This is not True

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Jamie's P.O.V

When I cuddled over to Greyson, I see some paparazzi's taking some picture but I forgot about the plan, so I glared at them then they whispered to each other and suspect us.

Oh no, what have I done?

So immediately went close to Greyson and kissed his cheek!. Eeeewwwww ! Jamie! Stupid!, Stupid! . I can't believe I did that just to act like were a couple! eeeewwwww!

I tried to glance at the paps just to see them shock! . Wow, I'm such a good actress! . Good work Jamie but also, eeewww! 

"J-j-jamie?" Greyson ask, off-guard

"I'm sorry, it's just because those paparazzi are suspecting something." I explained 

"ok" He said

Greyson's P.O.V

Jamie explained everything why'd she kiss me. So yeah, were cool.

"How about we go to the mall?" She ask.

"Sure, why not?" I said and we walk out of Starbucks still my arn wrap around her.

While walking paparazzi's invade us! xD. Not really but they surround us with questions!

"Are you too, official?" they ask

"What can you say about your new relationship?"

bla,bla,bla and many more questions. While we were trying to get out of the crowd some paparazzi grab Jamie. 

Jamie is not being use to be in a crowd.

"Jamie!" I shouted and grab her hand. Fortunately I found her! 

"Don't you ever do that!" I said to the pap.

What I didn't know, the paparazzi push me and I fall on top of Jamie! . I met her eyes, it's beautiful. I can't help but to stare at her, we were like having a staring contest until I realize that I was still in front of her! Stupid me!

"Oh - uh - um" I said and stood up. I held her a hand but she was still unbalance so she fell into my chess.

"Oh , I'm sorry" She said and look down.

"It's ok" I lifted her chin to see her eyes again but I was like hypnotized, I stared at her again and I came to her closer and closer.

She didn't make a move so I decided to take the chance to kiss her. As I went to kiss her I felt sparks!




hehehehe sorry cliffhanger! xD

So how'd you like it?

Whatcha think?

*Did they kiss?

*Will they fall inlove with each other?



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