First Day .2

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Jamie's P.O.V

"So.. what's the address ?" I ask Greyson

"uumm. it says .. Blk 28, Lot 4, sapphire st".  [ Just made that up xD ]  He said glancing at his phone.

I look at the block number of houses ,  Blk 26 ..blk 27.... Blk 28    

"GREYSON! STOP !" I shouted making Greyson hit the break as fast as he could and I bump my head on the window -_-

"Ouch, that wasn't a good idea" I muttered to myself

"What , what  happen ? Why'd you make me stop ?" He ask in panick

"Oh , where here that's what I  meant . hehe" I nervously laugh

"What ?! I thought there's something serious ! You shouted suddenly and really loud, LITERALLY ! " He frustrated said

"sorry" I said guilty

"C'mon , we're late !" Greyson said and we got off the car.

We ran like our live's depend on it.

As arrived we were greeted by a butler

"G'mornin' . Are you one of Mr. Grant's students ?" He ask formally. 

"Y-yes , Sir " I replied. Even though I don't know who is 'Mr. Grant' but for sure he's our teacher

"Come along" As he lead us inside the house.

Yes, house. We are home schooling but not in our own house but at this house with other 3 celeb students .

"We really are late" Greyson whispered to me while following the butler where he is going

"I hope the teacher's not strict" I gulped 

"I hope too" He muttered

We followed the butler in complete silence. The house is really bigger, even big than ours that's why we're still walking to wherever our study place is.

"You two are to early for the class, you must be early risers" The butler smiled at us.

What ?! Early ? Is he joking ?! He doesn't even sound sarcastic... Me and Greyson look at each other with the same looks

"Excuse me, but what time does the class starts ?" Greyson ask politely

"8:20 a.m" The butler replied. 

I look at my watch just to see it's still  8:00. What the smurfs ?! TROY !!!!!!!!!

"Here we are" The butler lead us to a room that looks like a class room 0_0 . But it has only 5 desk and 1 table in front.

As the butler left ,me and Greyson let out a deep sign 

"The butler is neat freak !" Greyson complained

"Yeah and... TROY ! He said it starts in 20 min.! But we got here 20 min. early instead !" I growled

Greyson shrug and said  " It's better than being late , I guess" 

I took a seat on the left side, 2nd to last desk and since there's 5 desks, Greyson took a seat on the last chair at the left side also. It means he's sitting beside me.

After the 5 peaceful minutes another person got inside, taking a seat on the last chair at the right side.

I look at him trying to see who he was and realized he's Collin Mackechnie from the movie.  'The Vampire Dog'   and 'Diary of a Wimpy Kid'

Greyson stood up and went to him    "Hi , I'm Geyson" he held his hand for a shake

"I'm Collin" He introduced and accepted Greyson's hand. He look at me and his eyes widen

"Woah ! Your Jamie Schmidt, right ? Kendall's sister ? " He stood and went to me

"Yeah , nice to meet you" I smiled     "My brother is a fan of   'Diary of a Wimpy Kid'.    " I added

"Yeah, he went to the premier and my little sister started fangirling about him" He rolled his eyes playfully

I laugh " Your sister fangirling about my .. brother ?" I laugh once more "That's weird"

"Naa, Your brothers cool"  He said and look at the door.

I followed his gaze and saw a girl just arrived, she must be the 11 year old girl (the only girl I'm with) . As she look at us I quickly recognize her.. she's Breanna Yde from 'Hunted Hathaway' in Nickelodeon 

"Oh My Gosh ! Jamie Schmidt ! Greyson Chance and Collin Mackechnie ! " She squealed as we laugh of her cuteness

"Hi ! , You must be Breanna Yde " Greyson smiled at the little girl

"Yep !" She replied enthusiastically 

"Nice to meet you " I said.

aww she's cute !

"Oh My ! Your brother is sooo HOT ! I can't wait for Big Time Rush having a special episode with Hunted Hathaway" She day dreamed

"Seriously ? You think my brother's hot ?" I ask.

Kendall eats like a pig how could they think that he's hot ?!

"Yeah " She sign dreamily

"Oh ! I love 'The Vampire Dog' movie !" She exclaimed

"Thanks" Collin chuckled. Breanna took a seat beside Collin leaving an empty chair at the middle

"I don't wanna sit in the middle" She laugh

"I guess all of us don't want also" Greyson replied

We talk for another five minutes and another celeb came in ... NO, he's not just a celeb. He's ... Charlie Rowe !

"Jamie .? Hi ! , Fancy seeing you again"   He said with his british accent ande look at me with his beautiful hazel cookie eyes 

"Hi , Charlie ! Glad to see you too" I replied and gave him a friendly hug 

"Hi , I'm Greyson " Greyson introduced and smiled at him 

"Charlie" Charlie respond and smiled

 As I look back at the Breanna and Collin there mouths are hung open.

They look at Charlie then Greyson, look back at Charlie then again to Greyson.

"I know that sometimes I have read in the internet that Greyson and Charlie looked alike but .. WOAH ! I didn't know you both really look alike ! You look like twins in personal" Collin said amazed

"Charlie Rowe, Greyson Chance .... now..... tell me.... where's Greyson and where is Charlie ?"   Breanna confusingly ask

"Greyson " Greyson raised his hand

"Charlie here " Charlie said as he also raised his hand

"Ok I'm good " She said and took her seat again

Then the door banged open making Breanna stood up in her seat 

Okay ! Class starts !" A jolly man entered the room and smiled

" Hi everyone ! I'm Mr. Grant, your teacher " He smiled and took a look at each one of us

"I have told that I will be teaching Greyson Chance and Charlie Rowe, so who is Charlie Rowe from the both of you ?" He ask confusingly

"I'm Charlie, Sir" Said Charlie politely

"Ohhh.. and you're Greyson?" 

"Yes, Sir " Greyson replied

"I can only identify you in your accents " Mr. Grant said. It's true you can only identify them with their accents cause they both have the same haircut .

"So.. we'll begin...."

Then class started


HEya Guys . So how's this chapter ?

Hope you like this ♥ Thank You readers ♥

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BTW who wants dedication ?


Hater to Lover (Greyson Chance fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя