chapter 29- susan

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1 month later 

Me and Daniel are sitting on the couch in the basement of my house, wathcing love and honor. An  amazing movie about romance, cheating and HOT army guys. Channing tatum is is it. 

We are down to  the part where channing tatum's character is going back to finish his tour and joiner stays and goes to canada with a dodger.  Daniel is on hs phone not paying attention to anything that's happening in the movie. The movie finishes and he is still in la la land.

Becuase of the position that im in , witch us on top of his lap ,

 i say " What does this button do ?" and i press the off button at the top of his phone 

" It turns it off " he reasponds , smartass 

" Really, cool thanks for telling me " 

" Any time babe " 

I get off from his lap and befor i have the chance to start cleaning up the popcorn that he was throwing at me during the movie he puts his legs out 'traping ' me between his calfs 

" Where are you going?" 

"  Unlike you im cleaning up " 

" Why can't you do it later "

" Becuase this mess is killing me . I am steping on popcorn pieces that you stupidly threw at me. "

" Too bad you're not going anywhere hahaha" 

" Yes i can i also have legs and can just step over yours" 

tt this point he grabs my arms and pulls me onto him once again. This time not only does he trap me on his lap and prevent me from cleaning up he flipps me over so that i am lying down back aganst the spots where peoples buts were. Noo but the graet and ' powerfull' Daniel doesn't stop there , The kid decides to jump on top of me to that he is somewhat sitting on my lower stomach.

" May i help you ? " i say trying to hold back a laugh

" Yes you can accually "  he says inching closer to my face as he's trying to lie ( im sorry i don't know how to this kind on lie ) down on top of  me 

" Oh yeah and what do you need help with "

" this.." he says as he instantly connects our lips to together.Now he is accualyy on top of me but nowing that he is kinda heavy he keeps himself up by having his hand beside my head.we continue to make out for a while until we decided to stop  concidering my mom or my brothers can come down at any moment and catch us.

After aout 5 minutes of cleaning up i am finally done and i sit dwn on the sofa waiting for Daniel to come back from the bathroom.

He walks in 

" So i have a question for you " he says as he sits down next to me.

"Okay , shoot "

" You know how at christmas" he puases, iI am already not looking foward to this conversation .  "When you came over to meet my whole family and susan came over? " I nod " what happend ?"

" What do you mean what happend ?"

"Like why does susan hate you ?"

" Why do you wanna know ?"

" Becuase you ran out of my house crying, she was furiuos when she found out i was dating you and she won't let it go , she's trying to tell me shit that doesn't sound like something you would ever do and i just need to know the truth"

" I'm sorry babe I can't tell you, but just know that everything she said isn't true she never knew what happend for real she knows the fake story that her her son told her. And now she hates me."

" Why can't you you tell me ? . Do you not trust me ?"

" NO NO that's not it at all , I do trust you it's jus......"

" Why is it such a big secret? just tell me I'm not going to tell anyone "

" Why is  any of your buissness it has nothing to do with you "

" I'M YOUR BOYFREIND !!!!!THAT'S WHY IT'S MY BUISSNESS, IT EFFECTS ME " he yells for the first time. it accually kinda scared me. I've never heard him yell like that befor.

" HOW DOES THIS EFFECT YOU ? IT WAS IN THE PAST. I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG SHE IS TELLING YOU SHIT ABOUT ME SO THAT WE BREAK, HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW THAT. AND I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT YOU ACCUALLY BELIEVED ANY OF IT " I yell. At this point i turn  my back to him trying not to show my tears that I know are spilling out of my eyes.


" And I'm your girlfreind, you should trust me and not believe everything you hear . people tell lies all the time to tear relashonships up don't let us be a victim"

" No one is tearing us up but you "

i turn around " get out " he gives me the 'i'm sorry please don't throw me out' look " I don't want you here"

" fine bye " and with that he is out the door. as soon as that door slams shut, i can't help but just letting all my tears fall and fall until i eventually doze off to sleep.

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