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Greyson's P.O.V

As I got in L.A , I quickly got a text message.

From: Troy

Hey Greyson, I need you here at Starbucks as in ASAP. I need to plan your schedule with your partner.

huh ?  What partner ?. Anyway I didn't text back I just followed what he told me.

"Hey Mom, Troy said he need me ASAP and - " I cuted off by Alexa

"What ?! No ! I don't wanna carry your baggage's again" She groaned while a gave her a smirk

"Well, who's gonna carry them? besides, Troy said he needs Greyson ASAP" Mom said sweetly 

 "Hhhmm, Why not give it to tanner ?" I was also about to give him smirk but I was stopped when I felt my shirt being tugged

"LISTEN GREYSON ! Do . not . even . think . about . it " then he loosen grip     "Besides your bag is way to heavy. Give it to Alexa" He smirked

Oh .. brothers and sisters 

"What?!" Alexa started

"Why gotta problem sis " Tanner teased

"YEAH !" Alexa spatted

"Okay..... Gotta go mom, Bye !" I kissed her on the cheek then ran.

Oh geezz I hope Tanner and Alexa won't notice me.. * Evil Laugh*

Jamie's P.O.V

"Jamie  ! Jamie ! Jamie !" The crowd screamed.

OMG ! This is my greatest dream and it's coming true ! I love my fans ♥

"Jamie ! We love you" 

"Love you all too" I replied heartily

"Jamie ! Get the hell up ! Jamie !"

"Jamie ! Wake up!" Kendall shouted

"Huh what ?!" okay what happen ?

Where's my fans ? the crowd ? the stage ?

Oh it's a dream -_-

"We're in L.A already. Your manager,  Troy just said he need you ASAP at Starbucks" Kendall said holding my phone.


"Uuhhh , ok? " I said and took my phone. He need me at Starbucks ?

"When did he text that he need me ASAP ?" How long was I asleep ?!


Holy Crap ! 

I immediately got out of the limousine and comb my hair -

WAIT ! HOLD UP ! Why am I in a limousine ? How did I get in the limousine ? We have a limousine ? Why didn't I know of that ? WHERE DID THIS COME FROM ?

"Oh I carried you here and yes we have a limousine" Kendall smirked

WHAT ?! Why didn't I know that ?!

" Hey  ! Why not take me Starbucks to be faster ?!" Duh. We have a limousine and he's waking me up just to find a cab ?

"SIS ! You're already in front of Starbucks ! " He spatted .

My mouth was hung open and look back at Kendall

"You're welcome , bye !" He said and closed the limousine's window

Okay, Jamie. Breath . This is your dream you're about to continue

I look at my reflection in one of the cars that was parking outside of Starbucks. I was wearing a Skinny Jeans, Black Fashion Boots and a black hoodie. 

Hhhmm, not bad. I look .... okay. At least I already combed my hair.

As I entered Starbucks I began to find Troy. While I was walking backward trying to find him in every part of Starbucks, I stepped on someone's foot

"Oh , I am so sorry. Very Sorry" I tried to look at his face then I saw a brown haired boy with also brown hazel eyes and pale skin.

Oh my freaking gosh ! It's it's !

"Oh no , It's okay. No harm done" He said with his British accent. When he finally look up to see me he's eyes got wide open

"You're Jamie Schmidt ! Nice to meet you ! " He said and shook my hand

"Nice to meet you too , Charlie" I said. Oh my rainbow smurfs. I finally met him !

"You know me ?" He ask. Oh my his accent is gonna kill me

"Of course I know you ! You're Charlie Rowe ! from the movie The golden Compass,Never land, walking with Dinosaurs and Red band Society !" I squealed

What ?! Gosh Why did I squealed ?! I must look like an idiot

He chuckled then said" Well I'm not that famous " Oh my dear blue moon with pink rainbow smurfs with chocolate. He chuckled !!!

Wait, I have to find Troy ! Sh*t !

"It's nice meeting you Charlie but I gotto go find my manager" I giggled

"See you soon" He waved. I was about to leave when a random hand grabbed my arm "Wait, can I have your number ?" He blushed

Oh my GGGAAAAAHHH !! He's so cute !

"Sure !" Then we exchange numbers.

"Fancy seeing you. Bye" He said. 

"Bye" I was left there day dreaming

Idiot ! Find Troy !

gotta hate my conscience

"Jamie ! " Some random voice shouted as I look at my right I saw Troy 

"Hi ! Nice meeting you " I said and shake his hand.

I swore I thought he was  alone but when I was about to sit down someone was already sitting at the left chair beside me.

As the mysterious guy look up.

Dear Smurfs ! GREYSON ?! 

"YOU AGAIN! " I Almost shout.

Why does he have to be here ? can't a random chocolate frog appear instead ?!


"Don't worry, you're not alone with that mad thought" He smirked

"Seriously ?!" I looked at Troy.

"Why won't you two get along?!" He asked

"Because !" We both said in union

"because ?" Troy added

We sigh and " We're frenemies since birth" I smirked

" Well, Since you two won't get along.. I'll have to" Troy gave us a most mysterious face that you'll even have to kneel and pray to a frog

"Oh no" Greyson said

I Gulped . 

What will he do ? Oh no. I hope it's not hard


Cliffie !!!

hehehe sorry for not updating.

BTW Do you know 'Charlie Rowe' ? his a look-alike of Greyson :)

He's an actor from Never land.

just search him on IMDB or google :)

Hater to Lover (Greyson Chance fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now