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"It's coming..." Diaolan rolled up Bai Jing and wanted to go back to the bedroom.
    At the door of the unit, a crack suddenly appeared, and a black monster with quite long limbs quickly jumped out of it. Bai Xuan and the others who ran to the door just bumped into each other, their faces turned pale with fright, and they just wanted to turn around and run back to the corridor.
    He felt a pain in his chest. He looked down and saw a black claw inserted into his chest, grabbing the heart and pulling it out.
    ◎Latest comment:
    [After taking leave, I will make up the previous one anyway, stop updating from time to time]
    [Come on, come on]
    [<img src="?var=20140327">Continue to update greatly, take out your inventory, don’t look outside, clap your hands and praise, this article should only exist in the sky, it’s rare to see it in the world, non-landmines are not enough to explode our admiration .]
    [Have you brought back the Goldfinger heroine who was snatched by the original heroine as mentioned in the copywriting?]
    [Big, hurry up, donkeys in the production team dare not rest like this]
    [<img src="?var=20140327">吃~~~~~bang! A landmine hit the author's backstage!]
    [Since drinking the nutrient solution, I don't want to do anything other than update.]
    [I collected seven serials a while ago... Only this one has been updated... The others are either broken for a few days or the author is missing...]
    [I hope the plot will involve some past life or world] [
    It’s so beautiful]
    [The idea is very similar to "I’m going to be the mother of monsters in the future"]
    [Great The main thing is to rest, to develop sustainably]
    【<img src="?var=20140327">Cooking wine and talking about heroes, overlords are born in my generation. A landmine represents my eternal and eternal true love!] [The
    beginning is so aggrieved!]
    End of
    Chapter 2
    ◎ Rescue ◎
    The remaining two The boy was terrified, and ran out in a hurry, but after running a few steps, he felt a pain in his neck and lost consciousness.
    Bai Jing in the house didn't know what happened downstairs, but the feedback from Diaolan made her feel flustered. Take a look Dong Hong and the others shrank, Bai Jing ran to the window, looked down, and saw the black monster laying on the ground and feasting.
    Bai Jing resisted the desire to vomit, and various thoughts raced through his mind. What should I do? If it runs upstairs after eating, the gate of my house may not be able to stop it. As for the mutated Chlorophytum, Bai Jing touched the branches wrapped around her body, and she could vaguely feel the love of Chlorophytum for that monster. Disgust and fear.
    "I can't beat...upgrade..."
    Chlorophytum shook the leaves, conveying this message to her mind.
    Chen Feiran moved to the window, his face paled when he saw the monster, " This is the monster we met when we came back! If it weren't for a few people running behind, we might not be able to come back! "
    He listened to the radio yesterday and learned that after a temporary base was established in a military region 100 kilometers away, he planned to sneak away with Jiang Yuan. He awakened the power of power, but he didn't tell anyone except Jiang Yuan. Because everyone else In his opinion, it is all a drag.
    Although Bai Jing kindly took them in for ten days, the end of the world is coming, so how can we survive if we are not cruel.
    Early this morning, he took Jiang Yuan to the opposite side of the community under the pretext of going out to find food. I wanted to get more supplies before leaving, but I didn’t expect that shortly after the search, a crack appeared in the supermarket, and a black long-tailed monster jumped out of it, killing three people in the blink of an eye. If he hadn’t left He and Jiang Yuan couldn't get out because they were far away and had power abilities.
    However, as soon as they ran out of a street, they met the four of Bai Xuan. Knowing that Bai Jing hadn't awakened his abilities, Bai Xuan forced him to lead the way back to the community. He is a power user, so he can't beat the four natural ability users.
    I thought Bai Jing was going to die today, but I didn't expect Bai Jing to be able to control that mutated Chlorophytum in a twist of fate!
    Chen Feiran has made up his mind to follow Bai Jing closely, only by following her, can he have a greater hope of surviving to the temporary shelter.
    "Bai Jing, what should we do?" Fade Chen asked tremblingly.
    Bai Jing glanced at Chen Feiran lightly, he didn't say anything just now, but now he knows how to open his mouth. If it wasn't for the wrong timing, she would have told these people to leave.
    Jiang Yuan forced a smile and walked over, "Bai Jing, we just had no choice. The four of them have supernatural powers, and we can't beat them at all." "Yes, it's not that we don't want to
    save you." Wang Qiming smiled flatteringly. And Dong Hong beside him didn't say a word even though his face was ashen, he lowered his head, obviously knowing who is the boss now.
    Bai Jing sneered, "I have no ability to protect your lives. If monsters come up, please ask for blessings."
    After she finished speaking, she walked to the door of the bedroom, surrounded by spider plant vines, like a protector.
    The others froze and looked at each other with a ruthless look in their eyes. They have already decided that even if the five of them go up together, they will push Bai Jing to the front.
    "No, that monster has entered the unit door!" Chen Feiran lowered his voice and growled.
    Bai Jing's face was ugly, she remembered that there was that boy who was dragged to the ground by the branches of Chlorophytum in the apartment building!
    Sure enough, a scream came from downstairs.
    Chen Feiran's face was gloomy, and he rushed towards Bai Jing, and the others followed closely after seeing this. Only with Bai Jing at the forefront, could they survive!
    Bai Jing's expression was cold, and the vines all over his body flew out like long whips, instantly binding the five people in place. Chen Feiran's face was ashen, and he tried his best to break free from the branches, but the mutated Chlorophytum could not deal with the monsters, and it was no problem to deal with him, a newly awakened power user.
    Before Chen Feiran and the others had time to beg for mercy, they heard the sound of the monster hitting the door. They were frightened instantly, and Xu Yan couldn't help screaming.
    Bai Jing's nerves were tense, she was ready to let Diaolan take her out of the window.
    However, in the next second, there was the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground outside the door.
    "Is anyone in the room?" A lazy voice sounded.
    "There is someone, there is someone!" Xu Yan cried bitterly.
    Bai Jing asked the mutated Chlorophytum to put away its branches and tendrils, with a slightly wary expression on his face. Those who can get rid of the monster so quickly may not be able to resist at all.
    Xu Yan couldn't think that much at all, staggered to the door, opened the door with a face full of horror, "Help me, she's going to kill us!"
    Her finger pointed at Bai Jing impressively.
    Standing at the door were three tall, tough-looking soldiers in camouflage uniforms. The leader has handsome eyebrows and a high nose bridge. His eyes are a little careless, but his aura is so fierce that people dare not underestimate him.
    He followed Xu Yan's fingers, looked at Bai Jing, saw the green vines around Bai Jing, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, "I didn't expect to meet a wood-type supernatural being, it's not a waste of time Ah."
    "I'm just defending myself." Bai Jing was slightly relieved when he saw their camouflage uniforms.
    Appears to be rescuers.
    "She just wants to kill us!" Xu Yan yelled as she collapsed on the ground.
    Han Xiao frowned, bent down, and stared at Xu Yan, "But you are still alive?" "
    She wants to use us to delay that monster." Chen Feiran stepped forward to explain with a pale face.
    They have already offended Bai Jing, so they can't let her make a good impression in front of these soldiers. If they can use this to punish her, or even leave her behind, it would be great. There are five of them, and they have an advantage in numbers, so they are not afraid that these soldiers will not believe them.
    "That's right, if Brother Bing and you guys hadn't come in time, we might really have been killed by monsters." Jiang Yuan had a sad face, which was even more pitiful against her delicate face.
    "You should arrest her!" When Dong Hong saw the soldier, his confidence instantly became stronger. His father has some relationship with the commander of the Ninth Battalion. "Oh,
    so," Han Xiao smiled meaningfully, and his eyes swept over Everyone in the house said, "Then why didn't she throw you out? Isn't it better to delay by throwing you outside the door?" "
    They wanted to push me to the front, so I tied them up." Bai Jing didn't change his face. . She could see that the man in front of her didn't believe what those idiots said.
    "Team Han, General Yi Zhong asked us to go back quickly."
    Han Xiao glanced at Bai Jing, clicked his tongue, and waved his hand indifferently, "I'm not interested in breaking the lawsuit for you, and follow if you can. We won't come again Twice."
    After finishing speaking, he looked aside and asked slowly, "Have you taken out the black stone?"
    Feng Rong nodded, "It has been put in the disposal box."
    "Then let's go."
    Han Xiao nodded . Going down without looking back, "I'll give you ten minutes to pack your things, don't wait when it's over."
    ◎Latest comments:
    with this character creation]
    [Ah, no, Brother Bing has such a lazy attitude? It's too bad to like it]
    [Ah, no, Brother Bing has such a lazy attitude? I'm too disappointed】    Chapter 3
    ◎     Departure◎

    Hearing Han Xiao's words, Dong Hong quickly grabbed the remaining bucket of instant noodles, but under Bai Jing's instructions, the mutated Chlorophytum was even faster. Seeing Chen Feiran and the others who still wanted to search for things from their own house, Bai Jing unceremoniously asked Mutant Chlorophytum to tie up the five of them, threw them out the door, and then quickly closed the door.
    "Bai Jing, open the door for me!" Dong Hong blushed and knocked hard on the door.
    Chen Feiran hesitated for a moment, his face turned hard, and he directly led Jiang Yuan down. Bai Jing is now a wood-type supernatural being, and his strength is far superior to his own. If she really provokes her into a ruthless hand, I am afraid it will be difficult to reach the base safely.
    And there is no food in the house, so there is no need to really tear your face.
    Seeing Chen Feiran and Jiang Yuan going down, Xu Yan was a little frightened, she quietly pulled Dong Hong back, "Why don't we go too."
    When we arrived at the base, the soldiers would never just watch ordinary people like them starve. die.
    Dong Hong gritted his teeth. He has been admired by all the stars since he was a child, and he has never been subjected to such anger. But thinking of Bai Jing's awakened ability, he kicked the door hard and walked down angrily. When he finds his father, he must make Bai Jing cry and beg him on his knees!
    Bai Jing couldn't be bothered to answer the screams outside the door, anyway, there were a few soldiers guarding downstairs, so it was impossible for him to run up to mutate animals or monsters.
    Thinking of the monster who was shot to death outside the door, Bai Jing heaved a sigh of relief. It seems that the country had indeed anticipated this situation.
    The novel mainly describes the touching love between the heroine and the heroine, and does not pay much attention to the general environment. But she also knew that a few years ago, there were animal and plant mutations and crack monsters in dense places such as the Amazon jungle. Countries around the world have sent elite forces to study and deal with this, and the military has even begun to train special teams to deal with such things. Therefore, at the beginning of the disaster, the government can still effectively control various places.
    But one month later, the moon suddenly turned red, and the mutated animals and plants that were not too aggressive began to riot violently. The frequency of space cracks increased sharply, and the monsters that jumped out became stronger and stronger. The strength of the originally dominant army began to gradually weaken.
    "Hungry... eat..."
    The mutated Chlorophytum wrapped around her body, making a weak sound.
    Bai Jing frowned slightly, trying to communicate with the mutated Chlorophytum in his mind, "What do you want to eat?"
    It must not be his own blood.

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