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Greyson's P.O.V

When I leaned in to kiss her I felt sparks! Like stars I can't see anything. But I can feel the pleasure of












A hard rock! Cause some SH*T just threw it at me!

I growled and find the person who threw that. I look at Jamie just to see her dragged by paparazzi's again.

"Jamie!" I push all the people blocking my way not minding if I hurt someone cause Jamie is alll that matters now.

Wait, where did that come from? what did I just say? ooww! snap out of it Greyson!

"Greyson!" I hear a faint sound of Jamie's voice

"Stop it!" I yelled and finally I have her in my arms again.

"Don't you dare, Touch her!" I yelled and went to the car.

"Thanks" Jamie said.

I look at her and smile "No, It's my fault. " I said

"Still you saved me" She said and smiled.

I smiled back at her and drive. While driving my conscience started to talk to me again -_-

Dude! You almost kissed her great move!

I smiled at that thought but also I'm disappointed - .

wa-wa-wa-wait! Greyson No! You're not In love with her!

SH*T I got to remove this thought

Admit it you like her! 

UGH! curse my conscience!

My thought was distracted by what Jamie said

"It's kida weird. You know, Your frenemy helping you and you both acting like couples" She said and giggled.

"Hey, at least I'm a good actor" I said like a boss and smirked

"Wow, don't get to full of your self" She said and laughed.

I kinda like this situation, seeing her smile and being lovely.

And again! Greyson Stop you're falling for her ! UGH!


We arrived at her house and just to see her brother waiting outside o-oh

"Thanks Greyson, Got to go. Bye" She said and smiled

"Bye see ya, tomorrow" I said and she left.

I drove away smiling and happy.


Sorry if this is short but I gotto go somewhere 

I'll update tomorrow .. :)

By the way comment anything you want to request or you want a dedication!



Hater to Lover (Greyson Chance fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now