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"It's been over a week and she has yet to leave her room. It's time she comes out." I heard Zuko say.

"You must leave her be Prince Zuko." Iroh said. I turned away from the door and pulled my blanket over my head.

"If she's not out by dinner, I'll drag her out myself." I sighed hearing their footsteps disappear. I sat up and looked around my room.

Moments later I walked out onto the deck, where Iroh, with Zuko looking through a spyglass behind him. As the flight of birds passes over Iroh's head in the distance, he sniffs the air and Zuko lowers the spyglass to turn to his uncle, who speaks.

"There is a storm coming. A big one."

"You're out of your mind, Uncle. The weather's perfect. There's not a cloud in sight."

"A storm is approaching from the north. I suggest we alter our course and head southwest." I said joining the two. Zuko looked at me as Iroh nodded slightly.

"We know the Avatar is traveling northward, so we will do the same."

"The Avatar is able to fly above the storm, we aren't as lucky and should either dock until the storm passes or take a separate route." I said.

"Prince Zuko, consider the safety of the crew. The safety of your Princess." I frowned and looked away.

"The safety of the crew doesn't matter! Princess Hai will most likely lock herself in her room and be safe." I again frowned and made eye contact with Lieutenant Jee as he walks onto deck, inadvertently overhearing the conversation.

"Lieutenant Jee." I said with a bow. As Zuko realizes Jee is behind him and turns to face him, his expression briefly loses its raging intensity. Jee raising an eyebrow as Zuko walks over to him; as Zuko, addressing Jee directly, struts up to him, dominantly looking him right in the eyes from a close distance as he finishes speaking.

"Finding the Avatar is far more important than any individual's safety." As Zuko walks away, Jee glares after him.

"He doesn't mean that. He's just all worked up." Iroh said.

"I think we should dock. If you would find out the nearest dock let me know before making any changes." I said before walking away. I grabbed Zuko's shoulder as I walked past him.


"Shut up. Putting the crews safety below finding the avatar? Really? You may not care much for me or your uncle but what if something happens and we are out of crew and stranded?"

"Everyone will be fine." His arm moved around my waist and he pulled me close. "If you're scared say that, I promise I'll protect you, Princess." I pushed him away and glared.

"You couldn't protect a fly, what makes you think you could protect me?" I walked past him and headed towards the dining area, where I planned to devour every plate of food I could.

*time skip*

I approached the deck, where Lieutenant Jee and several other soldiers stand a short distance from the shot, staring at the clouds. Zuko joins us, regarding the clouds as Jee and the others turn to face him. Iroh walks between Zuko and Jee as the latter taunts the former.

"Looks like your uncle and the Princess was right about the storm after all."

"Lucky guess." Iroh said. I frowned and approached the group.

"Lieutenant! You'd better learn some respect," Zuko jabs two fingers into Jee's chest. I immediately put myself between the two facing Zuko with a stern look. "- or I will teach it to you." He turns and vegans to walk away from Jee, who follows Zuko with his eyes, continuing his taunting after a short pause.

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