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I heard shuffling around, the turning of paper. I couldn't open my eyes, or move, I felt paralyzed, clausterphobic, it was terrifying. I'm not really sure what happened, I just remember that terrible sound. The terrible cracking of my body. I don't even want to go back to reality.

"Any change?" It was my dad, but who was he asking?

I heard the shutting of a book, "No, not yet." My body twitched at the sound of her voice. I couldn't find my way out, but I knew I moved

"Cam?" Her voice spoke to me again, closer this time.

Nicole! I screamed in my head, knowing she couldn't hear me. I felt my hand move, unvolutarily.

My dad chiming in, "Come on, kid." Nothing, I didn't move. I felt myself slipping again, back into the darkness. I was sore, and worn out. I could feel everything, I just couldn't react.

I felt a soft hand grabbing mine. I knew it wasn't my father, I knew who it was. I know those hands, only though they've seldomly touched mine. The memory of them, burned into my brain.

I let out a peaceful sigh.

"She's responding." My dad shuffled next to me, holding my hand. Trying to get a reponse from me, but nothing. "It's you, she's responding to you."

I began to slip back into the muffled corners of my brain. Drifing back to sleep, I couldn't hang on any longer, no matter how hard i tried. I wasn't strong enough.


I didn't know the time, or where I was. I assumed the hospital. It was quiet around me. I heard the monitor beeping in time of my heart. I heard the squeaking of shoes walking on tiled floor.

I tried to move, but nothing. I knew I was broken, I could just feel it. The ache of it all. I wanted to scream in pain, but I couldn't i was trapped in here. You would never thing that your own body could be your prison.

I stayed awake for awhile, feeling my hear pump, trying to move my fingers, open my eyes, anything. I just couldn't do it.

I heard the door close, in my room. "Cam?" My pinky moved, say something, anything, please. Help me.

She must have been sitting on my bed, looking over me. "Andy is here."

Andy? My Andy was here?

"We are hoping she can bring you out of this."

She touched my face, smoothing my hair back, I felt a shivver break through my body. I don't know what she was doing, but she still had this affect on me. Even when I couldn't respond.

Andy came in, "Cam, baby, it's me." Nicole quickly moved away from me, making me want to slip back to sleep. The electricity that radiated between us, vanished.

Andy touched my cheek, "I don't know if you can hear me, but I love you, and I miss you. Don't go, not like this." I could hear the sadness in her voice, I wanted to move, to give her something, but nothing. Nothing was there, nothing wanted to come out. I couldn't force myself. I was going away, falling back into my deep sleep.

Even though Andy's lips touched mine briefly, I still fell back into my slumber, not willing to respond to my girlfriend. Not having the will power to do anything.

I knew Nicole had left room, for some reason I just couldn't feel her. She was the only thing keeping me awake. Was that weird? Not really. It's time to face the truth, she does something to me. Something nobody else can do, makes me feel things I have never felt. Even with Andy. I love Andy, but Nicole is something else. Something I couldn't explain,

I fell back into my dreamless sleep, waiting for her to return.

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