Chapter 41

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"That was so... amazing."

 "It really was. You sure are something, Charlotte." He lightly kisses me and wraps his arms around me. 

 "We really need a shower, don't we?" 

 "After you, gorgeous." 

We head upstairs and go into the large bathroom, lock the door and feel the hot water run down our skin and I feel how hard he is. "Again?"

 He laughed. "Yeah, but I'll wait til later, I.." He stops as I lean over the railing, allowing him to enter me again. "You sure?" 

 "Yes, I'm positive."

 "You'll be sore." He whispers. 

 "I don't care, I need you."

 After another session, we finish up the shower and he smacks my ass as I grab a towel. "Hey!" He smirks and goes to the bedroom. 

That man is simply amazing. Once we both got dressed, he walked out of the bathroom, looking fine as hell. "Wow. You look beautiful in that dress." 

 I couldn't help but blush. "You're not so bad yourself."

 "I'm worried about Hannah," he said as he was changing.


 "I just can't tell if I can trust her." 

 "Wait, you don't trust her?"

 "I don't know who to trust, besides you. But babe, can you tell me you 100% trust her?" 

 "I don't even know. I sometimes have doubts, but it's simply because I can't trust people easily."  

He sighs. "I feel like I'm three steps behind the person who's in charge of this, and I don't like it. Telling your family already feels too risky. What if we made a mistake by including her?"

 "I appreciate your concern but Charlotte and I have known each other for years." Jamie and I turn around to find her standing in the doorway. "I love her with everything in me. She's the only family I have. There wouldn't be anything to gain from her death except grief and pain."

 "What about her husband?" 

 She makes a disgusted face. "That asshole?" 

 "You could be jealous of Charlotte."

"Jealous that she's married to a cheating prick?" 

 "She told me how you pushed her to divorce him. Maybe you want her out of the way so you can steal him." 

 Hannah scowled. "If you think that's the kind of friend that I am, go find a new one." 

Jamie glares at her and she scowls directly at him. An awkward silence settles as I break the silence. "Hannah, I know you'd never do that. You're just trying to look out for me so Jamie, please don't blame her for this situation with Adam. She's worried for me." 

 "I'm sorry." Jamie said, sighing. "I shouldn't have accused you." "I appreciate the apology but you have nothing to fear from me. I would never push her to do anything to put her life at stake." 

"I believe you." 

 "You do?" I ask him in shock. He turns to me but doesn't meet my gaze. 

"I'm going to check out the rest of the house. I'll be back soon if you need me." 

 As he walks past me and out the door, Hannah comes to stand next to me. "He really cares about you, Char. I'm glad you guys found each other." 

 "What? I thought you didn't like him."

 "Call me nuts, but I can see how happy you are whenever you're with him. There's a sparkle in your eyes that I haven't seen in a long time. I've missed seeing you happy rather than miserable with that selfish, arrogant, cheating prick." 

 She's right. Adam has treated me like shit for years, and never appreciated me. Warren is the complete opposite. He started off very professional but once I got him to crack a little, his true colors came out. He's made me the happiest I've been in a long ass time. Before I can say anything, she wraps her arms around me. "I booked a flight home for tomorrow morning. I want to stay longer, but if i miss any more work, my boss will fire my ass." 

 "I wish you didn't have to either but we both know how badly you need this job Han." 

 She puts a hand to her heart as if she's offended. "Are you calling me poor?"

 "No! But what would I do without all of your interesting stories?"

 "True." Hannah said as she smiled. "Which reminds me, remember Mrs. Larson?" 

 "The hypochondriac?" We spent the afternoon laughing and catching up. A few hours later, my dad finally comes home. Hannah, Jamie, my mother and I all sit in the living room when he bursts in. "You'll never believe what I found out!" 

 "What is it?" I ask wondrously. 

 "My buddies down at the station know one of the men who work in Adam's office, and they got in contact with him. Apparently, the threatening letter continued to come to his office for two days after Charlotte's disappearance which I assume is when you hid with Jamie?" 

 "Yes. So what your saying is that Adam didn't do it?"

 "It definitely looks that way. However, he's a clever bastard. It's possible he's gone this far to plan things out."

 "But that would mean he sent the letters to himself and continued to mail them to cover his tracks. Doesn't that make him an unlikely culprit?" 

 "Not necessarily." 

 "Guys, I still don't trust him." Hannah said, with concern. "Something about this still doesn't feel right. Like why did he keep Charlotte in the dark during this?" 

 "She has a point. Although it's unlike Adam to not keep me updated." 

 Jamie looks over at the papers my father put on the table. "These are the threats?" 

 "Yes, we got them faxed over from the guy at Adam's office. His secretary has been keeping them in her desk since this all happened." 

 "The secretary he's banging?" 

 "Excuse me?" Her father asked, in shock. 

 "Tina or whatever the hell her name is has been sleeping with my husband. I've walked in on them many times." 

 "Charlotte, you let him keep her as a secretary?!" My father asked. 

 "Richard...calm down." 

 "Helen, this isn't right." 

 Jamie hands the sheet of paper back to my father. "This was pretty interesting. It turns out none of the other senators have been getting threats like this. Whoever's behind this must really have it in for Adam." 

 "Or me."

 "Adam told me it's normal for senators to receive these."

 "He's a smug bastard, Jamie. But why in the hell would he lie?"

 "He was trying to convince me to agree to a bodyguard." 

I glance at Jamie. "I wasn't really into the idea at first." 

"This information makes things more dangerous for you. Your father is right, Charlotte. They're specifically targeting Adam, and we have no way of knowing when this will end." 

 "Well, Adam does have a lot of enemies." Jamie turns to my father, his expression serious. "I promise you, sir, no matter what happens, I'm going to protect your daughter. I swear on my life." 

 My father rubs his chin. "And why is that?" 

 Jamie blinks several times. "I don't understand the question." 

 "Is it because it's your job or because you're in love with my daughter?"

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