Thursday (2)

649 17 2

The (2) means (Week 2). TW: Suicide, bullying, blood, abuse, etc. 

'I want cereal please,' Lizzie requested as she took a box of cereal from Alfred, 'Thanks,' she replied with a smile before putting the cereal in, then pouring the milk. 

The three girls and Damian ate cereal for breakfast before leaving for school. 


The whole group of friends arrived at their class and sat down at their spots. The teacher came in not long after. 

'Class, I have exciting news. The principal just informed me that this month's Sports Day is next Friday,' the teacher announced. 

'What is that?' Lizzie asked Marcus as the rest of the class started cheering and conversations stirred up in the classroom. 

'Sports Day is a special day that happens once every month where a whole year of students can go to the sports stadium,' Jon started explaining. 

'We'll play sports for the whole day and the sports aren't the usual, we have stuff like dodgeball and archery in the mix, the most popular one is, of course, dodgeball and there will be a best athlete tournament between the students, whoever is the best at the various activities win,' Marcus explained the rest. 

'Well that sounds exhausting,' Lizzie slumped down in her chair. 

'It's actually really fun, since we don't need to study,' Marcus replied. 

'Sign me up!' Lizzie replied with 20 times the energy she had before. 

'So, it happens next Friday?' Marinette asked. 

'Yes,' Damian replied.


'So, Lizzie, I just got news that the song will be coming out on Saturday,' Marcus told Lizzie as they took their food. 

'That's great, I might get some popularity and get more job opportunities,' Lizzie replied. 

'You sounded like those types of teachers that say that you shouldn't laugh at your friend when they fall down even though it's hilarious,' Marcus said, a bit freaked out. 

'I know, right? Honestly, I'm just happy for the chance your mom and dad gave me,' Lizzie replied as she exited the queue and went to the groups usual spot in the cafeteria. 

'What about me?' Marcus asked. 

'Oh right, sorry, it's easy to forget about useless things and people in this case,' Lizzie answered with a smirk. 

'That is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me, thank you,' Marcus said with a fake pleading look. 

'Is this always how it is in drama class?' Marinette asked because she gave up on stopping Lizzie from being so rude. 

'Sometimes, when we aren't practicing for something, then we are overly dramatic, but when we are doing an exercise or something like that, we are serious,' Lizzie answered with a smirk.

'That sounds very fun,' Chloe piped in as she ate her food. 

'It is, we get to do a lot of stuff, this week is focused on acting, next would be dancing and the week after that would be singing. Most of the time it's split between semesters, but because of Lizzie, we changed the course,' Marcus exclaimed, chowing down a mouthful of mash potatoes. 

'Interesting, I heard that at the end of the month, just before we this exchange program ends, we will have an event where every extra course will show what it's learnt. So, that means we might do a play or something and be able to wear your clothes,' Lizzie directed the last sentence at Marinette, 'I also heard that you have the best outfits in your extra course.' 

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