Chapter 26- the skye family

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Yesterday was really fun. I think my family really liked daniel. Its about 9 AM and daniel is coming back at 11:30 to pick me up then we are gonna got to his house to meet his WHOLE family.

I took a shower yesterday before we left to come to my grandmas house. We slept over yestaerday because it was really late. And my family comes here today anyway so why not just spend the night. Right?

Me and my cousin are sleeping in the same bed right now cuase there isnt enough room for everyone. I decided to get up and walk to my over night bag and pick what to wear. I brought 2 outfits to wear today because im not sure wich one I want to wear.

My first outfit is the one I bought the day before christmas eve right before the incident. Its a pink and white dress that ended just about the knee and a pair of sandals that I absolutely looove.

My second outfit is a back foral dress that ends just ubove the knee. with a pair of black flats.

I am completely undecided about what to wear so i am gonna wake up Alessia ( my cousin) for her to help me decide.

" ALESSIA WAKE NOW IM BEING KILLED !!!!!!" I scream to her.




I slap her arm " rude"

" C'mon Alessia i need help "

By now she is full awake and is sitting up in bed probably i really was being killed.

" Fine , jackass what do you want "

" Thanks. Okay so i need help to decide what i am wearing today to Daniel's "

" Des you've met his family before. Whats the big deal ? "

" The big deal is that i am meeting his WHOLE family ,first of all. Second of all i am meeting them as his girlfriend not just a friend. I wanna make a good impression. "

" oohhh okay i get your point. What are your options? "

" Okay so I have pink and white dress and a pair of my favourite sandals. Then i have a back foral dress with a pair of black flats. " I say pointing to the outfits layed out on the desk we have in the room.

" Okay let me think. For now u get breakfast then come back up when your done but bring me some too. "

I quickly mumble an okay and leave the room becuase i am starving.

I go downstairs amd head to the kitchen. When i get there my zia Tina is sitting at the table eating spinji. Wich is a tradition that my family does every year on Christmas. They are the best. It's fried dough dipped in suggar. It may sound gross but it is really good. kinda like donuts 

" Hey zia what's up ? "
" Hey sweaty im just relaxing im really tired. "
" Cool " I say making my way over to the fridge to grab a glass of orange juice so i can have it with my spinji.
" Destiny? "
" Ya "
" Daniel, he's a good kid "
" I know "
" Are you meeting his family today ? "
" Ya " i say tryimg to hode my nervousness bit failed myserbly
" it's okay don't be nervous. They will love you. I Promise. "
" Thanks zia. " I say grabing another spinji for alessia and leaving the room.

When i got back to my room I found alessia sitting on my bed spaming my phone with pictures of herself. I take the phone away from her and i sat across from her giving her the spinji and asked the question which answer i am dying to know.
" soooo what am I wearing? "
" this" she gets up and points to an outfit that I personally loved and wanted to wear so much but I wasn't sure.
" perfect thanks Lessia " which is my nick name for her.
" no problem now go change its already 10:30 and Daniel is gonna be here in an hour. "
" okay okay i am going "
I say walking out pf the room and into the bathroom to brush my teeth and get changed.

A few minutes later i stop Brushing my teeth and put
on my outfit. I slip the material over my body and it fits perfectly. I feel beautiful for once in a long time.

I do have alot of issues with my confidence and the way i look and present my body. I am not the skinniest person. And i am done with not being the person i wanna be and not being able to wear or have certain things becuase of it. That is why i am doing  something that no one else knows about yet and i wanna tell Daniel but i can't,not yet. He's gonna ask me questions and i wont know the answer to give the explanation he deserves.

I walk out of the bathroom and i see the biggest smile spread across alessia's mouth.
" you look so beautiful "
" thank you i feel like it too"
By the time I finished applying my makeup. Which wasn't alot just some mascara and i was done it was 11:15 AM so that left me with 15 minutes to just relax and do whatever.

I decided on going on Instagram and checking my feed and probably stock a few people's accounts. You know everyone does that so u can't deny that u dont becuase we've all done it.

By the time im done my stalking for the day. It was 11:27 so I thought i should go downstairs and wait for him to come.

I walked downstairs and saw my whole family in The living room talking i walk in to say hi to every one and they all shout out complements. " you look so cute "
" gorgeous " " oh my i love the outfit" and of course from my zio " uhh that dress maybe a little to short. " then my zia being my zia says " shut up tom " and smacks his head.

The door bell rings and i run to the door to let him in. I opend the door and saw a very hot looking Daniel. He was wearing a pair of blue jeans and a white T-shirt with this cologne that smelt like heaven. I love it.

I said bye to my family, and daniel said a quick hi and  bye to my family and we were off.


I aproched her grandparents doorstep and rung the door bell. She came to the door a few seconds later wearing a nice pink and white laced dress it was beautiful and it looked amazing on her. she looks beautiful. Like always but today she looks even more beautiful then ever maybe because she is out of the hospital and is healthy. I love her so much and i love seeing her happy.

" hey" she say r 
" hey how are you ? "
" im good. Thanks how are you "
" fanflipingtastic. "
" well okay then " she says laughing her cute little laugh.
" you look beautiful by the way "
" thank you. You don't look to bad yourself "
" i do try "
Most of the ride there was ridein with music blasting through the speakers and us singing along. Very poorly i might Add.


We get to his house and i am a complete mess. My hands are shaking. I have butterflies in my stomach and i am afraid i am gonna throw up.
Daniel must've noticed because he pulled me onto his lap and held me close. Not letting go for the life of me. I lean my head against his chest and just stay like that. " are you okay baby ? "
" no, im scared "
" why , am i that ugly? " he says jokingly. I smile at his reaponse. I don't know how but he always finds a way to make me laugh
" no"
" then What are you scared of ?"
" im scared to meet your family"
" babe you've met them before "
" no I've only met your brothers , becca and your parents and I've met them as your friend not girlfriend. I have to owe up to a different standard. "
" baby no you dont okay ? The same you they liked as my freind is the same you they'll like as my girlfriend. And my extended family i just know they'll love. How couldn't they " we stay silent for a while untill i decide to stop being a wuss.
" okay lets go "
" thats ma girl " he says making me laugh. I get off his lap and get back into the passenger seat and get out.

He grabs my hand as we approch his front porch. He twists the door handle and we walk in.

But i had no idea what was up up a head.

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