Chapter 15 - Don't you dare

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Greyson's P.O.V

I saw Jamie covering her eyes and wondered why, after seconds I saw a ball was about to hit her.

I grabbed her waist for her not to be hit by the ball, when she turn to face me...

"You saw her gorgeous eyes again"   my annoying conscience spoke to me again 

I shrug it off before I could do something silly like last time at Starbucks.

I was about to make her stand up when an undesirable pain hit my face and stomach.

"The hell, John ?!" He just punched me. What did I do now ?!

He grabbed Jamie away from me and walked away while Jamie look back and mouthed 'Thank You' and 'sorry for that' 

I smiled at her. But how dare that John punch me ! Oh he's gonna get it.

I walk faster trying to catch up with them when a memory flashed in my head

" Spend your last day with your friends, okay?. You're leaving for L.A tomorrow" Alexa said

Sh*t !

Jamie's  P.O.V

John grabbed me from Greyson. I don't know the reason but why is Greyson's cheek red ? I admit I didn't saw everything until John grabbed me. I looked back and mouthed at Greyson 'Thank You ' and 'sorry' even though I don't know why is he mad at John or I don't know what happened

Even he's my 'frenemy' at least he saved me.

I was about to ask John what happen but I saw him red in anger and he could just punch a wall. So instead, I kept my mouth shut.

And we went to class

"Why are you four late ?" Mrs. Squinch said strictly

"we , uhh-uh"

"We just arrived because we studied really late last night ma'am" Trina excused 

"Take your sit"

As I went to my seat I heard my classmate Aline said "Loser" and laughed with her friend, Janen

They're one of the school's flirt and bullies. They once put milk in my hair but when they knew I was the sister of Kendall they tried to be friends with me and all they do is looking for paparazzi's to take pictures of them. UGH !


After all the boring discussions and class... It's finally dismissal and there's the hard part.

I'm . leaving . tomorrow

"C'mon let's go ! I'll treat the food cause Jamie will buy us some friendship bracelets" John said grinning widely

"I'll buy each one of us some best friend t-shirts !" Trina squealed

"Oh ! And guys ! Mom said she wants to take us four to a road trip this Saturday ! She said we need some best friends time .. Sooo ..excited" Ashley jumped for joy. 

 But I can't be there . If only I could

"Really?! That's awesome!" John added

"Sweet !"Trina giggled

"Uuumm, guys I need to tell you something" I tried not to stutter but I did.

"Sure thing Jamie" Ashley said

"What si it about ? C'mon cheer up !" John said as he put his arm around me. But I take it as a friendly way.

"Actually it's.. it's it's about I'mGoingkrgahlaerhL.Ajjdksaalkjdhfvkjd" I said as fastly as I could

"What ?" Trina asked

I sign and said " I'm going to L.A on Friday to start my career and gonna be home-schooled" as a tear roll down my cheeks


"Guys ?"

Greyson's P.O.V

I was walking to the school's gate when I saw John putting his arm around Jamie ?! WHAT THE SMURFS ?! He's taking advantage cause Jamie doesn't give malice ! UGH!

And I walked away faster. I called Joel, Michael and Hayden to hang-out with. Who needs Jamie anyway ?!

Jamie's P.O.V

"Don't worry Jamie we understand" John said hugging me like we're never gonna see each other again. Well, it might be. 

"But , your roadtrip " I looked at Ashley

"Don't worry about it we're happy for you" She smiled and wipped her tears. She couldn't hug me because John was still hugging me.

"So proud of you ! Don't replace us ok ?" Trina said 

"Of course I won't" 

Then we spent our last times. <//3

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