Chapter 4

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"We need to leave!" He pulls me up and protects me with his body as we head to the bedroom. I feel adrenaline in my veins as I run as fast as I can but then a sharp pain hits my shoulder, making me trip. He is too fast to react.

"Grab my hand!" He extends his arm and offers it to me, his eyes asking me to trust him. I reach out and grab his hand without any hesitation. Jamie's other arm slides underneath my thighs and he lifts me up. As he does this, my arms wrap around his neck, and I bury my face in his muscular chest. Just before we make it around the corner, he stumbles and grunts in pain.

"Jamie! Are you okay?" He doesn't respond but his mouth is set in a firm line. We make it to the bedroom closet where he slams the door shut and sets me down on my feet.

"I have to go back out."

"But you could get hurt!"

"Nope, I've been through much worse than this." I sense hesitation in his voice even though he sounds confident.

"They won't see you in here. If you leave, you'll be at a big disadvantage."

As he shifts his body weight, his arm grazes my breast accidentally, causing my heart to skip a beat. Noticing this, he immediately tries to step away. "Sorry, this close is too small for both of us."

I giggle. "That's only because your muscles take up too much space." He remained silent but she noticed the corner of his mouth turn up and reach for the knob. Do I mind sharing this small spot with him? Should I tell him to stay?

"Please don't go. I'm..." Gunfire suddenly echoes and bullets smash the walls in front and behind me. I cover my ears and let out a scream. His large, muscular hand covers my mouth to muffle the sound.


I shake my head. "Sorry."

He smiled. "It's okay. I'll keep you safe."

He cupped my cheek in his hand. He was remarkably very close to me. "I promise Charlotte, I won't let anything happen to you."

Wow, this is the first time I've heard him say my name! I have to admit, I like the way he says it. His expression turns serious and steps away. "You, okay?"


"You don't look it." 

"I'm just shaken up. I could still be in danger."

"Listen. Do you hear that?"


"Me neither."

"What?" "They're gone. But I need to make sure it's safe. Stay here." He opens the door and leaves.

Holy shit, someone was trying to kill me! But he saved me. Maybe it's not so bad having him around.

Adam probably wouldn't care if he was here. How can it be possible that he and Jamie are two completely different men? Adam is so selfish compared to Jamie who reminds me of a superhero in an action movie. He did everything he could to protect me. Being married to that asshole has made me forget there are some nice guys out there. Men like Jamie.

"What was that?"

"N-nothing!" shit, I didn't even notice him.

"We're safe."

As we go back out into the bedroom, I ask "Are they gone?"

"Yes. They escaped." He looks at me and stops. "Is that blood?"

"Yes, but I'm fine. Really, I am."

"Where's a first-aid kit?"

 "In the bathroom." He nods and leaves. He soon comes back with the kit.

"I'm okay Jamie, really."

"Shh..." He takes out a gauze and some disinfectant spray and carefully starts to clean the wound. I suddenly think of something as I watch him.

"I could've died. Someone really is trying to kill me and for what? For being that asshole's wife?"

He looked at me in shock but says nothing.

"Yes, you heard me, he's an asshole."

"Listen. I was hired to protect you, that's what I'm going to do."

"You can't be with me always. What happens when you go home?"

Stepping closer, he says, "I'm protecting you so I'm not leaving your side. Ever." He seemed very concerned, sending adrenaline down my veins.


"Until he says otherwise."

Someone bursts in the room and Jamie points his gun up, only to see Adam. "Whoa! Take it easy!"

"Sorry sir. We took on some home invaders."

Adam nods. "I heard from our neighbors there were gunshots. What happened?"

"Like I said sir, someone got into the house."

"Jesus." Adam runs his hand through his hair. "Glad I got here as soon as I could."

Like you really give a shit. I thought silently.

"Did they break or steal anything?"

Jamie glares at him. "Fuck your possessions. Your wife is the most important."


"Adam, he saved me!" He looked at me in a way that he usually does before he hits me.

"Shut up, I wasn't talking to you."

"He was doing his job, you fucker."

He raised his hand and slapped me.

"ADAM!" Filled with pure anger, I stormed out of the bedroom and went downstairs.


I looked Adam square in the eyes and scowled. "What the hell is wrong with you? You NEVER lay your hands on a woman."

He laughed.

"Do you think this is funny?"

Adam shrugged. "I do what I want. CHARLOTTE GET UP HERE!"

I could tell Charlotte was reluctant outside the bedroom but listened. "I'm sending you away."


"You're going with Jamie."

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