iGetting Up

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Hey there Guys !

    I'm so sorry that lately I've been updating less and I'm also sorry that this week I could only update 2 or 3 times. Here in my country classes starts tomorrow, which is June 2, Monday. So I'm really sorry. I hope u understand .  

     But don't worry, I'll update on weekends, I think :D

So enjoy this chapie ♥


Jamie's P.O.V

I woke up feeling a hard but yet soft, pillow in my head. I fluttered my eyes open and the first thing I saw was a chest ... I mean a chest with a white shirt.

I look above and saw the sleeping face of my somewhat goof-head boyfriend, or should I say my arrange-relationship-boyfriend .

But then a thought came in my head .. 'Why was the first thing I saw was a chest ?' .. my mind was confused and cracked up.. then I just realized.. I was hugging Greyson AGAIN .

Curse my problem at sleeping !! 

Why do I have this problem at sleeping ? and why does it have to hugging someone ? UGH ! Every time I wake up, I just found myself hugging Greyson because of my stupid sleeping problem. 

I slowly untangle my arms around Greyson, and also untangle his arm around my waist.

I was about to stand up when I heard Greyson groan, then he rummage the bed like finding something but his eyes are still shut. I ignored him but the last thing I knew was I fell on top of him !

That's why he's rummaging something. He felt my lost presence and he just pulled my waist and now I'm on top of him. Great -_-

"Way to go , sister.. You just realized that ? really ?" An annoying voice interrupted me

My conscience -_-

I tried to get his grip off of me but he twirled to the side.. and now.... HE'S ON TOP OF ME ! AND HE'S FREAKING HEAVY !

I can't believe this !!  .. Greyson just rested his weight on me !

I tried to reach for my phone, which is on the nightstand.

"Almost...almost... Got it !" I finally have my phone and I decided to call Charlie

"Ello ?" His morning voice answered my call.

I would have actually fangirl about his sexy voice but.. now is not really the time..

"Ch-charlie.. I-i'm sorry if I... wo-woke you... up.. But could... y-you ..pl-please go here to o-our ... room ? I need.. help " I tried to speak but all I can do was stutter because of this snoring goof-head's very heavy weight resting on me 

"Are You, okay ? Wait there.. I'm coming" He said then yawned

"Thank u.... and pl-please do-o hurry" I said and ended the call

I waited for about 10 second and thank god ! Charlie arrived !

"WOAH ! " Charlie said with worry in his voice but also I could hear him preventing to laugh

"What ? Are you just gonna prevent your laugh or help me ?" I said with pleading and sarcastic voice

"Okay, okay.. but ... first" He smirk. At first I didn't understand what he said.. but with the flash of the camera now I understand !

"CHARLIE JOHN ROWE !! I thought you were gonna help me" I growled

"Hahahahaha... it's - it's just.. hahahahah" He laugh and laugh until his on the floor with tears because of laughing

"Ha ... Okay let's get you outta there" He said after relieving from laughing.

He tried to pull me out of Greyson grip but he can't. He tried to wake Greyson up but still this dude won't budge.  He tried to get Greyson's hand out of my waist but Greyson keeps tightening it.

"Okay.. I'm gonna count to three and I'll just push Greyson to the side and you get out of there fast because he might twirl again" Charlie chuckled

I nodded and waited for him to push Greyson.

"1....2.... 3 !  Go Jamie.. UUgghhh.. Go" Charlie groaned

As I got out of Greyson's grip, I bump into Charlie causing him to let go of Greyson and hold into my waist and we both fell on the floor.

"That was exhausting" Charlie panted

"Yeah.. it was .. Thank You  !" I hug Charlie 

"You're welcome" He chuckled

We were interrupted by someone coughing. A fake cough.

I turn around and saw Greyson sitting on the bed with his arms crossed

"And what are you two doing ?" He ask

Suddenly.. I went back to reality. I realized that Charlie was sitting on the floor, me sitting on Charlie's lap, his hands around my waist and my arms around his neck.

"Explain.. please" Greyson raised an eyebrow

I stood up and so did Charlie "Well... this morning when I woke up, I was about to get up but you grab me then twirled around until you're on top of me.. I called Charlie for help and after .. I don't know 30 MINUTES ! he finally got me out of your grip ! and we fell on the floor and I hug him for saving me from you" I rolled my eyes

"Oh" was all he said

"Dude ! I can't believe that you woke up because of the small sound when we fell but you didn't woke up when we tried push you" Charlie said

"C'mon let just eat breakfast" Greyson said (trying to change the topic) and we all went downstairs to eat



Sorry Guys.. This is all I can update now. I gotto be ready for school tomorrow.

I don't really know if this chapter is funny or not.. well ...Just see you soon on the next chapter ♥

I'll make it up to you ♥  (SORRY FOR THIS BORING chapter :/  )


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