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Kendall Schmidt's P.O.V

I was eating breakfast when I saw a picture of MY SISTER ?! in a MAGAZINE ?!

"JAMIE !!!!" I shouted

"What? what? . I'm right here you know?" She said

Oh yeah. I forgot she's eating breakfast too.

"Explain this?" I said pointing at the magazine. Why is she even in the magazine ?!

"ummmm. We-well. You know that's not my fault. It-it's tho-those paparazzi's " My sister said stuttering

I raise an eyebrow telling her that I'm not convince with her explanation.

She let out a sigh and said "Ok, fine. I'll explain everything but let me speak first, no interruptions, ok?" she said

"Ok, now please explain" I said. Still holding the magazine.

"Ok, here it goes" she inhaled and said "You see paparazi's are looking for me because of the rumour that I'll sign a record deal and they also know that Greyson Chance is my classmate. So at lunch break Greyson playfully put an arm around me then all we know that a flash of camera came over. We ran and ran so they could lost track of us and we hide inside the janitor's closet then we heard and edited sound of me saying 'I love U' to Greyson. Me and Greyson were mad and we made a plan. So that those paparazzi will get tired of us and leave us ! " After all that she said she was panting like she ran a marathon.

"I told you to tell me everything but I didn't say you couldn't breath while talking" I said in a sarcastic tone. 

She gave me a glare " Don't even talk about it!" she said

I tried to recall all the things she told me and I remember something "wa-wa-wait. What did you say? Paparazzi's edited a video of you and Greyson?! and what's you plan?" I said fiercely. I mean A paparazzi just edited a video !

"Yeah they edited a video why?" she ask innocently

"Why? Why?! because they'll post it on the internet that's why!" I said

I grab my laptop and search for it "Oh my it's trending! " I said.

What the ?! What is it with my sister and Greyson ?!

Then my phone rang

 "Hello?" I answered the phone

"Kendall, you have a meeting later at 3 p.m" my manager said through the phone

"ok, sure" then ended the call.

Another meeting -_-

"I have to go" I said

"Bye" she said

Jamie's P.O.V

After my brother left Greyson called

"Hello" I said. Okay, what now ?!

"So, you ready?" He ask

"of course" I replied.

"Ok meet me at Starbucks now and don't forget the plan ok?" he said eagerly. 

Of course I didn't forget, I'm not 60 years old *rolls eyes*

"Sure, bye" I said and ended the call

I went to my room and change my clothes. I wore a pink tank top, grey skinny jeans and a converse. I don't put out make up. I hate it.

Now I'm on my way to Starbucks to fulfill our plan. You might be wondering what is plan Well, we are planning that if me and Greyson would act that we are a couple and everyone would know they would leave us cause everyone already know and they would think that me and Greyson are old topic so they would find some other interesting things.

As I arrived at Starbucks I saw Greyson and sat beside him.

"Hey" I said acting that I don't care if his my frenemy

"he-hey" He said stuttering. Huh? why is he stuttering?

Greyson's P.O.V

When I saw Jamie my world stop. She wore a pink tank top, skinny jeans and converse, I can't believe I would say this but my frenemy is so Beautiful!

"Hey" She said

"he-hey" i said stuttering. Stupid me! Why did I stutter?!

"So, see the papz?" She ask

"They'll be here. I just tweeted it" I said with a smirk. 

Yep. Everytime I tweet something paps are on the lose.

"Wow, I think they're here" Jamie said looking outside.  WOAH ! That's a record

"That was fast" I said as I move closer to Jamie and put an arm around her as she cuddled to me.

I smell roses

" I can't wait til' this is over" My frenemy muttered and smiled

"Don't think your the only one" I said.

I looked at Jamie and saw a beautiful girl, brown hazel, wavy hair with pinkish lips and - Wo-woah ! Stop it Greyson !

I saw the papz take some pics and I felt lips on my cheek. Jamie kissed me. wa-wa-wait what?

Jamie kissed me

My frenemy kissed me

Jamie kissed me

My frenemy kissed me

Jamie kissed me

My frenemy kissed me

Jamie kissed me

My frenemy kissed me

After that thought I blushed  and I can't help but notice that Jamie is so beautiful. Wait Greyson? what did you just say? Stop it!

Do I like Jamie?



So whatcha think?

-Is Greyson inlove with Jamie?

-Is Jamie gonna fall for Greyson

-What is the papz thoughts?



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