, the plane has rooms) and saw Ciara sitting beside Greyson and Charlie.


IS THIS TRUE ?!?!?! 

She turned to me and said "Hi Jamie !" She smiled

Oh ! DAMN ! She's real !   SHE"S TRUE ! THIS IS TRUE ! NO ! A NIGHTMARE !


Hi Guys ! I am so sorrry for not updating ! I hope this could be enough chapter for now ♥


What I said about Charlie doing Twitcam is real :D [ Just search it on Youtube ]


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