chapter 30 - #inturuptedgirltime

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I woke up this morning in the basement with a pounding headache. wait why did i sleep in the basement? i went to the cabnet upsatirs and got an advil for my head suddenly remebering last night events.

i am honestly so upset at Daniel right now he just doesn't understand that there is somethings that i don't want to talk about. things that are non of his buissness. And i don't see why it's so imporatant what happened was in the past , i let it go and Susan should've too. Now becuase she has a pickle up her ass from what happend 3 years ago she wants to take it out on me and ruin my relashonship.

you know what ? screw i am done withdrama for the day. so i decided i am going to text Kathy and Marrissa and see if they wanna sleeep over. i checked with my mom to make sure it was okay and texted them in our group chat

scorpions bite you ass

ME- hey girls having a bad day and i have some information to share. do you guys wanna sleepover?

Angie boo - aww girl wat wrong, you good , who do i need to hurt and ya sure ill be over in an hour gtg c u in 60 minutes and 30 seconds.

ME - lmaoo okay see you then

Mariiissssssaaaaaaa - hey what angie said ill be there in 59 miutes and 52 seconds

ME- lol okay see you guys then

i then get the blow up matress from the basement and blow it up. becuase my room is too small we sleep in the basement when we have sleep overs . The mattress is big enough for 3 people so we wil all be sleeping there. I then get the sheeets and put them on , along with the pillow's and stuff .

I hear a ding come from my phone and went to go check who it was that was texting me.

D<3- hey listen im sorry for storming off yesterday can we just talk ?

Me- Nope not today busy

D<3 - not even 10 miutes

ME- nope can't talk byee

D<3 - okay im sorry. <3<3

i hear the door bell ring and run to go get it Angie is the first to arrive but Marrissa came up the steps just after Angie, i haden't even closed the door yet.

"HEYYYYYY OKAY so what happend i need the details here girl." Angie says with a rich white girl accent.


After what happend last night with Destiny i really felt bad but i don't t know if i was in the wrong or if she was.

i tried texting her said she said she was busy and that she can't talk.

At this point i called justin and nick and told them to come over i need some advice and i really want this whole fight to be done with.

20 minutes later they both showed up at my front door

" what did you do now ? " nick says as soon as i open the door

" i'm good thanks how are you ? "i say

" we're good now what did you do ? " justin said

" why do you guys just assume that i did something ?"

" Becuase it's always you that does something "

" fine, i just need some advice i don't know if i was wrong or if she was wrong" i the explained to them what happend last night when i fimished they started hitting me with the pillows on the couch


" WHY what did i do ."

" if she wasn't okay with telling you just let it go she'll tell you when she's ready."nick says and justin continues
" i get why you wanted to know so bad , you wanted to be there for her but just becuase you guys are dating doesn't mean she has to tell you everything that's happining in her life. If something is wrong or you see her acting different then bring it up but other then that just leave it, she'll tell you when she's ready."

" So you think i should go talk to her ?"

" yes but go get her some flowers or something gilrs like that kind of stuff "

" alright let's go " we race to the car and head to the store


" WOW i can't beilieve him , he should've just let it go and not be such a ass about it "

" i know , did he atleast say sorry or try texting you or something?"

" ya he texted me this morning saying sorry but i just said i was busy and that i could'nt talk right now"

" maybe you should talk to him and let him apologize , i mean you should'nt let this break you guys up "

" ya Marrissa is right he was probably just trying to make sure you you're okay, and make sure you knew that he was gonna be there for you ."

" ohh well i guess you guys are right should i text him ?"

" yes but let's have lunch first i'm starving"

" okay what do you guys want ?"

" people food " angie say's no shit you want food retard

" wow, you want human food i was gonna get cat food "

" is it blue menu becuase that has real shit in it ?"

" no it's pure cat food "

" ya i'll take human food "

" okay "

i make us all grill cheese sandwithces and head off into the living room to watch a movie.half way through the movie the door bell rings.

i get up off of the couch and answered the door. i am suprised at who i see.

" hi " i say

" hi - can i talk to for a minute" Daniel says

"sure " i close the door and step out onto my patio.

" listen Des i am so sorry for what i said last night i don't know why i did any of it . i was just worried. i didn't want you to get hurt and i want you to know that i'll always be here for you. "

He is so sweet , i want to kiss him and be in his arms forever. i then embrace him in a hug , he hugs me back even tighter. " im sorry baby " he says in my hair .

" i'm sorry too "

becuase of the height difference ( me being 5'2 and him 5'10 ) he bends down and conects our lips.

" oh wait i forgot , i brought something for you " he then pull out this beautifull bouquet of flowers it was purple and white roses , it was gorgeuos.

" aww , they are beautifull thank you " i lean in for quick kiss and hug him .

" you're welcome "

" Look the girls are inside so i kinda have to go"

" the guys are in the car , would you mind if we come join your girly time?"

" ill ask them but it's fine with me " i eneter my house asking them if it's okay that the guys join us . They all said it was okay so i let the boys in.

The rest of the time we laughed and wathced movie's but it was okay my freinds are the best . They are the weirdest people i know but i love them.

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