The Neighbor

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Jamie's P.O.V

At the Car  /  Driving home

"You know those paparazzi's are too thirsty for money. They interview celebrities for some new LIE topic"  Greyson said as he grip on the steering wheel tightly

"Greyson you're driving ! Let's just talk about this at home" I said while holding at the seat belt for my precious life.

Since we left the mall, he was driving like a lunatic ! He kept muttering words like 'those sh*t lies'     'paparazzi's'    'they're gonna get it'      and more. We almost hit an old man crossing !

Greyson sigh and he slowly park the car in front of the house. I got out of the car and collide with the sidewalk in front of our house

"LAND !" I screamed and hugged the floor tightly, glad to be out of the car where Greyson drove like a drunk man.

Then I look over to Greyson "You could've killed me !" I spatted.

 I stood up and dusted my pants

"I know , but those paparazzi's !! aree !! ssooo !!! UGH !!" He pulled his hair and muttered some words that you don't wanna hear.

"Jamie ?" I heard a familiar accent that I really love

I turned around and saw Charlie walking with his dog.

"Hi Charlie !" I smiled

"Allo"  I think he means 'Hello' . 

"So watcha doin' ?" I ask him and look at his cute puppy !

"Oh nothin'   , just givin' Kali here some walk" He replied

"Her name is Kali ? How cute !" I went to Kali and scratched her chin as she respond with liking my hand.

"She likes you" Charlie said and I saw his cheeky beautiful smile.

"Really ? How cute !" I said and Kali wiggled her tail

"Yeah" Charlie trailed off and saw Greyson. 

"Oh, hey there mate" Charlie went to Greyson and gave him a pat on the back.

"Hey there ! So where do ya live ?" Greyson smiled at him

"Right there" He pointed at the house beside our's.

Me and Greyson look at each other with wide eyes and having mind, silent conversation

G:  So, they're the neighbor that keeps shouting at us ?

J:   If you mean the one who always know what we're doing, maybe yes ?

G:  How do they know what are we doing ?

J:   Let's ask him

"uuuhh. Guys ? Why are you looking at each other like that?" Charlie interrupted

"Charlie.....have you kinda.. you know..uumm  ..  let's just say, your neighbor is arguing at each other and your mother or you sorta screamed at them ? " Damn ! I suck at asking questions

"Nope" He said popping the 'p'

"Well..  we live here" Greyson said pointing at our house

Charlie's eyes widen then look at us  " Did you just say 'we'  " He ask for confirmation

I look at Greyson with  ' Why'd - you - tell - him ?! '   as he shrug

"Ye-yeah" Greyson answered

"Why?" Charlie ask, confusingly

Greyson sigh and explained all of it including about our fake relation ship and about Troy that wants us to be friends -_- .

"wow , really ? I didn't even know you two are a couple" Charlie chuckled

"You didn't saw it on the news ?" Greyson ask

"Nope " Charlie respond

"Maybe the paparazzi's thought that you two are already an old topic cause you're both already together and if you break up you'll be back in the topic again. So, I guess you have to keep acting until ..  if you still need it" Charlie explained


"How long do think is this gonna take ?" I ask calmly even if my brain is yelling

"If your tour is finish, I guess. Just say that you can't have long distance relationship" Charlie said

"Okay , back to the topic" Greyson gestured

"If they waren't yelling at us the whole time, who was it ?" Greyson ask me

"Don't ask me" I said

"What are they yelling ?" Charlie cocked his head to the side. CUTE !

"Well, one time me and Greyson were arguing about the masters bed room if which of us will take it and the woman just screamed   '  WHY DON'T YOU JUST SHARE IT ! THE BED IS SO BIG FOR THE TWO OF YOU ! BESIDES YOU'RE A COUPLE AREN'T YOU ?'  Then when we were arguing about the nutella she screamed again '  JUST SHARE IT ALREADY ! JUST GET A SPOON ! '  and the time we were arguing of who's gonna use the bathtub she shouted  WHY DON'T YOU JUST TAKE TURNS ?! '  " After I explained I panted like a was running a marathon 

Charlie's eyes widen and said " I think the one who yelled those words was my mom and my sister"

"What ?!" Me and Greyson said in unison

"But that wasn't for both of you" He chuckled 

"Actually the time when you were arguing about your bedroom my sister was practicing for her school play where she played like a mean girl, yelling at her parents. When you're both arguing about the nutella, me and my sister was arguing about the strawberry jam then mom shouted at us to share it. The time you were arguing about the bathtub, me and my sister was arguing about the T.V then mom told us to take turns in watching. So it wasn't for you." He chuckled at the end of his sentence

"oohhh" me and Greyson said again in unison 

 " Sooo.. what now ?" Greyson laugh

"I think I gotto go, mom might get mad at me. Bye Jamie ! Bye Grey !" Charlie waved and went inside their house

"I'm irritated a little bit of his accent" Greyson said

I rolled my eyes and said "No, his accent is catchy"

Then I walk inside the house

"Says who?" Greyson said while also getting inside the house and closed the door behind him

"Says me" I plopped to to the couch

He snickered "I think American accent is much better"

"Our accent is so plain" I spatted 

"He sound like a moose" Greyson spatted back

I just glared at him and growled. I swear back in school where I think I felt butterflies with him, now is totally far from love, it's hatred .


I'm sorry I haven't updated and I'm sorry for this boring chapter!. I just got home from vacation, sorry again !

I'll make it up to you soon! 


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